Several players who follow Li Yao have to bullshitting, your uncle, you all know that it is a trap and you have to step on it. This is something more talented.

It’s just that they don’t have a say, knowing that it’s useless to say, they can only plan for the worst.

It’s just that they don’t know, Li Yao can’t do anything about it. This is a twin door. It requires two people who are proficient in engineering to unlock it at the same time. Unless he gives up the information on this door, otherwise, it’s a risk. It must be taken.

“If I am sacrificed for a while, it means that your mission has failed. You just leave.” Li Yao turned his head and said to the five players who were protecting themselves.

The male goblin also turned around and said: “If I am sacrificed, you will protect Iliber directly, not counting your mission failure, but this probability is very small.”

Players They all look at each other in blank dismay, what this kind of task does is to be aggrieved, if they fail because of their lack of strength, they will admit it.

But it’s nothing, the development of things is completely out of their control, but they can’t do anything about this kind of cheating task. They have already boarded the thief ship, and now it is impossible to get off the ship.

I can only hope that the NPC he protects can’t be too bad. This feeling is very bad, very bad.

The players who protect Li Yao have the same mindset, but they don’t know that they are also protecting a player, otherwise they might vomit blood and die.

“You are self-confident, but don’t overspeak everything.” Li Yao said, with a few weird syllables in his mouth. Following his words, an illusory little shining star The stand appeared in front of Li Yao.

“You really have two chances, but I will not lose. You have started now. I am not afraid to tell you that although I am low in rank, my engineering attainments are Grandmaster. You are determined to lose. “The male goblin let out a sharp laugh, and a platform with the same starlight as Li Yao appeared beside him.

“Sometimes grade does not mean anything.”

Li Yao smiled and began to unlock. As Li Yao said, grade does not mean true strength.

Especially the locks of Titans, they are actually some puzzles. You can understand what they mean if you know the language of Titans. For example, you can almost understand a geometric problem, but you want to solve it. Meaning.

In fact, players have an advantage in this regard. After all, the education they receive is not pediatric, but at least they are more experienced than most NPCs.

But the players don’t understand this now. Hearing the words of the male goblin, the players on his side cheered, which means that their mission will not fail.

The five players who protect Li Yao have to bullshitting. It feels very bad that this kind of thing is not in their control. The five people have begun to back away quietly and are ready to break through at any time.

Ilibel said: “You don’t need to be so nervous. The puzzle lock of Titan is not so easy to unlock. It is estimated that we will have to wait for several hours.”

That said, I immediately began to relax, and some even prepared to raise a bonfire, ready to relax.

But before they could implement it, I heard an incredible scream from Yiliber: “No, this is impossible, how could he unlock the first node so quickly.”


The players who just relaxed and looked at the door nervously, a silver light linked to a node of a star.

Actually, the entire gate is like a starry sky, as if it contains countless Star Rivers. The light point started as a star. Now a silver light on Li Yao has been linked to another star, and the entire gate begins Shine out rays of light.

“This is impossible.” The male goblin was exclaimed and startled. When he saw the situation on Li Yao’s side, sweat suddenly appeared. His face was full of disbelief: “I just watched Know what puzzles, how can you directly solve a node.”

Li Yao shrugged and said: “Because you are stupid, why can you use such a simple Titan fan lock? I know, this is just a mystery door made with the Titan core. In fact, these puzzles are just installed by the mechanical dwarf who copied the simplest level puzzles of Titan. There is simply no difficulty.”

” You just boasting, but it’s just luck to run into the puzzle that’s all that you just know, and there are four nodes. Then you will not be so lucky.” The male goblin is comforting others and at the same time comforting himself, although he The strength is low, but the engineering attainments are not low at all.

Now that he has been compared by a guy with only intermediate engineering, it is really hard for him to accept.

In contrast, the players who were protecting Li Yao who were already going to run away were happy. This guy didn’t expect really had a few brushes. It was really a vain worry. .

“Really, then you are ready, 2nd I will also untie it.” When Li Yao spoke, his fingers were constantly shifting, tapping on the light curtain.

After the NPC’s dialogue, they also understood the difficulty of this Titan Lock. They all knew that it would take a lot of time. Hearing Li Yao’s words, they all looked at the door in surprise.

I saw a ray of light set off from the second light point and quickly connected to the third starlight, and the brilliance of the door shone again.

“An illusion, an illusion, this must be an illusion, even the prince is impossible to have this kind of strength.” The male goblin has been confused, and he didn’t expect this to be the case anyway.

“Is it an illusion, we just wait and see.” Li Yao said and started to solve the third puzzle.

I have indeed seen the first two puzzles Li Yao previous life, so it is natural and easy to know the direct answer, but he needs to calculate the third one.

“haha, I knew that you were just good luck.” The male elf solved the puzzle for a while and looked up to see that Li Yao was also busy, and his nervous heart suddenly relaxed. Just now Li Yao solved two puzzles in a second and really frightened him. Now his first puzzle has already got his eyebrows, but Li Yao 3rd didn’t solve it, so his heart was relieved.

“Really, my luck is really very good, and the 3rd puzzle is solved.” Li Yao said with a finger, another light appeared, and the door had begun to appear silver. Glorious.

The players are a bit at a loss, wondering if these puzzles are really that simple. But the two goblins have been complexion greatly changed, they know too well.

Titan locks are very tricky. You must be proficient in the language of Titans. If you are not proficient in voice and read a bit wrong, the puzzle will naturally not be solved.

Then there are puzzles, which require profound engineering attainments and extensive knowledge and knowledge, especially those puzzles on the theme of ancient secrets. If you don’t understand the situation at the time, it is also difficult to solve. .

“Whatever the puzzle, kill him, death ends all one’s troubles, kill.”

The player who is responsible for protecting the male goblin shouted, following his order, early I secretly prepared a spell immediately to cover Li Yao……

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