Arrow rain! scattering! scattering! scattering!

Li Yao releases his skills directly at a distance in the sky. The heavy crossbow he uses is much farther than the bow and arrow. With the range bonus, those spells can’t touch him.

The arrows fell like a real rain of arrows, but another wave of players fell.

Death God 4000, which has turned into a puppet form in a wheat field, once again rushed into the crowd with sparks.

Motionless As Mountains!

The broken parts around his body revolve around him, blocking many spells and injuries.

Parts spatter!

The large pieces of parts flew out, and it was a piece of while light. Around him were either cloth armor output or fragile healing, and simply couldn’t bear the skill output of the boss.

However, the wheat field puppets only stop here. The nearby players are not monsters, but there is no hatred mechanism, and they are directly away from this monster.

“This damn thing makes him strikes into scum.”

hōng lóng lóng ……

The last Self-destruction of the wheat field puppet is not really true. Injured people and turned into fragments all over the floor.

9 seconds, 10 seconds, 11 seconds…

Li Yao quickly outputs while counting down, and his damage is also bursting. Although it is not as powerful as a single body damage, it is basically Three rounds of scattering can also kill a slice of players.

The players of the Three Great Guilds were extremely aggrieved, looking at Li Yao on their heads, they could not do anything.

Time remains!

Just when they thought that Li Yao’s wings were about to fall, all the players were stunned to see Li Yao’s silhouette suddenly blurred.

“Wipe, what about others?” Looking at the world and rubbing his eyes, people suddenly disappeared.

“The pile of puppets is gone.” Cousin Sheng Shi couldn’t believe it.

“Are you looking for me? I’m not here.”

They followed Li Yao’s voice and suddenly the whole scene was silent.

The gap between the two walls of fog is still the brand new Death God 4000, as if it had returned to the one that appeared just twelve seconds ago, without the slightest change.

“I’ll rub it, this is the effect of his sister’s gold outfit. It is invincible when used on hunters.” The guardian angel was speechless.

Although he saw the fruit Knight used this effect in the dungeon, he felt that it was very difficult to deal with, but he didn’t have such a shocking feeling. However, when Li Yao used this move, it was Everyone was shocked. Not only do individuals return to ten seconds ago, but even the state of pets return to ten seconds ago.

Previous life, the most powerful round of a senior mage is to apply time spell to himself, and then various amplifying moves, after a few seconds, return to the previous state, and release a round of bombing. .

The instantaneous eruption of the mage becomes terrifying because of the time spell, and it is also the greatest support of the mage Miaoren.

“No, it is the president who uses this trick to make people feel terrifying.” Sister Li shook her head and said.

“This is too rascal. Uncle just killed more than a hundred people in a frantic bombardment. At least a hundred people were killed. The other side killed the puppet and it was almost a second uncle. I must feel very There is a sense of accomplishment, but now look at their expressions, oops, let me laugh for a while.” Da Vinci also covered his mouth and laughed in the elders.

“Big Brother, when this is over, the ring will definitely lend me a play, it feels so good.” Said the cute pupil.

“Fuck, what is the guildmaster’s skill, why is it so perverted.”

“My god, it scares me to death, this what the hell skill.”


“Fuck it, it’s so abnormal.”

“The chairman is always unexpected.”

“These ten seconds, it’s fun.”

Compared with the excitement and shock of the Starfire Guild, the players of Three Great Guilds are full of absurd and unreal feelings, making them think they are dreaming for a while, but look at the dead bodies of the blockbuster comrades at their feet. Tell them clearly that this is not a dream.

“The **** guy, I was fooled, don’t be stunned, close combat, close combat quickly stop him.” First cousin Sheng Shi wake up sober and shout in the team channel.

“It seems that we are all awake, then we have a second round. Everyone listens to my orders, keeps the formation, adds me, and rushes with me.”

Li Yao said Death God 4000 rushed out, and in an instant there were a lot of healing reactions. The magic shields of shua~ shua~ shua~ were put on Death God 4000’s body.

“Keep the formation. Don’t let the people from the Three Great Guilds rush into our formation in front of the tank.” Sister Li saw some tanks and close combat and called out to charge, and she immediately yelled.

The ten seconds just now is really shocking. Death God 4000 harvests human heads just like mowing grass. Even if it explodes, Li Yao is like entering no one’s land, it’s a kill. Like god.

The most shocking thing is that after killing so many people, you can still get out of your body and change back intact, just like a dream.

Originally, I saw a lot of people. Many people didn’t think they could win. After all, there were too many ants to kill elephants. However, Li Yao’s performance of more than ten seconds filled them with victory and determination and morale.

On the contrary, the players of Three Great Guilds are cast a shadow in their hearts.

Electrostatic flywheel!

Harvesting track!

Death harvest!

This time, Li Yao is not at all in-depth but constantly reaping the melee players that come up. The players of Three Great Guilds also have red eyes, and Li Yao is set on fire.

Although Li Yao was blooded by a group of nurses, and the blood volume of Death God 4000 was already very scary, but it still went up and down, as if it would be cleared at any time.

After one round of skills, Li Yao finally couldn’t bear it, trampled on a jump and jumped into his own formation.

This also means a real exchange of fire between the two sides.

However, because Li Yao rushed all the way, the nearby Three Great Guilds had been slaughtered in melee combat. The back row of the Three Great Guilds was simply unprotected and was once in chaos.

The initial confrontation Starfire Guild has the absolute upper hand, while the close combat of the Starfire Guild is a barrier generally blocking their steps and not giving them the opportunity to impact.

“The attention of the other two directions quickly shifted towards our direction, and the nearby melee speed support, give me the scum from the Spark Guild.”

Cousin Shengshi Seeing this, his eyes were red, and he quickly gave orders.

Both sides have heal and increase blood, but the players on both sides still continue to pounce on the street and fall to the ground, but because of the chaos of the Three Great Guilds, most of the deaths are the players of the Three Great Guilds.

Because of the eye-catching performance just now, the hatred of Death God 4000 is too great, even for treatment.

Li Yao simply jumped Death God 4000 and also stood at the output position, quickly bending the bow to shoot arrows, he did not rush to output, but kept shooting one death black arrow after another.

And even after the player died, Li Yao did not activate the passive effect to summon the skeletons, but waited for the right time.

There are too many players in Three Great Guilds. With the support of players from the other two directions, the situation has changed again…

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