Li Yao’s previous life was very puzzled. Where did the god pet-level hyraxes come from? The players who owned the hyraxes at the time were too crazy and never mentioned the source, as if they were Child of Destiny.

Previous life The player who owns the snake god pet is a player of the bright camp and has a holiday with Li Yao.

The two had a grievance during a military mission. Although Li Yao had only been in contact with hunters for three years at the beginning, because of his incomparable hard work, the hunter’s skills had become small.

In this mission, the guy Li Yao abused was miserable.

Later, the hunter got the Hydra and asked Li Yao to take revenge and challenge. Li Yao’s skills improved very quickly, so even though he had a favorite, he was still not Li Yao’s opponent.

This player is crazy. After possessing a pet, he gave up his personal skills, thinking that having a pet can sweep everything.

In fact, it’s the same. Back then, Hydra was made the ultimate mobile fort, especially before the gods, the Hydra unlocked nine heads. That is really gods block then kill gods if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas.

arrogant and despotic is the status quo of that player. However, his personal skills are too vicious. No matter how strong the Hydra, he is always the biggest shortcoming.

The battle of the gods, powerhouses gathered, there are countless professional super players, he was killed by various spikes, and the Hydras could not exert any formidable power.

In the end, even the quasi-Divine Grade could not be reached, and it became a laughing stock. At the beginning, many hunters lamented Mingzhu secretly casting, that many hunters who practiced their skills step by step had bad luck, such as Li Yao.

There is only one quasi-god pet, and the technology has reached the pinnacle, but because the pet is not strong enough, the first line is poor, and the deity fails.

After all, other professions are not bad, the chances and skills are not bad at all. Li Yao was originally a hunter for two years less than others. Although he has caught up through hard work and technology, he has the chance Almost, in an imperfect state, hatred is inevitable.

At the beginning, countless hunters sighed. If Li Yao had any favorite, he would definitely be a god, and it was still the top one, but simply did not.

Several god pets were cast secretly, those god pets possessed by their masters neglected their own skills, and finally went to waste. God pets eventually fail to enshrine them, and after all, they abolish their aptitude.

Hunter is such a profession, no matter what innate talent, pets are indispensable, lone wolf hunting is no exception, lone wolf hunting also needs to absorb the attribute blessing of pets.

Don’t look at how fierce Li Yao is now, every second, it’s because he has previous life skills, plus advanced equipment, but when players mature, if there is no super favorite , It still doesn’t work. This is the hunter.

“I said, you haven’t woken up yet. The Beastmaster can catch pets higher than himself, but you can see clearly that this is the leader of the 60th-level race, not to mention you now. Even if you are sixty, you are still okay.” The guardian angel said helplessly.

Seeing the skills of the boss, he has nodded skin tingling. In the face of such a perverted boss, let alone fight, it is estimated that the opponent awakened and could not run.

“You are too two.” Li Yao was speechless.

“Damn, am I wrong, can you kill this kind of boss?” The guardian angel vomited: “Even if this boss doesn’t fight back, more than 30 million blood, you can’t kill him if he doesn’t return blood. Okay.”

“You are all shocked by what you see, but you have overlooked a problem.” Li Yao said.

“What’s the problem?” Sister Li frowned.

“This is a low-level map, don’t forget, this is a branch copy map of Ten Fifth Level, do you think there will be such a boss that cannot be killed?” Li Yao asked rhetorically.

“Why is it impossible? Don’t you remember that our tenth-level map and the Level 30 son of Grogau? The mechanism of the ancient gods, many map monsters have a large level gap.” Said the angel.

“I knew you would give this example, but the problem is that you overlooked it. This is a copy map. Although a projection copy has not yet been formed, it is still different from the real field. Copy map impossible There are enemies that are basically impossible to defeat at this stage. It’s just to see if you can find a way and have this kind of luck to get the corresponding props.” Li Yao said confidently.

Sister Li frowns saying: “You mean, either he will leave, or use some props to disperse him or weaken him?”

“Yes, but this copy is obvious It’s over, there must be a guarding boss, and this Hydra is obviously the guarding boss, otherwise you think that under normal circumstances, I’m so close to a boss like this, will it not notice me? . Obviously he is absorbing the power of the moonwell and cannot perceive the situation outside. This is to give us an opportunity to use props.”

“Props, the eyeballs in your hand, are you sure?” Qin Fengyi frowns saying.

“I’m not sure, but I have to try it.” Li Yao took a deep breath before saying.

The mechanism of the ancient gods is very cheating. For example, in the current situation, there is no corresponding special props. It is simply impossible to kill the boss by playing the plot.

However, no one knows what this kind of prop is. It is possible that he is in this temple, and it is possible that he will appear anywhere else for this reason.

And Li Yao gained mysterious eyes. Although it seems to be related to this, there is too little information. Even at the end, Li Yao is not sure whether he will succeed.

But the favorite is right in front of you. If you don’t try it, you will definitely regret it for life.

Li Yao activated the dark knight-errant passive effect, which concealed his breath, and looked around in the hall.

Especially the statue of the Moon God and the statues of several ancient gods, they looked carefully, but after a long time, Li Yao did not find a place to put the mysterious eye.

Li Yao gritted his teeth and slowly approached the moon well. Other people had already mentioned their throat and approached the moon well. If the Hydra wakes up, Li Yao will be almost dead.

As Li Yao approached, the mysterious eyes in his hand began to become hot and trembling violently, as if something was about to break out.

Li Yao firmly caught the mysterious eye, but when Li Yao approached the edge of the moon well, the mysterious eye in his hand suddenly disappeared into Li Yao’s hand, and Li Yao was shocked When I saw the mysterious eye appeared in the moon well, countless black mist spread out, spreading rapidly to envelop the Hydra.

The sleeping Hydra suddenly awakened. The moment it saw the mysterious eye, its heads roared to the extreme, and the whole temple trembled, a lot of dust and rubble. Falling, as if about to collapse at any time.

“Why are you still in a daze? Are you scared? Run!” The guardian angel reacted first and shouted.

However, Li Yao turned a deaf ear, and instead jumped out of the moon well.

Everyone was stunned. Their first single thought is that Li Yao is crazy…

ps: Seeking subscription…

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