Li Yao waited for a while, and used sonar arrows to constantly detect the surrounding situation, only then was he convinced that the senior moon guard had completely left.

Li Yao used sonar arrows to detect as he walked. The current situation is that in the mist, there is nothing to see beyond fifteen yards.

For safety’s sake, Li Yao will release a phantom fog scroll when he walks for a certain distance. The fog of the phantom fog scroll alone can make people invisible, even more how in this foggy environment.

Li Yao like a fish back in water in the mist, and those moon guards and moon priests are not so lucky. They think that they are strong and want to take credit for their own players. Those with low confidence usually form a team of two or three, and constantly look for traces of intruders in the fog.

Li Yao walked to the lake and avoided the patrol team of Team Five or Six. Li Yao’s principle is not to kill at will when it is unnecessary.

When he arrived at the lake, Li Yao took out a stand, hung a bottle, and extended it into the lake.

As the rays of light flickered, a layer of light blue liquid slowly poured into the bottle.

The bottle is a small space equipment that can store a lot of liquid, and because of the array of brackets, it can extract the essence of the lake. Make sure to bring back the essence of the lake.

Li Yao frowned and looked at the scene while holding a long bow. This fluctuation could easily attract nearby guards. Li Yao saw the liquid slowly flowing into the bottle mouth, slightly frowned, and wanted to fill the bottle. It seems to take a lot of time.

“You can’t do it without killing people.”

Just after a while, Li Yao sighed and slowly opened the Blue Moon Bow. He already felt someone approaching. Up.

Three players are walking towards Li Yao, their game ID is very interesting.

They are the moon guard yesterday, the priest of the moon today, and the mage Arcane tomorrow.

“You two are so true, why do you want to show affection and take me to do.” teased yesterday.

“Who told you not to bring it the day before yesterday.” Tomorrow said, holding today’s hand.

Take your hand out today and say: “Stop making trouble, players with Dark Faction have sneaked in, can you be serious.”

Yesterday said with a smile: “You still I really take the trial of ghosts seriously. This is a foggy one. If it weren’t for the merits of the temple and 20% experience rewards for a night of patrols, ghosts would only play patrols.”

” , I don’t know how they monitored it. A few lazy bad luck eggs were directly deprived of their elite professional qualifications in the first two days. It’s also miserable.” Taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune said tomorrow.

“The profession of the temple must be stricter, but the benefits and benefits are better than those of ordinary elite professions. Not to mention, 20% of the experience means that you have been upgrading at night. I can bear boredom. .” Yesterday he sighed: “As for the trial mission, there are so many players on patrol, it is too difficult to meet, let it go.”

“No, the previous moon power fluctuations are not right.” Said suddenly today.

“Then let’s go…” Yesterday, as the moon guard, I also felt the fluctuations in the power of the moon, but he hadn’t finished his words yet. A light blue arrow had already submerged like lightning. Chest.


In today’s and tomorrow’s stunned eyes, yesterday’s life was directly cleared, and the soul turned into white light disappeared and returned directly to the dead cemetery on the edge of the city in.

“Flash.” The Arcane mage was in a body, a flash left the original position, and constantly changed positions, like a using teleportation.


The priest of the moon waved, and a dark shadow blocked her,


The second blue arrow passed through The shadow, the same attack on today’s body, but because of being blocked by the moon shadow, the damage has been reduced by more than half.

But even so, her health bar is already mostly empty.

“Don’t stop flashing, his attack is too abnormal.” Today, while the S-shape was moving, one after another moonlight fell on her head, and her blood volume quickly recovered.

“Fuck, is this still a human being? He can’t see anything in the fog, how did he do it.” Tomorrow will be bullshitting. If he hadn’t flashed, it is estimated that the opponent would choose the target He, without Yueying’s damage reduction, estimated that he would be killed in seconds.

Guide of the month!

A soft rays of light enveloped Li Yao, Li Yao was taken aback, and said: “The priest of the moon.”

The priest of the moon is also one of the branches of the priest of the moon. Equivalent to the evolved version of Dark Animal Husbandry, the power of the moon controlled by it is very offensive and aggressive. Some priests of the moon speculate that the power of the moon priest actually comes from the blue child.

The attack method of the priest of the moon is very strange, especially the guidance of the moon, the equivalent to the death mark of the hunter, so that the thieves cannot stealth.

Of course, Lunar Guidance is even more powerful, making the target a light bulb, and many teams will regard the players guided by Lunar Guidance as targets for fire.


A blue ball of light hits the direction. Because Li Yao is guided by the moon, Moonfire can automatically track the target.

Li Yao not at all means to dodge. He knows that when he is locked by the guidance of the moon, he can’t dodge the subsequent spell. He can only fall into the opponent’s rhythm when he dodges. There is an Arcane mage with a spell runner. If Arcane finds himself, then it must be Thunderbolt.

With a small body and being attacked by the elite Austrian law, it is basically the fate of being killed.

As soon as the moonfire hit, Li Yao directly released the repair robot.


As soon as the repair robot came out, it was struck into fragments by Moonfire strikes, and Li Yao was blessed with a holy shield.

pa pa pa ……

A wave of Arcane missiles also strikes on Li Yao’s body. The moment Li Yao’s holy shield ruptured, the shadow escape was launched.

Shadow escape is a very good magical skill to release control. It can leave the battle, remove the mark, and have a period of invincibility at the moment of being invisible.

Just like the Arcane missile just now, the Holy Shield cannot be offset. If Li Yao is hit, he will not be killed by a spike, but it will also be directly disabled, but because of the invincibility of Yingdang in an instant, it helped him offset the damage.

Shadow evasion blocking skill is a technique that ancient elves must master in the middle of the game, and can save lives at critical moments.

“We were hit by a combo, it should be dead.”

Listen to the sound, their skills all hit, and tomorrow sighed in relief.

“Let’s go, take a look.” The two were already very close to Li Yao, and they saw the situation by the lake in a moment.

“Hey, where’s the corpse.” Tomorrow the face changed and he said: “Be careful.”

But it was obviously too late. They were only a dozen yards away from Li Yao. When he was about to flash, the steel arrow had already passed through his chest.

The Moon Cage!

A blue cage envelops herself…


Li Yao’s continuous shooting, steel arrows attacking the prisoner of the moon In the cage, there was a crisp sound…

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