“Why do I need to quibble, it’s enough to kill you.”

The short spear in Li Yao’s hand whizzed and flew out with a whistling sound.

The whirlwind throws!


Ling Fengpoxiao didn’t expect Li Yao to be not afraid at all. At this time, he dared to do it, and the distance between the two was too close.

As soon as he had the idea of ​​avoiding it, he felt a pain in his heart, and he was taken by the short spear with great power.


Short spear and Ling Feng’s body nailed to the big tree behind him. His eyes were just beginning to fade, and his soul turned white. light returned to the cemetery.

All the faces of trolls have changed, and their souls become white light after death. This is a phenomenon of being summoned by soul healers. Only adventurers can get this treatment.

“What do you want to do, take his body away and store it. Although it is a little ugly, it can barely be used as food.” Li Yao shouted.


The two defenders quickly ran forward and carried the body away.

The trolls who suspected Li Yao a moment ago immediately surrounded Li Yao with a panic expression, and protected Li Yao.

Ah pu…

The players in the Blood Leaf Guild are about to vomit blood and are treated as food.

Although the cemetery is resurrected, the corpse will become a pile of dead bones, but this is an insult to Chi Guoguo, and it is simply unbearable.

“President, rush for a second, and stop him.”

“Fuck, I don’t want to bear it anymore.”

“Dogdan, too annoying It’s gone.”

“Let’s bear with him first and see what he is going to do.” blood mist Feng gritted his teeth and said, now Chong is a dead word.

The blood mist is aching, and this Liaoyuan seems to have been calculated by him, and there is simply no chance to deal with him.

They originally planned to take advantage of Li Yao’s chance to get out of the armory to kill him, and at the worst, let him reveal his identity as a player.

But didn’t expect Li Yao to be so cautious and to gather a bunch of trolls to surround him, simply couldn’t start.

It’s useless to find someone to expose him to death. Li Yao is really too decisive. He used a short spear to stop Ling Feng directly. Are you not a bow and arrow player? So fierce.

Shooting a player with a short spear will stun those trolls at once, revealing that Ling Feng is a player on the one hand, and revealing his skills on the one hand, double proof.

The troll didn’t dare to question Li Yao, but now he was caught in a dilemma, unable to advance or retreat.

I saw Li Yao walking slowly with a group of trolls.

“Liaoyuan, this time we agreed to plant, we gave up this task.” Blood mist Feng said on the regional channel.

“To this day, I still play this kind of trick with me, obviously not smart enough, no wonder the black and white TV was taken over.” Li Yao said.

“Fuck, what are you talking about.” blood mist wind coldly said.

“You must have heard it wrong. You didn’t give up this mission, but couldn’t enter the armory at all.” Li Yao said: “Besides this is a personal mission. The real mission should be It’s to postpone the Witherbark Fortress, okay, you don’t need to argue. I’ll give you a chance to use Hearthstone directly to return to the city, so that I will have a lot of grievances that I don’t care about with you.”

Wisdom is extraordinary, because he is dissatisfied with the blood mist wind’s short-sightedness, directly overhead the blood mist wind.

This incident also caused a great sensation. Black-and-white TV once said that it was not for the purpose of seeking power, but for the guild’s rapid development.

I don’t know how to get blood mist to sign an authorization and share transfer contract. It is a double of reality and ideas.

Since then, the blood mist wind has become a puppet, and cannot command the members of the Blood Leaf Guild at all.

What surprised everyone is that after black and white TV controls most of the shares, the annual dividends are still distributed according to the original, and their dividends are given to blood mist wind.

This incident has caused a long period of controversy, once debated whether black and white TV is right or wrong.

Without the control of black-and-white TV, the Blood Leaf Guild will not quickly enter the top 20, and the Blood Leaf Guild will still be a second-rate guild. How can it be top 20.

But his behavior is intolerable by morality. Both sides hold their own opinions, and the debate has been fruitless for a long time.

Members stopped talking. In the current situation, they are completely at a disadvantage.

Li Yao’s transfiguration status is obviously much higher than them, and there is simply no chance to do it.

“It seems that you are not willing anymore. It doesn’t matter. I understand you. I don’t want to change me. After all, more than 200 people have been used, and so many died. The loss is too great.”

The people in the Blood Leaf Guild are going crazy.

Li Yao shook his head. Now letting go is the best result. After drawing the defense map, these people are useless. They can be killed or not. As long as they don’t destroy their mission, there is no way for them to survive. What.

But they are obviously still holding fantasies.

“You are also new recruits, who made you gather here, forget it, it doesn’t matter, come with me.” Li Yao said arrogantly, then turned and moved towards one direction.

“Recruits, what are you doing in a daze, and you still haven’t followed.”

The troll defenders stared at them coldly.

blood mist Feng and others hate gnashing teeth, but they are not willing to go back like this. Of course, under the supervision of other trolls, they are not obedient now.

Li Yao swaggered all the way to the location on the other side of the fortress. This is a wave of goblin camps, and you can feel the heat waves from far away.

Yes, it is the goblin. This is the most important base of the venture capital company East Continent in the north.

If you don’t understand the situation, you will think that these goblins are just slaves of the trolls, helping the trolls to build defenses.

But only Li Yao knows that these goblins and trolls are equal and cooperative.

“Oh my god, didn’t you just leave yesterday, why did you come again today.” A goblin in a supervisor’s uniform asked in a sharp voice.

“I have one more thing to tell you.” Li Yao said while moving towards the inside quickly.

Waiting at the center of the camp, the goblin asked again: “I can call the shots. Just tell me what you want. The Viscount Lord has authorized it.”

The nobles under the Prince of Trade The class, the trade viscount, is often the leader of a goblin resident.

Li Yao stopped and pointed to the players of the Blood Leaf Guild and said; “Then take down these spies, these people are all pretending to be adventurers.”

Blood Leaf Guild The players were immediately confused.

The overseer uttered a scream, then blew the police whistle, and the surrounding goblins immediately surrounded him.

The defenders around Li Yao who had long been suspicious of these recruits also took out their weapons.

Seeing that he is surrounded by goblins, although the blood mist wind still doesn’t know what Li Yao is going to do, he knows one thing, that is, Li Yao is using them and using them to make some calculations.

At least not simply trying to kill people like yourself, otherwise, you can do it on the side of the troll, so why use the hand of the goblin.

“Liaoyuan, your uncle.” The blood mist cursed Li Yao.

“What are you waiting for, kill me.”…

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