Li Yao adjusted his position slightly, his bow and arrow were always attacking the dorsal fin that needed to be broken.

“These animal bosses seem to have no trace to be found, but in fact their attacks are also swayed forward, not without a trace. It’s just that they are not in human form. Every kind of boss swayed forward. It’s different. Although I’m busy with tasks during the day, I don’t watch videos less, and I can basically determine their skills. So I can slowly observe and learn by myself. “

In the next few minutes, Li Yao stopped. The attack is proving their own judgment, and many players who are still skeptical are truly convinced that Li Yao really has thoroughly grasped the boss, and has already made a judgment.

The data given by Li Yao is basically what dodge action is made after what action and how many seconds.

This kind of detailed strategy for a certain boss can only be done by Li Yao, and it makes some players who are ready to watch Li Yao’s jokes dumbfounded.

More importantly, many people bet Li Yao and fail, which can be linked to the gold coins in their pockets. If you see someone in the audience with their hands clasped together, then don’t doubt, you must be cursing Li Yao for being hit by a monster. They are not very demanding. They are hit by the monster once and the ultimate achievement is achieved.

However, this kind of thinking is after all just the extravagant hope that’s all. For Li Yao, this kind of boss is simply a pediatric.

Don’t say that you have been familiar with this boss seriously during the day, even if you are unfamiliar, he can do A leaf didn’t touched body with his reaction.

The King Sand Dragon was finally irritated by Li Yao’s molesting and went straight underground.

“This is basically the case with the long-range. In my opinion, it is not the most difficult hit problem, but if you, as a long-range, can’t hit the target, you can’t blame me.” Li Yao said that he had put the bow and arrow away. Then a blue big sword appeared in his hand and the attribute was announced.

“Behind is the melee combat. In fact, they all have the same principle.” Li Yao continued: “Some people think that drilling is very difficult. But I want to tell you that the drilling skills are very non-existent. Brain.”

Li Yao just explained the beginning of Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light with a big sword against the King Sand Dragon.

Strictly speaking Sand Dragon King is a challenge book shared by both ranged and close combat. It is nothing to Li Yao, but it is different for these cuteness.

In Li Yao’s opinion, this is similar to small talk. It is effortless and easy. It is not difficult to challenge at all, let alone injured. If it is encountered by the boss of this small challenge book, Then Li Yao has practiced his skills for that many years.

However, in the eyes of the audience players, Li Yao is really dancing on the tip of a knife.

They were miserably abused by the King of Sand Dragon. Seeing Li Yao’s ability to kill them in seconds, just click a few words to get to the point, and explain that even many players with average operations only need to remember Li Yao’s To the extent that the method can be challenged, a deep thought of admiration is immediately born.

What is expert style and what is gentleman’s style, in the eyes of most players, Li Yao now has this kind of quality.

Of course, this is the result Li Yao wants. He is paving the way for the income after the guild is upgraded. He will not really show kindness to teach others. The most important thing is that this is a challenge that is not important to him.

The people of Xinghuo look more and more happy, and those players who have failed to bet on Li Yao are living like years, and those guild spies who hacked Li Yao, as well as some guild people, are also in their hearts Miscellaneous.

Although it is not over yet, seeing Li Yao’s relaxed and comfortable manner, and the manner in which he can crack a joke with the audience while killing the boss, they already vaguely know the result.

But even if Li Yao deliberately compressed the damage, the health of King Sand Dragon is not endless.

Whether it is on the land or diving into the ground, and then looking for opportunities to deal with Li Yao, but there is no vellus Li Yao.

Finally, when Li Yao’s sword hit King Sand Dragon, King Sand Dragon ended his most painful battle.

“system: The player Liaoyuan reached the Platinum level challenge of the Sand Dragon King, added glory, and rewarded 100 points of prestige for various races.”

“system: The player Liaoyuan reached the Sand Dragon King The platinum level challenge, the glory added, and 100 points of prestige for various races in the camp.”

The two consecutive world announcements amazed the countless players who were still watching the delayed live broadcast, and a small number of them were biting Gnash teeth.

Especially golden-bright and dazzling, he couldn’t cry without tears. He believed the judgments of those analysts before setting up this gambling game. He was originally a geese and dazzling, thinking of making a small profit. Not bad.

This is to attract gamblers to increase the odds of Li Yao’s success. The result is that the money is not made, and he needs his own money. For a guy like him who is addicted to money. It is the extreme pain.

“Let me ask now, everyone thinks this Silver Coin is not worth it.” Li Yao walked to the Sand Dragon King and shared the collected materials.

crash-bang ……

The whole arena is boiling. Although I know that I have successfully broken the position and there are announcements, most of the people are excited when they see the material in person.

This is the material that can be used to make purple weapons. As long as you go back and study the recorded strategy, you can get a set of equipment and a purple weapon if you can pass this boss.

How much is this? Compared to what you want to get, what is a Silver Coin?

“Okay, at the end I will say one thing, the Spark Guild is going to be Level 3, there is no guild yet, or friends who want to learn and exchange skills can join the guild, I will occasionally Explain some things. That’s it. Let’s go away.”

Li Yao was about to turn around and leave as if thinking of something, and suddenly said: “cough cough, there is one more thing. I will go to the Lord in a while. The arena challenged the achievement of one hundred consecutive victories, and the colorful treasure chest is none other than me. Friends who are interested will challenge Sand Dragon King as soon as possible, or watch the live broadcast.”


Too unexpected, they thought that Li Yao would go to the arena, but didn’t expect Li Yao to say so arrogantly that he would occupy one hundred games. What is this? This is simply not all guilds and professional players. In my eyes, it was arrogant to the extreme.

Li Yao lightly saying: “I would like to trouble you all for a favor by spreading this news out so that the experts will know this news, saying that I am going to fight the world alone today, and I am eager to see someone A defeated opponent.”

Everyone who had stood up to leave once again looked towards Li Yao with a faint smile, such a delicate and pretty person who looks refined in manner, unexpectedly hides this Raging heart.

What kind of self-confidence and arrogance is this. When others challenge the central arena, they can’t wait to meet a few powerful opponents. He is well known in the world.

Speaking on this occasion, Chi Guoguo is simply challenging the various guilds…

ps: If you want to go out for a few days, you can only carry the code word with your notebook at any time. , But don’t worry, the update is a bit slower at the beginning of the month, but after I come back, it will continue to explode…

For monthly ticket support, Mario will not renege on a debt…

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