The harpy is also an ancient race. Ancient Era, they and their ancestor, Iona, known as the god of birds of the ancient god world, participated in the war against the demon Legion from the twisting void.

The god of Asuka was submerged in the endless tide of demons and became a hero of all races. Now the statue and temple of the god of Asuka still stand on the top of the world and are enshrined by countless ancient elves. .

However, over the years, the harpy who lost their guidance was seduced and corrupted by a certain evil giant bird Demi-God. They became bloodthirsty, cold, xenophobic, and violent.

They will attack any race close to their territory, and even attack the territory of three great factions from time to time.

Li Yao kept getting closer to the coordinates in stealth state, surrounded by hawks of level ten or so.

However, most of the harpy are ordinary monsters, or there are few elites. Li Yao is now at the tenth fifth level. Just be careful, it is difficult for the harpy to detect that someone has sneaked in. .

The harpy is also a typical matrilineal society, and they are only women. Although they have feathers and wings, they still have a special charm of Owner. They often capture males of other races as mates.

Their houses are relatively simple, but very clean, often built on both sides of cliffs or huge trees.

Li Yao knows very well that after High Rank, there will be many tasks to wash the white harpy, and do many tasks to bring the harpy back to the side of the three great factions, and finally pass some special The ceremony resurrects the god of Asuka.

However, these Li Yao ignored them for the time being, but quickly approached the target. Fire Eagle had already discovered the existence of the opponent.

The Elna guild elite group is scattered into small teams in the monster spawning area of ​​the elite harpy to upgrade the team, or looking to collect some special task items.

red wasteland, there are many complex canyons, this area is very desert, except for some tenacious wildlife, few ordinary creatures live here.

The cliffs on both sides of these towering canyons have become the best habitat for hawks. On the edge of the canyon, there are many simple houses hanging on both sides of the canyon.

The bottom of these canyons is very spacious, but the top is relatively narrow. Some cliffs are even more than ten yards apart. Of course, some places are still linked together, like bridges.

Li Yao found the position of the elite group of Elna Guild, chose a place and climbed to the top of the canyon cliff.

There are basically no living things above the cliff, and the sun is very poisonous, and the terrain is extremely undulating and complex.

Although the cliff is not high, it is more than three hundred yards tall, which is simply too high for the player and an insurmountable gap.

However, for Li Yao, who has wings, jumps and magical spider silk, it is a smooth journey.

Felt, the president of the Alna Guild, is in his prime of life, his strength is in Peak’s state, and their team is also very strong.

Felt is the president and the trump card of the team. At this moment, Alner is leading the team members and is steadily upgrading under the protection of the guild elite.

This is a common practice. Members of general teams will not participate in trade union battles and so on if it is necessary to maintain their level and equipment and maintain the best shape.

The team members are divided into two teams, namely the first team and the second team, to deal with the Harpy Yinying. Although I can’t hear what they say, I know that they are in a very good mood at the moment by looking at their relaxed and happy expressions.

Li Yao glanced around, and finally locked on a warlock who was following a succubus. He released the flame spell, which is different from the ordinary warlock dark red, but a pure orange red.

“Crimson Warlock? The explosive output career, but it is also crispy.” Li Yao changed closer, gradually reaching the cliff above them.

“The experience here is really good, and it is also a good place to be a Guild Mission by the way.” Cecil’s main pastor, a redhead girl, said with a smile.

“The main reason is that the guild leader is powerful and can analyze the superiority of this place. It is a pity to let the other two guilds take advantage of it.” The guild thief Alberta greeted behind the harpy. Said.

“A win-win situation, understand or not, Shengshi and Hushan are our allies, not only to enjoy the benefits together, but also to share the risks.” Felt explained patiently.

“It’s still the boss of deep plans and distant thoughts, for example, dealing with the Spark Guild. If we were a guild, dealing with Spark would not be a pain, but it will be painful even now. The three guilds are working together, and these losses are not even gross to us.” The tank adjusted its angle to resist the spell that replaced the remote harpy Yinying and said with a smile.

“Yes, as Louis said, we can now level up with peace of mind, and we just send some cannon fodder, but the Starfire Guild is not at peace. Liaoyuan is very powerful, but personally powerful. What’s the use. His guild elites can’t keep up with the progress, so he will be abandoned alone. After all, the guild is a collective, not a hero. Within a month, the Spark Guild will be abolished.” Felt is full of confidence. .

And the fact is true. If they were allowed to proceed, the Spark Guild would definitely be overwhelmed. But they did not expect that Li Yao had already appeared above them, treating him as a prey.

Furthermore, when they are chatting and laughing, they are like a tiger ready to go, and they will pounce on them.

Li Yao took a deep breath out of the flying eagle bow, slowly charged up, and then suddenly jumped off the 300-yard cliff.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and has completely locked on Felt, the president of the Alna Guild.

“Grandchildren, look at the top, face the camera, yes, that’s it, smile and talk about eggplant.”

The team that is focusing on fighting monsters suddenly heard this The sound, then subconsciously lifts the head, but they can’t see anything.

Just when they were puzzled, a yellow charged arrow suddenly appeared from a distance of less than thirty yards above them.

“Quickly get out of the way.” This is the first single thought that popped up in their minds.

However, it was too late to backfire. Li Yao was already very close to them. The power of the charged arrow was extremely powerful, and Li Yao also exerted great power. The charged arrow that turned several times the power was really like lightning.

When they saw the yellow light, it was actually too late. This time Li Yao also used a steel arrow when using a bow.

When they exclaimed, the steel arrow with golden rays of light had penetrated Felt’s chest.

Felt’s body was immediately taken out by the steel arrow, and his face was even surprised and doubtful, but his expression was frozen at this moment.

His life was cleared instantly, and he was nailed to the ground by a steel arrow like a dead dog.

The passive effect of Li Yao, who released the charged arrow, also revealed his figure as the attack dissipated. When he was about to land, Li Yao suddenly turned a shadow wheel to remove the falling power, and then released it in summon It’s Death God 4000.

ka ka ka ……

Li Yao dived into Death God 4000 like flowing water.

“Liaoyuan, it’s actually Liaoyuan.”

“Impossible, how could he appear here.”

“It’s Liaoyuan, kill him.”

“The president has hung up.”

Several team members suddenly turned red…

ps: I made a public wei signal, nixidemaliao, also It is the Mario Pinyin of the counterattack, which updates the information on the fan, characters, monsters, pets and equipment from time to time. If you are interested, you can add it.

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