Li Yao said in the veteran group: “Don’t they want to rush in, let them rush in, just to experiment with my lore, mountain warfare, I like this kind of undead.”

Sister Li understood what Li Yao meant, and the team voice said: “Everyone retreats collectively, and all melee fronts shrink their defenses.

The people from the Spark Guild completely squeezed together and withdrew for a while. Space, this time it is really impossible to retreat.

“hahaha, see where you can retreat. “The fifth mountain battle rushed up laughed heartily.

As the Spark Guild retreated, the players of the Three Great Guilds seemed to see the dawn of victory and rushed in like crazy.

The space inside the wall of fog suddenly became very narrow.

“It’s him. “

Li Yao’s body suddenly flashed with a faint red rays of light.

Rapid shooting!

The time mark instantly marked the mountain warrior and died. Mark, the black arrow of death.

Arcane shoot!

Everyone saw that Li Yao’s hands seemed to have turned into afterimages, one by one burning flame arrows pa pa pa shoots at the mountain giant.


Li Yao shoots at a speed of five attacks per second.


“hahaha, what can you do with me? “The health of the mountain giant is tens of thousands.

Armor and damage reduction are also terrifying matchless. Only Li Yao’s terrifying attack can cause three-four hundred damage.

” Worthy of a prairie fire, he can actually do five arrows in one second. This output is also terrifying to the extreme, but unfortunately, what you encounter is a mountain war, and your struggle is futile. “Robert laughed.

“Liaoyuan, are you incapable of skill, just this little trick?” “Looking at the world, I also yelled.

Even the cousin Shengshi showed the winner’s smile: “Struggle, this is your last chance to show.” “

Li Yao’s output caused too little damage to the mountain warfare. Even with the peculiar range spell, but with the treatment of the Three Great Guilds, the blood volume of the mountain warfare always maintained more than 90%.

Mountain Wars laughed triumphantly, hitting Spark’s seemingly precarious line of defense. Other players swarmed and outputted crazy.

As long as they killed Spark In the front row of the guild, then the defeat of the Starfire Guild is irreversible.

The members of the Starfire Guild are extremely anxious. Their crazy output and treatment are trying to protect the precarious line of defense.

Li Yao turned a deaf ear to the other party’s mockery, while outputting quickly, while silently timing.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds… 10 seconds, 11 seconds…

Li Yao’s output suddenly stopped, and his fingers flashing golden rays of light were facing the mountain and the virtual spot.

“Blast! “


A group of illusory shock waves like water ripples exploded centered on mountain warfare, and the sound was not loud.

But extremely fast , In an instant passed a 50*50 yard range centered on a mountain warfare.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and the violent spells suddenly stopped.

Those Three Great Guilds players who were still madly rushing into the defense of the Starfire Guild seemed to have been cast a hold technique, and all their actions were frozen in an instant.

“What’s the matter? “Attack, I rely on…”

The cousin Shengshi and the others in the rear shouted, but before they finished speaking, their expressions had frozen.

The blockbuster white light rose up in an instant……

shuaa~ ……

Everyone was stunned, and the players near the wall of fog swept along with the white light Brush fell to the ground.

“What is this? “

Although there is no detailed count, it is estimated that at least two hundred Three Great Guilds players were killed by the shock wave in an instant.

Suddenly there was a clearing. The corpses of densely packed players are horrible to see.

What kind of skill is this? This is the doubt in everyone’s mind. It is really shocking. A shock wave killed more than 200 people in a flash. This is because half of the shockwave is occupied by the Starfire players. If not, just imagine the effect of this spell is scary enough.

Li Yao slowly walked forward and gave a slight push. The standing mountain war.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, the huge body of the mountain war fell to the ground.


Others I thought the mountain warfare was still alive. I was stunned because of surprise. Now I realized that the mountain warfare of more than 50,000 blood also took a second in an instant, but the blood bar slowly diminished, and everyone thought he was still alive.

Immediately everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. Now the player’s blood volume is limited and they can’t know the damage of the spell at all. They think it’s just over two thousand.

However, the reality is that even the 50,000-blood mountain battle has been seconded. What does this mean, it means that ordinary crispy skin will be seconded dozens of times.

Li Yao 1.5 seconds The arrow lasted for twelve seconds. You must know that the time bomb can do 1.5 times the damage in twelve seconds. Mountain warfare can’t stand it at all. Being in seconds is normal.

“Who just said Do you have a lot of mountain wars? I also want to say, let go. Li Yao tilted his head slightly and stared at the three people in the distance, hooking his fingers: “Who else?” “

“Your uncle, don’t be proud. “Nine Layers Heaven above Robert’s anger.

“Wrong, I’m proud of killing some small characters. Are you looking at these scums too highly, or are you too underestimating me? “Li Yao slowly returned to the formation and said: “Kamuan, go on, I see you, don’t give us a chance to breathe, you still have a chance to win 1/10000th. “

Ah pu…

The members of the Starfire Guild burst into laughter, and recovered from the shock. Although the current melee combat of the Starfire Guild has suffered heavy casualties, the current On the contrary, morale has risen even more, and an imposing manner has been truly formed. The fighting has finally reached the same level as the enemy. This is the effect that Li Yao wants. Only by fighting together can there be cohesion.

In Watching the players of Three Great Guilds, they have been beaten time and time again. They have more than 3,000 people, and they have been beaten like this against players who have not reached one thousand.

Invincible Mountains The battle was so powerful, but it was instantly killed in an instant, and there were more than 200 comrades who fell at the same time. The blow was huge, and it made them feel confused and not knowing what to do.

Cousin Shengshi slowly looked at all around and found that even Robert and the world looked at a loss, suddenly cursed something, and then said loudly: “What are you doing? We haven’t lost yet. Our current number is still theirs. Three times, we have the biggest win. His skills are powerful, but how many times he can use them. Do you believe that this skill can be used many times in a short time? “

Hearing the words of my cousin Shengshi, the players of Three Great Guilds were suddenly shaken, and finally showed a stunned expression on their faces. Yes, our number is still three times that of them.

They are almost dead in close combat, as long as they rush in, they will undoubtedly be destroyed…

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