An array appeared under Banshee, and a Dao Void portal appeared and said: “The door on the wall is a magic trap. This is the real portal.”

“Wait.” Banshee stopped Li Yao.

“Do you have any advice, my lord?” Li Yao asked suspiciously.

Banshee smiled and said: “I don’t dare to teach, just ask a question for my king. Have you remembered the incantion and handprints I cast just now?”

“cough cough , Sorry, not intentional.” Li Yao was suddenly embarrassed. He was indeed carefully observing the opening technique and key, and he had already memorized it.

Banshee shook his head and said: “Okay, the queen said, if you can open the portal yourself, then you are his true Inheritor. Because only with the same power as my king can you open this portal, my It can only be opened once at a time.”

Li Yao was taken aback, and said, “If I don’t remember or have a wrong memory, I can’t open this portal?”

” Smart people, my king also likes smart Inheritor, you should know.” Banshee said that his body slowly drifted away, and the door was closed.

Li Yao smiled bitterly, this queen, doing things too casually, and often unexpected, a little bit of disagreement with her will probably be over.

Now it seems to be powerful to make this dark knight-errant by herself, but one day she thinks that she is not pleasing to her eyes, and she will be finished.

Although Li Yao is arrogant, he still simulates memory in his mind, and then activates the magic power to recant incantation and seals at the same time. The mudra and incantation are mutually coordinated.

For the player, now the casting is basically only incantation, and it has not yet reached the fingerprint level.

But for the queen, as the high elves of the magic kingdom should have such innate talent. If you can’t reach it, then sorry, your aptitude is not enough, or not smart and careful enough, then even today Can’t get in.

Li Yao is not a mage. It is also a handprint that various magic organs and some Secondary Profession need to touch in the late game. If it is a normal player, even a mage will have to catch blindly here.

Soon, the magic method user appeared, and Li Yao walked in.

The queen stood on a high place on a platform, watching the crowd below, Li Yao did not look back when she arrived.

Li Yao looked up slightly and found that this was a huge underground space, below it was a huge alchemy laboratory, and countless undead were busy below.

The stench produced by the mixture of various potions and the corpse’s corruption was exuding in the space. Li Yao almost vomited it out, and quickly put on a magic cloth as a mask.

“What are you doing here, can you guess it?” the queen lightly saying.

Li Yao was helpless, but still said: “I can only tell that it is an alchemy experiment, and it is an important experiment for the Forsaken.”

The queen glanced. He glanced at it and said: “That’s it?”

“Ah, I am not proficient in alchemy, and I can’t see what I’m busy with. But it shouldn’t be awakening the new forgotten, or creating some mutation. Undead. And, the most important point is that there are countless forgotten alchemists here, but they are not members of the Great Pharmacist Association.” Li Yao said affirmatively.

“It’s not bad, then I will ask you again, why do I leave the senior alchemists of the Great Apothecary Association not using it, but want to make a new stove by myself?” the queen asked again.

Li Yao is bullshitting in his heart. This kind of NPC is the most difficult to deal with, but he has to say, he can only brace oneself and say: “Because the queen doesn’t believe them, because they have different intentions.”

The queen gave a rare sorrow and loneliness, lightly saying: “Sure enough, you all see it like this.”

But this expression was only a moment, and then she recovered. That kind of noble and cold arrogance, lightly saying: “You tell the truth, do you think we undead should really exist in the world of the living?”

Li Yao opened his mouth, I really don’t know how to say it. , This question, if you encounter ordinary undead, Li Yao will definitely say that it should definitely exist. Existence is the truth, but in the face of the queen…

“hmph, it really is the Little Brat of cunning. “The queen said indifferently: “Let me say that we shouldn’t exist. We are just a walking corpse with thoughts. We have returned to the hometown of the dead, but we have survived, but we have not survived.”

“I put aside the Great Pharmacists Association, not because they secretly tried to murder me, but because they were wrong. Their eyes only have killing and hatred, hatred of all living beings, in their eyes only Revenge and destruction, you say, what is the difference between this and the undead natural disaster.”

Li Yao heard this, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he suddenly understood what this place was.

“Does the queen want to reverse life and death and want you to come back to life?”

The queen suddenly turned her head, staring at Li Yao with sharp eyes, and said, “I didn’t think I was wrong. You, with just such a little information, you can think of my true intentions. From now on you will be my real Inheritor. Then tell me, can my wish come true?”

Li Yao is true this time Sweats on his forehead. This is related to a major event, a major version update, and a world event that has a huge impact. He suddenly became cautious because the impact was too great, and every word of his was possible. Cause unpredictable development. The ancient gods won’t stop this development, it pays attention to deduction and natural evolution.

Previous life, after the game has been running for many years, a big news came out.

The Great Apothecary Association betrayed the Queen, counterattacked the Undercity, and occupied the main city while the Queen was out. Two Great Factions jointly besieged the Undercity, and finally wiped out this force, but the Queen’s desire to reverse life and death experiments was also exposed.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, because the experiment has not made much progress and breakthrough for many years, the experiment has become cruel and crazy, and it has been resisted by all races.

But the queen insisted on going her own way. Later, the coalition forces destroyed the natural disaster Legion, and the queen’s hopeful experiment failed again.

The queen, who was avenged by vengeance and born unlovable, committed suicide again. This time, she was rescued by a magical undead creature. She found that her body was rejuvenated with real life. The kind that uses magic for a short time.

Suddenly, she ignited hope again. The queen, who committed suicide many times, once again invested in the experiment and succeeded in one fell swoop.

This is the famous reversal of the undead. After this event, all the forgotten were reversed, life and death, they are the forgotten, but they also have another name, half-life.

Li Yao is excited. If the player accepts this kind of task, it will be a long main task, and the benefits that can be gained from the task are huge.

He considered the language for a while and said: “This World, Gods exist, and reversing life and death may not be impossible.”

The queen’s eyes lit up…

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