Li Yao came back to the main city and realized that the difficulty for players to open up the Grandmaster Rank is now magical. Even during the day of game time, they don’t upgrade, and they open up the Grandmaster Rank all day long.

It turned out that only Li Yao succeeded in opening up wasteland. They weren’t too anxious. Anyway, it was just one example, but as Dusky Grape managed to get a special spider, and then killed the body and got angry.

Those big guilds are looking for rare spider pets everywhere like crazy. Players are powerful. Besides, spiders in the ancient gods are one of the most common monsters. Many guilds have found them. Special spider pet.

For a while, various guilds were asking for hunter expert, and then tried a few times, many guilds passed by and got angry.

All the guilds were jealous, and then they became crazy, but the guilds that got angry after the corpse naturally refused to give up their advantages and began to challenge the second boss, which caused the flash fruit to become popular.

Seeing this situation, Li Yao decisively grabbed their minds and raised the price of the shining fruit by 4 gold.

This should be put to the original, those big guilds will not open up wasteland and will not agree to such an outrageous price, but the guild that has been tempted now cares about it.

The number of shining fruit in Li Yao’s hand has shrunk again, and it is already less than half of the storage.

In this crazy money-gathering, Li Yao alone ate at least 90% of the profits, and the rest are speculators who accidentally store shining fruit, and players who practice herbal medicine. . With the popularity of the flash fruit, they have all received benefits.

But there are too many players who gather medicine and are too scattered. Compared with Li Yao’s profit, it is really not a feather.

Due to the increase in prices, Li Yao’s wallet is so swollen. Counting the gold coins sent by Zhao Lei, it has swelled to a huge sum of 20,000.

What is the concept of twenty thousand? Li Yao can say without the slightest hesitation that among the players in the game, he says that he is second, and no one can be the first.

Li Yao continued to sweep the goods at Auction House. This time Sister Li and Qin Fengyi joined in, and the three people clearly divided the work to sweep the classified goods.

The gold coins were spent just like running water, and the guild’s warehouse continued to expand. The members who watched it called a scream, and they wanted to get the points immediately.

Li Yao’s guild warehouse has expanded five or six times more than before. The screenshots were posted on the Internet, which directly detonated the forum.

Many guilds are soberly aware that they are drawing their own blood to let the star’s flame hair develop, but the general trend has become impossible to stop it.

You think the flash fruit is too expensive, don’t buy it, there are so many guilds waiting to buy it. I don’t know how many guilds, especially guilds in other administrative regions, are looking for ways to contact Li Yao.

“The equipment is almost there, I think it should be stopped, even if the guild upgrades to increase the membership, it is enough.” Sister Li put the last batch of items in the guild warehouse and said.

“Well, I noticed that the prices of some things in Auction House fluctuate drastically, and some merchants have started plotting against us.” Qin Fengyi also said.

“Then stop harvesting and let the auction calm down for a while.” Li Yao said.

“It is estimated that those businessmen will cry again.” Qin Fengyi said, covering her mouth.

The three of them looked at each other and laughed. Sister Li said, “How is your situation? If the mission can be completed, the guild can be upgraded tomorrow. There are too many players who come to the resident to join the guild. “

“It will definitely be done tomorrow, so you are ready to pay, especially to find more Secondary Profession players.” Li Yao said.

“I think so too.” Sister Li nodded agreed.

“How many shining fruits do you have?” Qin Fengyi asked.

“Total three factions, there are probably more than 5,000 groups.”

“This is 20,000 gold coins, plus more than 10,000 in your body, it is too much “Sister Li frowned. Gold coins are always gold coins. In her opinion, it needs to be transformed into the hard power of the guild as soon as possible.

“Not much, you can make our guild residences luxurious as you like, as well as shop matters, which also require a lot of operating funds. We don’t do it, we just make it bigger. Also, don’t forget, when the guild is Level 3, you can apply for a field station. This is a money-burning ancestor. Other guilds have already started, and we will spend money to keep up with the progress.” Li Yao Clenched his fists.

“Fengyi gave me a lot of information. I have converted it. The funds are still too much. If you don’t use it up, the gold coins will depreciate.” Sister Li frowned.

“How many gold coins do you think you have exceeded?” Li Yao asked, devaluation of gold coins is inevitable.

“At least more than 10,000 will be left.” Sister Li said.

Li Yao said: “In this way, Fengyi, I will give you 10,000 gold. You can sell it. You don’t have to build a base. Selling gold coins will not be short in reality. Credit point. Try to transform it into strength.”

“You are too cruel, let them spend gold coins to buy your glitter fruit, and then sell them the gold coins. The blood draw is too severe. “Qin Fengyi said with a smile.

“We are too far behind, and we are impossible to catch up with those big guilds. Even more how this competition is of a world nature.”

Li Yao and the two They discussed the details, then got some supplies, and then flew to Quel’dan on a bat.

The most painful time in the ancient gods is to hurry. It is too difficult for players to use teleportation, and the wizard only has the teleportation from the main city.

When we arrived at Quel’dan, we ran towards Witherbark Fortress. This time Li Yao not at all walked through the main entrance like yesterday, went around to the back of the mountain range, and found the bottom of the terrace through the coordinates.

Looking up at the terrace, at least a few hundred yards in height, Li Yao directly zoomed out and let the fire eagle fly onto the terrace.

Then transformed into a troll Patrol Envoy.

“Has seen the Sir.” The three trolls saw Li Yao coming out and hurriedly saluted, while a trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the player in Blood Leaf.

His three trolls were staring, and they couldn’t leave. They stood guard all night, especially the black and white TV speculated that Li Yao had become Patrol Envoy and he was about to vomit blood.

Li Yao walked forward with a smile, patted his shoulder, and said: “Yes, the young man is very attentive, and I have the opportunity to find you a beautiful one for you.”

Mixed eating was about to spit fire in his dead eyes. He stared at Li Yao as if he wanted to say something, but he held it down again.

“You brat has something wrong, it’s not polite for an adult to appreciate you.”

The troll who ate and drank after his death kicked him with envy and jealousy.

“Thank you, my lord for the reward.” After eating and drinking, he barely showed a grateful expression.

“Well, good young man, take me to the armory, I want to check it out, otherwise I won’t be easy to explain when the high priest asks.” Li Yao said in a big manner in a troll language.

Ah pu…

young man, your sister, I almost vomited blood while eating and drinking, fucking, if it hadn’t been arranged for black and white TV, he would have been unable to bear it. It broke out…

ps: Ask for a wave of subscriptions. I hope friends who watch pirated copies can come to to subscribe. Thank you.

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