“After all, we have a limited number of people. I am afraid that there is no advantage to entering the trap deliberately. It still feels passive.” The guardian angel thought.

Sister Li disagreed and said; “Your idea is wrong.”

“Why, isn’t it? We don’t know how many people they will ambush, in case there are several guilds Fight against us together, even if our members are all elites, after all, two fists are hard to beat four hands.” The guardian angel analyzed.

“What you said is a bit reasonable, but don’t forget that our president is too capable of pulling hatred, and there are too many potential enemies. What we fear is not the positive shock, but the harassment behind the scenes. And sneak attack, this makes us uncomfortable. The lurking enemy is terrifying, and it cannot be guessed, we can’t prevent it.” Li said.

“This reason cannot convince me.” Guardian Knight shook his head.

Qin Fengyi said: “There are many benefits, now is the most appropriate time. Now the guild is busy reclaiming Grandmaster Rank copies, and it rarely disperses energy. We should not have many enemies, and we will not send those to reclaim wasteland. The main force of the dungeon is against us.”

“The second point, now that the game has just started, in fact, the running-in of each guild is problematic. However, the elite profession of our guild Qingyishui has an advantage. “

“Thirdly, our guild has been too eye-catching recently. Let alone occupying the Ranking List. The dungeon wasteland has also kept up with everyone’s progress. Even if it’s not hostile to our guild, it will be hostile to us. They may not care about those husbands’ guilds, but the new guilds will basically resist it. No one wants to give up a piece of their own cake. Therefore, our guild must show enough battle strength, and only have enough strength to let those big guilds I don’t think we are free from them, so they won’t do some small actions.”

“I still have reservations, but I also trust your judgment.” The guardian angel nodded said nothing.

“In fact, the best situation is to develop with peace of mind. Now we don’t lack anything, we can develop as long as we have enough time.” Qin Fengyi sighed said.

Seeing that everyone is nodded, Li Yao, who has been silent, said: “I don’t agree with this point. If you want to divide the cake, you need to kick others out. After all, the cake is so big, so I think that powerful guilds are killed, not peaceful development, peaceful development of guilds, on the contrary, there is no cohesion.”

“Well, only after experiencing blood and fire will they have feelings for the guild. Only then can we have trust in teammates fighting side by side and become an indivisible whole. Only such a guild is a powerful guild.” Sister Li nodded agreed.

“If there is no road ahead, then make a way out. I want to see if the guild is full and dare to plot against me. This account is settled.” Li Yao’s eyes flashed. Leng Mang, now he is not fighting alone.

“In that case, let’s fight.” Fruit Knight said firmly.

“Then fight.” Qin Fengyi and Dumb Tongtong were infected by their passion.

Shadow Dance Kuang remained silent as always, but he had already clenched the dagger in his hand.

“I’ll give you something, we are like this by accident.” Seeing that everyone’s morale was mobilized, Li Yao immediately announced his plan.

People are either nodded or put forward their own opinions to make up for the lack of plan. While talking about the plan, Li Yao couldn’t help but look at his newly made mechanical puppet again.

Death God 4000

Level: Level 13 Junior Boss

Manned Mode (Manned Harvester)

Life: 21000

Armor: 328

Resistance: primary physical resistance, primary mechanical resistance

Skills: death harvest, jumping trampling, harvest trail, static flywheel

Broken mode (rice puppet)

Life: 28900

Armor: 450

Skill: Motionless As Mountains, parts splash , Static pulse, death explosion

Characteristics: brave, fearless

Status: immature work

Life form: mechanical intelligence, growable and evolvable.

Li Yao knows that he will encounter Death God 5000 if he is advanced, but now he is very satisfied with having Death God 4000.

Although it has not been used in actual combat, the effect of Li Yao’s simulation is very satisfactory. It shouldn’t be in actual combat.

The power of this puppet lies in two points. The first is that it can carry people.

In the manned mode, Li Yao is protected by the outer armor and will not be harmed. It can be used as a half land mount. It will be more comfortable to hurry in the future, although it is not as fast as the mount, but in the era when there is no mount, you can have fun with a means of transportation.

After all, Death God Four Thousand also received the blessing of wisdom, and also possesses high-level wisdom.

The second is that there are two forms. The first form is better at smart attacks, which is biased towards the harvest mode. second is more defensive.

The spider is more inclined to single-player duel, and the effect is not so great during melee.

Looking at the coast, once an important port city in the Human Kingdom, it was once very prosperous.

But after the undead broke out and the entire city fell, and the Human Kingdom was also destroyed, this broken port city was already occupied by murlocs and naga.

The establishment of the Kingdom of the Forsaken, coupled with the emergence of airship transportation, the forgotten souls have not yet spared their hands to solve the port problem.

So this place has now become a paradise of monsters. A powerful Naga tribe regards this place as their territory, and no race is allowed to set foot.

Li Yao is naturally not arrogant enough to take people to attack the port, but a transport team from the port.

They didn’t know where to send the supplies, and the Naga, who rarely left the shore, went deep into the land.

“President, now the transport team is passing through this wood.” The newcomer Muzi said to Li Yao.

Li Yao nodded said: “Are you sure about the route?”

“They will definitely get out of the woods from here, because there is a road on our side, and transportation in other directions The team is impassable.” Newcomer Muzi said affirmatively.

“Well, that’s good, then how long do you expect the transport team to appear.”

“It’s already very close, it’s estimated that it will be 15-20 minutes away Now.”

“Well, I see, you return to the team.” Li Yao joined Muzi to the team.

“I think it’s good here, suitable for fighting.” Sister Li said.

“Well, right here.” Li Yao shouted in the guild channel after speaking: “The tank professions of the first to sixth regiments all stand in the forefront, the fighter-type melee supplements the position, and the treatment follow closely from behind. The tanks of the 7th Regiment and the melee guarding the left wing, the 8th Regiment’s melee guarding the right wing, and the tanks of the 9th and 10th regiments melee guarding the rear. The temporary commanders of each team hurriedly line up. We only have ten minutes to get the speed. “

Li Yao divided the guild into ten groups, each with one hundred people. In fact, the tenth group only has 40-50 people, and there is no full group.

Suddenly the loose formation began to gradually become orderly…

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