This is a game. If Li Yao really pulls the trigger, then the Peerless Enchantress will use a substitute technique to escape or continue to attack Li Yao.

The Fallen Leaf Thief is such a profession. It pays more attention to the interpretation of the moves and the judgment of the situation. In this case, if Li Yao makes a mistake, it may be that Li Yao was taken go.

Although it is only an instant confrontation, the subtle handling and the game within it are equally thrilling. Of course, not many can understand the instant confrontation.

Many people wondered why Li Yao didn’t even attack, and the Peerless Demon Fairy stopped moving by herself.

Because the Peerless Demon Girl’s level is too low, only the substitute technique can enter stealth, and there is no other means.

The substitution technique failed, and the flame was hit on his forehead again, and the victory was divided.

Li Yao showed a smile, picked her chin with a heavy crossbow, and said: “It’s a waste to kill you. You should play some other role. What are you waiting for?”

“What are you going to do?” An irritation flashed in Sheng Shi Yaoji’s eyes. She was about to continue struggling to fight with Li Yao, but found that her body was no longer under her control.

Mind control!

The Dark Snake has already taken control of her body. This skill seems to be similar to the priest’s mental control, but it is actually quite different.

Dark Serpent’s skill control time is longer, and the control is more perfect, and it can release his own skills. The priest’s mind control can only control some basic actions that’s all.

In the eyes of Shengshi players, Shengshi Demon Fairy turned her head gracefully, moving towards them, and many people were very puzzled.

Prosperity Demon Fairy walked for a short while, the rays of light flashed in her eyes, and her fingers became imprinted.

Shifting Flowers Connecting Wood Chīmèi Divine Method!

Then the cousin Shengshi came into the field from the rear in the stare of the cousin of Shengshi. Suddenly the body of the cousin of Shengshi was frozen, and everyone exclaimed.

Take a shadow!

Peerless Demon Fairy quickly arrived behind Shengshi’s cousin.

To the sky!

Cousin Shengshi’s body rolled and flew to the sky!

Flying Heaven Kills!

When Shengshi’s cousin flew up, Peerless Demon Ji also jumped up, and the dagger in his hand flashed quickly.


Each dagger carried two rays of blood light on the body of Shengshi’s cousin, and then the Peerless Demon Ji’s backflip fell. At that time, a magic spider web controlled Sheng Shi’s cousin in midair.

Land mines!

After landing, the Peerless Demon Ji suddenly pulled the spider web, and the body of Shengshi’s cousin rolled to the ground, and the landmines on the ground exploded suddenly.


The equipment of the cousin of Shengshi is very luxurious, and the blood volume of nearly two thousand is less than three hundred.

However, the combo of Peerless Demon Fairy is not over yet, the moment Shengshi’s cousin stands up. Peerless Demon Ji’s dagger was aimed at the neck of the peerless cousin, and her body floated.

It spins like lightning, and it turns 360 degrees around the neck of Shengshi’s cousin.

This is the upgraded version of the Fallen Leaf Thief Wiping Throat, which can cause a lot of damage.

Peerless Demon Ji’s combo hasn’t been used up yet, the cousin Shengshi has emptied his blood bar and turned into white light.

It’s a very long description, but it’s actually just a momentary occurrence.

When the cousin Shengshi died, they reacted, and when they saw that the Peerless Demon Fairy was about to rush to a soldier, someone finally called out.

“No wonder Liaoyuan succeeded in assassination the first two times. It turns out that she was a rape and killed her.”

A authorized deputy head kicked Sheng Shi Yao Ji out of the team. .

Many people are still in a daze. They simply can’t figure out the situation. When they hear this, they believe it subconsciously. They don’t know the mind control of the Dark Snake, and they can also perform perfectly.

Suddenly, at least five or six fireball strikes were on Shengshi Demon Ji’s body.

At this moment, the Dark Snake has also lifted her mind control, but now it is too late to use the substitute technique. She wants to say something, but it is too late.

Although her methods are weird, and her attacks are very sharp, but for flexibility, her armor is more powerful, her weight is smaller, and the cloth armor is crispy.

The thieves’ group attack is inherently weak, but the fallen leaf thief’s group attack methods are even thinner, and it is not suitable for dungeons.

and fight some huge bosses with too many, the mechanism of ancient gods, it is impossible to control too huge creatures. For example, the multi-headed snake, the fallen leaf thief is also impossible to kick the multi-headed snake with soaring feet.

As the ancient gods said when they introduced, there are no perfect and without blemish occupations, only unique and unmatched occupations.

Although I can’t see the situation in the night, I know some things after listening to the voice, and quickly said: “No.”

But in this case, the Shengshi demon who was released from control Ji even had no time to use the substitute technique. Those spells have been strikes on Shengshi Demon Ji’s body, and everything is too late.

Of course, the night is clear, Shengshi Yao Jie will never be bought by Liaoyuan, even if she and Liaoyuan are in the same group, she will not deliberately lurk by his side. Liaoyuan’s methods are too weird. Although he didn’t see it, he also knew that Shengshi Demon Ji must have also been plotted against Liaoyuan.

But he understands, others don’t. Even Shengshi’s cousin didn’t understand, let alone ordinary members, Shengshi Demon Ji was instantly killed.

“Wonderful, it’s really wonderful. I like to watch cannibalism the most.” Li Yao’s words made all players in the heyday vomit blood.

“Melee, chop him off for me.” Sheng Shihuasheng, the deputy commander who took over the command, roared. He was crazy. The Peerless Demon Girl he kicked was also the order he gave. Woke up, but it was too late.

At this moment, Prosperity’s melee is very close to Li Yao, and some skills can already meet Li Yao.

“You scum, do you think my snowflakes are so easy to bear, die for me.” The ice snake sneered.

The ice burst!

Detonate enemies affected by the Snow and Frozen effects of Hydra.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang slap……

Dozens of players who finally walked to the vicinity of the snake like a snow turtle crawling around are all sent out After the shattered business, a large number of blood-red ice balls burst from their within the body.

In an instant, nearly a hundred melee groups rushed to the street…

The players of the prosperous age were going crazy. They knew that Li Yao was simply playing them. The ice burst early. It can be released, but it must be felt that they can kill Li Yao against the damage.

However, this is simply a joke, but Li Yao wants to lure more melee combat, and wants to kill more people that’s all.

How elite and powerful is the team of Shengshi, Li Yao wants to fight hard even if there are multi-headed snakes.

But he took advantage of the passiveness of the dark knight-errant to make a hundred silver heroes rush to the streets with the treatment of the Shengshi, which caused the blood collapse of the Shengshi team. The collective is powerful, but any problem in any one of them is fatal.

“Do not get close to the snowy range in melee, and disperse the output of Hydra remotely. His blood volume will not last long.” Sheng Shihuasheng vomits blood when his chest is tight, and now they have lost half of their personnel. …

ps: Sorry, it has been raining heavily today. The electricity will come and stop for a while, it hurts. If there is no power failure, I will continue to update.

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