Li Yao took the bat, and the destination was the Hinterland. It was for a mechanical drawing, the Death God 4000 model.

The original form of Death God 4000 is a wheat field puppet, which is actually a harvester used by the human world.

The origin of the wheat field puppet was changed by the scarecrow. The goblin of the venture capital company invented the wheat field puppet and dumped it into the human kingdom through some means. The initial role was actually to guard the wheat field and drive away wild boars and birds. thing.

Venture investment companies are one of the five major chaebols of goblins. This organization is notorious. Their purpose is to monopolize the mining and oil extraction industries of the entire world. In order to protect their interests, they do everything they can. A special pirate group was even established.

But it is undeniable that the invention of machinery is inherited from goblins in the bones.

Human Kingdom is in chaos, a band of thieves arises and occupy a large area of ​​Human Kingdom.

The venture capital company saw the benefits and secretly supported the band of thieves. The request was to control minerals. This is the origin of the human branch copy, the death mine.

In order to ensure their interests, venture capital companies have paid a lot of money. Among them, Li Yao most valued is the transformation of wheat field puppets, the wheat field harvester, Death God 4000, which can not only harvest wheat, but also It is a killing machine that reaps heads.

If you want blueprints, it’s useless to go to the death mine. According to the summary and analysis of previous life data, Li Yao judged that the branch of venture capital company in East Continent should be in the Hinterland. This is the real reason why he wants to come here.

“The welfare and points system, as well as some regulations, guild terms, I have all done it, you can take a look.” Sister Li sent a message.

“Thanks for your hard work, Sister Li.” Li Yao sat on the bat and looked at the terms one by one. They were clearly organized and comprehensive. Obviously, they had worked hard, and they were in line with his own liking.

“Any suggestions for amendments?” Sister Li asked.

“haha, Sister Li, don’t make fun of me. I don’t know anything about these. You can’t make a hundred of them. It’s good. Let’s do it.”

Li Yao is not humble. Although he is reborn, he is not a panacea. He is an expert in games, but some rules and regulations, guild management and so on are at the rookie level.

“Your recent performance, I really thought you were omnipotent.” Sister Li played said with a smile.

“I do hope, I have made an announcement. Members can be allowed to do Guild Mission.” Li Yao said after the announcement that after the point system is improved, members will only work hard when they see the benefits.

Sister Li said with a smile: “You can underestimate them. During the game time sky first glimmers of light, the members have already formed their own teams to do Guild Mission.”

“This…” Li Yao was shocked, you know, there was no welfare system at the time, and there were no points for doing tasks.

“It’s normal if you don’t understand what happened to Xia Yao’s company.” Sister Li continued: “After you go offline, except me, the other veterans will lead people to the elite mode. There is an evil cave. More than 20 teams have all cleared the elite mode.”

Li Yao nodded, the elite mode, has some strategies organized by himself. As long as the command is properly done, you can basically pass the level.

“Oh, yes, I have stored a thousand sets of shining fruit in the guild warehouse, which can be used when the Grandmaster Rank is difficult to open up wasteland. I will not participate, you can take it yourself.” Li Yao said .

“Well, I saw it, this item alone is a good welfare.” Sister Li said with a smile: “By the way, I rented a small area in the Undercity in your name. Not to mention, your name is very useful. The undead official heard that your guild needs to use the station. Although it didn’t give us a little cheaper, the existing guild station was up to me. I chose one close to Auction. The prosperous part of the House is quite big, but it’s a bit expensive. It costs 50 gold coins a month.”

“I was negligent. It’s okay. We don’t need money.” Li Yao wandered around thinking about the location of the field map. Yes, I really forgot that the main city can also rent a resident. It’s just that the cost of the resident is too high. Except for a few limited big guilds, there are very few early rents.

“Well, that’s the situation. You continue to be busy with your tasks. I will go to the station to recruit and hire some life players. My opinion is that it is easier to cultivate by myself, and it is also reliable and a sense of belonging. Then, will The number of guild members has also risen.” Sister Li said.

“Okay, look at the arrangement. By the way, as far as I know, in addition to the guild hall, dormitory and training ground, there are also some external buildings facing the street. Can it be made? Some shops give preferential treatment to the guild, which is also considered a benefit. You can also make money outside.” Li Yao said.

“I have understood that individuals are not allowed to open stores.” Sister Li was puzzled. She had understood that if she wanted to open a personal store, first of all, the prestige of this race must reach respect or above, and most of them are still at this stage. At the friendly stage, the distance from respect is far away.

“Other places can’t work, but Undercity definitely can. No one will embarrass me with such trivial things. If there is, I have a way to solve it. I guess it will take some time to get it up and running. Just follow the formal procedures.” Li Yao said confidently. He is not only for the task, but also for such small things. Not to mention that those people will turn a blind eye, even if they make trouble for themselves. A word from the female officer.

“Well, this thing is promising, I will plan it.” Sister Li saw a huge business opportunity from it.

“Okay, you are busy.” Li Yao hung up the newsletter and let out a long sigh of relief. It is really important to have a managerial talent, and the guild will soon be on track.

When I came to Quel’dan, Li Yao found Quel’dan’s quartermaster Windcaller, and saluted: “Sir, I heard that the witherbark troll recently began to stir and wanted to plot Quel’dan. Dan, can I help you?”

Windcaller nodded said; “You are very well informed. Witherbark trolls do change frequently. I sent a few scouts. I’m not optimistic. Now I have two tasks for you. I don’t know if you want to accept it or not.”

“Please command me.” Li Yao gave an Elf Race military salute.

“Very well, the first one is your personal mission. I heard that you have become the Inheritor of the general. The dark knight-errant is better at hiding and spying. I hope you can draw a military layout of the deadwood fortress. Give it to me, do you accept it?”

“I accept it.” Li Yao said.

Task: Draw a map of witherwood fortress defense

Task description: You need to sneak into witherwood fortress and explore the reality of witherwood fortress. This is a nine deaths and still alive task.

Task requirements: draw a map of the witherwood fortress defense.

Task rewards: 15% experience, a dark emblem, Dark Faction 100 reputation…

ps: Sorry, the map is changed, and it’s updated now.

In addition, I asked for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month. It was very miserable. The brothers no longer have firepower, and I will die miserably. I ask for a monthly pass for firepower support…

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