
Level: Level 16 Boss

Life: 220,000

Armor: 688

Resistance : Elementary ice attribute resistance

Skills: thunderbolt trampling, rotating collision, fierce biting

Note: Mercuria was originally the most peaceful creature in the temple, it was born in the temple , Being favored by the Moon God, even if the temple was deeply buried, it still refused to leave. However, a silhouette of the Evil Shadow Council appeared in the Temple of Silence that had been calm for thousands of years, and they used fel energy to corrupt and torture its soul. Now Mercuria has fallen into a state of madness, living up to the peace of the past.

Li Yao frowned, the blood volume of the branch dungeon boss is fixed, one person also has this blood volume, and five people also have the same blood volume.

This boss, on the surface, looks like, except for the high life and super high armor, only three skills should be very general.

But the more this kind of boss is, the less simple it is. First of all, there are at least a dozen silver coins around him. This alone is very difficult to deal with.

Moreover, this kind of tortoise is not only ridiculously high in armor, but they also have damage reduction.

“It’s a pity a good pet.” Li Yao looked at this big tortoise with a bit of toothache. As a wasteland reclamation model, he can catch wild beasts as pets.

But the label shows that the other party is crazy, and Li Yao can even hear the cry of Mercuria’s soul. In the crazy mode, simply establish no contract.

Li Yao summon took Death God 4000, and Death God 4000 immediately rushed into the water.

The murloc in the water rushed to Death God four thousand, Li Yao also began to output, compared to the orc warlock, the murloc is much timid.

Not many people gathered around. Although they were elites, they fell quickly under Li Yao’s attack.

As the murlocs who were hit by the black arrow of death died, the murloc skeletons of the Silver British level joined Li Yao’s team.

Li Yao made a small half circle around the island among those in the cave. Li Yao found that the water veins below still lead to unknown places.

And soon after he cleaned up, other murlocs and crabs and other monsters will appear in the water behind him again.

“A good place to upgrade, it’s a pity, I can’t upgrade at ease.”

If it weren’t for the guild, Li Yao would definitely upgrade here. Murlocs have a lot of experience and are easier to kill than other monsters.

Of course, this is for Li Yao. Hundreds of Yinying have been gathered around him. Anyway, the murlocs of a team are not opponents. It’s a completely rampant rhythm. The average player’s monster spawning speed is estimated to have just finished killing this side. When the second wave was killed, the murloc had already come back, and then it was buried here.

After making up a hundred skeletons, Li Yao went ashore.

“Didn’t expect, ten thousand years later, I will see the clansman once here.”

A Sartre saw Li Yao surrounded by skeletons and walked over and said.

“You talk about you people, either twisted and mutated by the ancient gods, or twisted and mutated by the evil energy, each one is ugly to death. I am not of the same race.”

” Here comes a guy with short-sightedness.” A cold light flashed in Yinying’s eyes, but then disappeared: “How do you understand the power of fel.”

“I don’t want to understand either.” Li Yao Shrug and start.

“Wait.” The head of Sartre said: “I think you can become an elite at such a young age. You have great potential. Not equal to me. When your referrer, recommend to the leader. , I believe that through the strengthening of evil energy, you will definitely become an existence that is not weaker than me, and the achievements of the generals must be more than me.”

“system: This Sartre wants to introduce you to become Sartre. , You can choose to accept or hold it. If you accept, you will be extradited to Sartre, but you will become the enemy of three great factions. If you don’t accept it, the opponent will fly into a rage out of humiliation and launch an attack on you. Please players Choose carefully.”

Li Yao was taken aback, didn’t expect actually triggered this plot.

Players have the opportunity to join special forces, such as thieves and pirate organizations that are regarded as monsters, as well as special ones. Orcs may be accepted as members of the Evil Shadow Council.

For example, a band of thieves that players join are generally promoted to elites or even Yinying, but the corresponding price is that they are usually sent back as undercover agents.

Spy missions and so on , Can not be exposed. If it is exposed, it would be cool. The common enemy of the three great factions is basically impossible and can only be supplied at the stronghold of the thieves group.

To change back, you need to pay a considerable price.

And Li Yao’s situation is even more special. When he becomes Sartre, he can basically only be regarded as a monster, and he doesn’t even have the qualifications to be an undercover agent.

Of course, his attribute has become a monster elite situation, with high blood volume and so on, and then he has to kill players to upgrade. But generally there will be some kind of function that can’t be left at will.

“I definitely want to be the leader. It’s still up to you. As for the ugly appearance of you, sorry, I don’t want to be a monster yet.”

With Li With Yao’s words, the melee skeleton next to Li Yao charged up, and the remote skeleton started to release the chain of lightning.

“Damn it, impossible to tell good from bad, Mercurie kills him.”

The tortoise boss let out a low growl like a dragon roar, his eyes flashing Crazy rays of light.

“I will let you crush them.” Sartre Yinying roared.

However, the tortoise boss just didn’t move, and the Sartre looked gloomy and challenged.

A dozen Yinying faced hundreds of Yinying, and they were soon overwhelmed, and Li Yao didn’t even make a move.

“The spirit, the believer of the Moon God, killed me, freed me, purified my soul, and after my death, all the treasures on my body are yours.” Mercurie’s voice was full of Pain and struggle.

“I can find a way to purify you.” Li Yao said.

“No, my soul and body have been eroded by evil energy. No one can save me. My soul has been twisted. I can’t control myself. There is only blood red in front of my eyes. I long for blood. . No, this is not the real me. Kill me and take away my energy crystals. He can take you to the real temple and help me purify the existence of evil.” Mercurie pleaded.

“Okay, I promise you.” Li Yao nodded said. He knew that being corrupted by fel energy was basically irreversible.

Kill Mercurie

Task description: Mercuria has been corrupted by fel energy and is irreversible. If he is completely transformed by fel energy, he will be within the body Demi-God bloodline will also be stimulated and become a terrifying existence.

Mission objective: kill Mercuria and free him.

Task reward: Mercuria’s treasure, 10% experience

Task difficulty: ss

Essence Abyss Temple

Task description : The Evil Shadow Council takes the lead in the Naga. First, it corrodes the temple from a secret passage. The Moon God statue in the temple stores a large amount of strength of Faith. If it is corroded, the ancient gods may break out. The world will once again return to the wild chaos.

Quest Mumu: Essence Temple, stop the conspiracy of the Evil Shadow Council.

Task reward: Divine Idol of Luna, 25% experience

Difficulty of task: sss

ps: I still find that some friends can’t find the group number, I Just post it again, 427590697.

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