Li Yao shook his head and said; “I have heard of Senior’s name a long time ago, and I really don’t have so much money, so I just buy some standard items.”

The tree demon showed interest. expression, said: “You still know the standard item, so you have really heard of my shop. Okay, what do you want to buy?”

“I want to buy the phantom fog scroll and the mental disturbance scroll. “Li Yao said.

“It turns out that you are interested in these baubles. Each of the Magic Mist Reels is 10 Silver Coin, and the Mental Disruption Reels are also 10 Silver Coins. You can only sell them if you buy at least five groups of each.” Dryad said with a smile.

One set of two hundred, five sets is one thousand, that is, each transaction amount is at least one hundred gold coins. If the person is not Li Yao, it will be scared directly. Who can now players Get so much money all at once.

Li Yao of course knows the rules here, hearing this said: “Then give me one thousand Phantom Fog scrolls, and three thousand mental disturbance scrolls.”

“Little Brat great Generosity, wait a minute.” The tree demon eyes shined. Although she has a lot of good things on her side, she actually makes money from these standard items. Those precious things may not be sold in a year or two. Go for one.

“many thanks.” Li Yao handed over three hundred gold coins and put away the scroll at the same time.

Mist Scroll: A psychedelic mist appears within 1000*1000 yards after the release, reducing the vision and visibility of everyone, including the releaser, for a duration of 30 minutes.

This scroll does not have the slightest attack power, and the vision of the scroll released by Li Yao will also be affected. It looks like a scroll with no effect at all. All the people in the range of influence of the mist can be described as invisible.

Spirit Disruption Scroll: Release the scroll to affect the monster’s mental dislocation within the range, and launch a violent attack on your own person. The scroll coverage is 40*40, and the disturbance time is 5 minutes. The higher the wisdom, the lower the influence time . (The effect of super-intelligent creatures does not exceed 10 seconds)

The second scroll is a reserve made by Li Yao for the guild. It looks expensive, but it can play an extraordinary role if it is used at the right time. .

And Li Yao wants to establish his own field station, in his plan, this kind of scroll should be indispensable.

“system: You are the first player to set foot in the Dryad Store. The Dryad Boss is very fond of you, and both parties are in a friendly state.”

“system: As a rookie , Your boldness has aroused the curiosity of the tree demon Boss, she is using spiritual spying on you.”

If Li Yao is a real ancient elf player, then you will be extremely happy to receive such a prompt, because With the increase in favorability, he can also enjoy discounts in the store.

But he is not. He is pretending to be. The tree demon has the ability to see through obstacles. Li Yao immediately wanted to leave and said, “I hope I will have the opportunity to buy your things next time.”

The tree demon Boss smiled and threw the colored potion in his hand to Li Yao, saying: “You are the first visitor to find here by yourself. Let this be a small meeting ceremony. With this, you must still have a chance to come to me.”

“many thanks, many thanks.” Li Yao grabbed the medicine and hurriedly walked out of the shop.

And the tree demon Boss showed a slight chuckle.

Li Yao jumped directly, and then quickly left the Dryad shop.

When the magic lamp reached the coverage area, Li Yao sighed in relief, and he carefully took out the potion.

Gift of the Dryad·Awakening Potion

Quality: purple epic

Awaken the latent potential or innate talent in the bloodline. The effect is based on the individual’s bloodline.

Requirement: 1Level 0 and above

Li Yao saw this potion, and then looked back at the candlelight in the distance, and suddenly woke up, the tree demon had seen it His true colors.

This kind of medicine is said to be precious and not too precious, or not too precious, but it is not so easy to get it.

Some special elite professions need this kind of medicine to unlock the Bloodline Strength hidden in the body. The most typical ones are giant warfare and mountain warfare. If you want to become giant warfare, you must first have human bloodline, and To become a mountain warfare, you must have the bloodline of the dwarves. Inspire and awaken the hidden bloodline power.

Li Yao did not hesitate, and drank the potion in one gulp.

“system: After you drink the awakening potion, the hidden bloodline power within the body begins to activate, and you feel new power begin to flow in your blood.”

“system: The blood of the ancient spirit within the body begins to recover.”

“system: Get a new form, ancient spirit.”

“system: Seed innate talent, awakened by the son of the night. Son of nature When standing still, you can fuse together with the surrounding nature, and it is difficult to be found. Inspires ethnic innate talent, shadow escape. Shadow escape, escapes into the shadows, out of combat, lasts 5 minutes, disengaged movement, cooldown 5 Minutes. Gift of nature, natural resistance increased by 50 points.”

“system: You have obtained a dual-race innate talent. The two bloodlines conflict and cannot function at the same time. Only one bloodline can be saved.”

“system: You can switch the bloodline status, the high elves, the ancient elves.”

Li Yao sighed, you know, not everyone can activate the bloodline innate talent, maybe drink it The awakening potion just adds some attributes.

With the innate talent of the ancient elves, no one will be able to see through his illusion.

More importantly, the bloodline innate talent of the ancient elves and the dark knight-errant are the most compatible, and the Arcane torrent has too little effect on the dark knight-errant.

The passive combination of the bloodline innate talent of the ancient elves and the dark knight-errant will make your stealth no weaker than the elite thieves, and the extra shadow, equivalent to the disappearance of the thieves, is very useful.

“What an unexpected surprise, but why did the Dryad help me?”

The behavior of NPCs in the ancient gods was motivated. She gave herself a bottle of medicine for unfathomable mystery What the hell was it for, Li Yao simply didn’t understand for a while.

When he was approaching the temple, Li Yao also let go of his mind. Shuangyue Lake is within the temple’s confines. Li Yao can climb the wall, but doing so is purely an act of death.

There is the priest hall of the moon god in the front yard of the temple, and anyone can come and pray.

However, entry was not allowed in the back half of the backyard, and Li Yao was stopped by two moon guards.

“Little Brat, only moon guards and moon priests are allowed to enter here.”

Li Yao performed an elf ceremony, holding the blueprint of the moon temple, and said:” I accidentally got the blueprint of the Moon God Temple, it must be a gift from the Moon God, so I wanted to build a temple in the territory. In order to show respect to the Moon God, I brought the blueprint and asked the Moon God to bless me.”

The two looked at the drawings, smiled, and said, “That’s the blessing of the Moon God. There have been no temple drawings for many years. Come with me.”

“many Thanks.” Li Yao also showed a smile. With his understanding of the ancient gods, this is the easiest and safest way for him to enter the rear at this stage…

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