The Endless Plain is located in the middle of the Western Continent. It used to be the ancient habitat of Ox Head Man.

But with the rise of Centaur, the various tribes of Ox Head Man have been greatly affected.

Ox Head Man is good at running. Hunting, physique is strong, but the centaur has restrained Ox Head Man.

They run faster and are better at bow and arrow, Ox Head When Man encountered a centaur, he couldn’t catch up with him, and he couldn’t run. It was a stubbornness.

The war between the two clans lasted for thousands of years. Eventually the Ox Head Man clan collapsed and was forced to move. To the barren region.

Later the warchief and the troll came to the Western Continent, and they met the fleeing Ox Head Man. The three clans united to form a powerful force.

Then came the war against the centaur. With the help of the orcs and the trolls, the centaur was simply not an opponent of the three races, and was retreating steadily. Now there are few centaur in the entire Infinite Plains.

In order to prevent The Centaur’s counterattack, the endless plains connected to the barren plains and established two original fortresses, here finally became a piece of paradise.

The corner supply station is one of the important supply stations of Dark Faction. An important stronghold connecting the two original fortresses is also the starting point for Ox Head Man who wants to regain control of the endless plains.

Said it is a supply station, in fact it is a very large town, and has been stationed with heavy troops. .

“Big Brother, aren’t we here to spawn mobs and upgrade? What are you doing inside?” asked the cute pupil.

Li Yao led a few people away with vague memory, and said: “Of course it is a task.”

“What task, how troublesome it is to do it.” Guardian Angel I still miss the rapid upgrade of the sticky silk cave.

“Stupid, you know the upgrade. It must be Guild Mission.” Li Yao helplessly said: “Have you thought about it, how do you want to develop in the guild.”

Sister Li said: “You probably don’t have a guild manager for daily management right now. I happen to be a little idle lately, so I can temporarily control it. Well, if you find a suitable candidate to replace me as soon as possible, I want to join the core team to open up wasteland, or establish it later The team is ready. If you have enough strength, you can join the team. This is the contract I drafted. Look, it’s basically the same style. I have signed it, and you can give me permission after signing.”

“Well, yes.” Li Yao is overjoyed. He is worrying about the management of the guild. Sister Li affirms twice the results for half the effort. The contract treatment is generally 1%-3% of the shares. Li Yao directly signs the legal idea contract that guarantees the power of both parties. However, Sister Li was promoted to the position of Vice-President.

“Big Brother, find a manager as soon as possible. My sister-in-law originally wanted to start a club, but I was tired of management and then I came to relax in the game.” Said the cute pupil.

“The pupil, what are your plans?” Li Yao asked.

“I plan, I listen to sister-in-law.” The cute and adorable Hitomi said seriously.

“Little Guitou, I don’t know what you think, she should be the same as me.” Sister Li said.

“I know that sister-in-law is the best.” The dumb pupil, his eyes bent into crescents.

“Well, the contract is the same as that of Sister Li, but the shares have to become 2%. This is the treatment of the veterans,” Li Yao said. This is a general rule. The core team members in the future, some Even shares will not have.

“Let’s do the same, I’m not sure for the time being.” Fruit Knight said.

“Yeah, yes.” Li Yao sent the electronic contracts separately, and then gave them some veteran rights.

Da Vinci said that he hadn’t discussed it with his family yet, so for the time being, Li Yao didn’t force it.

“Now there is only one president’s wife left.” Guardian Knight said with a smile.

“I’m tired of being a commentator, and I’m not on the camera, nor can I be an official commentator. Why not be like them.” Qin Fengyi said with a smile.

Li Yao’s body paused for a moment. Just as she was about to speak, Sister Li said: “Xia Yao has a lot of contacts and can be responsible for diplomacy and propaganda.”

“You What’s your opinion?” Li Yao naturally hopes Qin Fengyi will take over the situation, but the relationship between the two is now more delicate.

Say make up, but I haven’t contacted privately. Let’s talk about the cold war, stay together all day long.

“Yes.” Qin Fengyi nodded.

Li Yao gave the same contract as Sister Li this time, and Qin Fengyi signed it. Li Yao directly promoted her to the position of the president’s wife.

Then said a little embarrassingly: “Ah, there can only be one Vice-President in a Level 1 guild. You can leave it first.”

“Yes.” Qin Fengyi naturally Said, in her heart, this president’s wife is hers, what’s wrong.

Everyone laughed, and the guardian angel despised: “It really is the president’s wife. I said that there is something wrong with the two of them. There is a problem.”

“You are too out, Big Brother and big sister were couples when they were in college. I checked it out on the Huaxia University forum. They are very famous.” Tongtong said with contempt.

“So there is an inside story, I want to check it too.” The guardian angel suddenly became interested.

“Okay, stop making trouble, it’s here.” Li Yao said.

Li Yao and Hitomi came to a huge tent.

There are basically Ox Head Man inside. Li Yao salutes: “I’ve seen the sir, I’m Spark Guild The president of Liaoyuan, I want to see what Guild Mission can receive.”

“It turns out that you are Liaoyuan. You actually came to help us deal with the trouble. Come, come, come, see, we are having a headache. “A simple and honest Ensign Ox Head Man handed over a roll of parchment.

The troll next to the second lieutenant said: “Now Ox Head Man wants to relocate the family and prepare to build the capital. But after years of ruin, there are terrifying monsters everywhere, and we and the centaur The war is still going on. It is impossible to deploy troops to solve it. However, few guilds and adventurers come here, alas.”

Li Yao nodded, look at the name of the mission, point to one of them The mission said: “We’ve taken this, to clear the prairie wolves.”

Ox Head Man was slightly surprised and said: “Sergeant Liaoyuan, you have to understand that this is the most difficult task. The prairie wolves are bloodthirsty and brutal. The most terrifying thing is that they live in groups, which are simply the plague and overlord races on the prairie. You are the Level 1 guild. I think this task is not suitable for you.”

“Many thanks, the chief is concerned, I have this certainty.” Li Yao said firmly.

“Well, it’s the Inheritor that the queen values ​​after all. Take it.” Give another parchment to Li Yao a little bit.

Parchment turned into rays of light and integrated into the mission log. At the same time, all members of Spark Guild appeared in this mission.

“Fuck, the president is really crazy.” The Prairie Watcher exclaimed.

“How do you say?” the surrounding members asked.

“Prairie wolves, like to live in groups.” The Prairie Watcher swallowed and said.

“Let’s live in groups, are you ass?” Other members didn’t understand.

“Damn, my race is Ox Head Man. After the tenth level, many people have discovered that the monsters here are dense and there are many tasks. Players flock to it. But look, now except for us Are there any other players?” Prairie Watcher said.

Not to mention the players from East Continent, many people in the Western Continent don’t even know.

“Stop selling off, what the hell is going on?”

The Prairie Watcher said: “It’s basically dead, no player dares to come.”

“Really?” Someone didn’t believe it.

“Is it good to lie to you, then tell me, this is also a level ten upgrade map, why is there no player?” Prairie Watcher said dissatisfied.

“Stop selling off, what the hell is going on, tell me, should we all hang up this time?”……

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