“Do you think this can irritate me and make me lose my sense, naive.” The song’s melancholy voice remained erratic all night, and it was difficult to tell where it was.

Li Yao slowly opened the bow, lightly saying: “I’m just telling a fact. When I am prepared, whether you are calm or angry, it makes no difference to me. .”

“Then I will continue to make gestures.” Song was melancholy all night. Although she was low-key and didn’t like publicity, it didn’t mean that she was not arrogant. She hasn’t encountered any arrogance since entering the game. Threatening her opponent, even if he treats Li Yao powerfully, he also raised the mind of strive for high and low.

“To be honest, I always hurt others.” Li Yao let go of his finger, and the steel arrow shot at the big tree in the distance: “Also, I told you so much just to judge Your position. Now, you are exposed.”

“hehe, you bluff me, I’m not here…”

Song was melancholy when he saw Li Yao shooting at the tree. No longer paying attention to the steel arrow, but talking to Li Yao, just about to continue to mock Li Yao, a flash of light suddenly caught in the corner of his eyes.


The projectile arrow hit the big tree not at all, but rebounded to another location, directly immersed in the neck of the melancholy song of stealth and motionless night.

The song flashed in melancholy all night, but it was too late. Li Yao’s attack was not something she could bear, and her life was directly cleared.

“I said, you missed the best time to kill me.” Li Yao not at all stepped forward to pick up the corpse, but pointed at her with a bow and said: “Don’t pretend, you are dying The reversal should be effective, I won’t be stupid enough to wait for you to pick up and kill me.”

Song looked melancholy all night and said, “How do you know that I have this skill? I know why I didn’t kill me.”

Her life with this skill will be cleared, but she will not die, she will fall into a suspended animation form, but as long as she is attacked, she will die.

Li Yao put away the longbow and said, “You and I are both Dark Faction. Now we are both in the light camp. Naturally, we have to help each other. The fights and kills are so hurtful and angry. You say yes. No.”

Song sat down on the ground eating and drinking all night, and glanced at him, lightly saying: “I’m not a little girl who doesn’t understand anything, let’s be honest.”

Li Yao lightly coughed said: “Okay, I think you are pretty good. It is very promising. I don’t want to establish an enemy like you for the guild.”

“Didn’t you say that I’m just troublesome? What’s wrong with me?” Song was melancholy all night, obviously still worrying about what Li Yao said just now.

“Yeah, you are not my opponent. But the overwhelming majority of my guild is not your opponent. You sneaked into the temple, obviously for something important, and I guessed it right, kill You estimate the chance to fall. But this thing is basically useless to me, but it is very important to you. If you fail your mission, you will inevitably become enemies. I don’t want you to trouble my guild members. So let you go.” Li Yao explained.

“It makes sense, but you are still scared.” The song said with a smile all night.

“No, you are scared, otherwise you could attack with the Shadow Warriors.” Li Yao threw a short spear like lightning, and a slim shadow was hit by the short spear: “Of course , If you don’t care about your task, I can also send you off, I just don’t want to cause trouble, but it doesn’t mean I’m afraid of trouble.”

“Well, you won.” The song was melancholy overnight. With the Shadow Warrior, she didn’t want to admit that she failed in this battle, because this was her professional mission and she would get rewards that she couldn’t refuse.

Her mentor clearly told her that she can still accept the task if she fails this time, but neither skills nor other rewards can be compared with completing it the first time.

Her mission goal has been achieved, it can be said that victory is in sight. If it fails because of this accident, there is really no place to cry.

“tsk tsk, this is a sensible aunt.” Li Yao completely put away his weapon.

“Don’t be proud, sooner or later I will find my place today.”

Li Yao shrugged and said; “Then you can work hard for a few years, come on.”

“I have never seen you so arrogant…”

Song has been melancholy and silent all night. In her opinion, she is embarrassed today. Let me talk about everything that can’t stand up. Strength is respected in the game.

“Then this treasure chest, I’m welcome.” Li Yao said, walking under the uncle, and then activated the magic spider silk and soon reached the trunk, with a special treasure chest on the trunk.

Song felt melancholy for the night, but nothing happened. She saw Li Yao release the mechanical snake again. Obviously, she was not at all really letting her go. In defense, there was no chance.

Li Yao slowly opened the treasure chest, which often only has one thing.

Blue Moon Seal Remembrance

Special Equipment: Back

Moon Shadow Skill Level +1

The spell of Blue Moon reduces itself by 10 % Armor and HP, strength and agility increased by 10%.

The kiss of the wolf god, after killing the target, binds the opponent’s soul for 1 hour, the moon soul can wrap the target to absorb 1% of the opponent’s blood volume per second, and absorb half of the blood volume to replenish itself, sensitivity Reduced by 30%, 015.

Equipment level: None

Equipment race: Elf

Li Yao flashed a surprise in his eyes, which is similar to The equipment equipped by the Titan, equivalent to a tattoo, does not occupy the equipment slot.

The damage reduction of the moon shadow is very scary. Although the moon shadow can only be used in places where there is no sun, the wild is already very strong. The moon shadow Li Yao of the priest of the moon can experience it.

As for the curse of the blue moon, it is even more cost-effective. 10% of the armor and blood volume is nothing to him, but the 10% more strength and agility will be greatly enhanced. Li Yao likes this effect, which is very good.

As for the kiss of the wolf god, it can be regarded as an acceptable skill to control the blood return. Whether it can be used well depends on the individual, but Li Yao feels that this effect is temporarily effective. He currently does not lack control skills.

“How is it, what good thing you got, don’t say give me half, but at least let me see what good thing it is.” Song was melancholy seeing the rays of light in Li Yao’s hand. For a moment, couldn’t help asking.

“Since you know it’s a good thing, don’t look at it, lest you feel unbalanced.” Li Yao said with a smile.

“You think too much. I always can afford to let it go. I don’t want to struggle with this kind of thing. Is it a man, mother-in-law, hurry up.” The song was melancholy overnight. Said patiently.

“It’s up to you.” Li Yao directly shared the attribute recorded by Blue Moon Seal.

“What a deity costume of the priest of the moon, you have ruined it.” Song sighed in melancholy overnight.

“On the contrary, I think he can play his role only by following me.”

Li Yao shot a sonar arrow all the time and was about to take a break, but suddenly felt that someone else near.

“Someone is coming to death again, so you can withdraw, I don’t want to be regarded as your accomplice.”…

ps: ordinary group 427590697, VIP group 577209540, In addition, the public wei signal will release some in-game information about races, characters, monsters, equipment, etc. You can search for nixidemaliao if you like. Xinlang Weibo is also under construction. Just like the official account, publish some book information, search for: Mario deity, just see what you can use and add whatever is convenient…

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