Li Yao looked at the slightly crazy competitor and mobilized Divine Eyes silently. The dark rays of light flashed for a while and disappeared without saying anything.

The leader and the mage just thought that this guy’s spirit was not normal, it was too conspiracy theory, and they didn’t think too much.

The battle between the two Peak assassins is very interesting to say, and seeing that Li Yao really did not attack them, so I feel relieved.

But you can’t directly resurrect your teammates, otherwise it may cause misunderstandings. I just want to end here quickly, and then wait for Li Yao to leave, they will resurrect the team members.

The value of resurrection here is still very large, so none of the souls were released, and the souls chose to wait when they returned to the cemetery.

The comparison between the two assassins is still plot against, especially when there is no qualitative difference between the equipment and strength of the two assassins.

However, when the two played against each other for a while, the onlookers of other people could still tell that the competitor was obviously not the opponent of Yaoji.

I just think the competitor is interesting and weird, because every time she faces the dagger, her body can always move or bend unexpectedly, and this kind of bending is beyond the scope of normal people, it seems Extraordinarily weird.

Even later, they discovered that the arm of the competitor turned out to be like a snake, which could be twisted several times, which made people feel chills.

But it is precisely this characteristic that allows her to play with the enchanting girl vividly.

The only thing that comes to mind in their minds is a snake. Yes, only a snake can twist like this. At this moment, as the battle is fierce, all kinds of difficult twists are becoming more frequent.

Everyone was secretly shocked. At this moment, it was very strange. If you master the Profound Truth of the snake, it will look even more terrifying, and simply you can’t guard against it.

Many attacks and defenses can be done from incredible angles.

“No wonder you are so self-confident. It turns out that you are a mortal enemy of your mentor, Snake Ji’s discipline, and you are a lurker.” The demon’s figure flickered, and the two constantly clashed, making it difficult to distinguish the outcome for a while.

“he he he, yes, if it weren’t for you, I would have succeeded in becoming the first Inheritor of the mentor. Then I will be the head of two families and become the first assassin. I am afraid that I will not be able to My subordinate survived. It is you. If it weren’t for you, how could I use this ability.” The competitor’s eyes have also turned into vertical pupils, just like the eyes of a poisonous snake, which makes people chill.

Even her body has many scales, glowing with colorful rays of light, which looks extra oozing.


The head of the group face changed, he thought of something very bad.

There are many mysterious forces and camps in the ancient gods. The three great factions are just the most powerful and representative.

There are also many neutral organizations and forces, of course, there are also many evil forces and the religion of Gods Vestige.

Among them, the cult of the mother of alienation is the most legendary. No one knows what the mother of alienation is. Some people say that she is an ancient elf, some people say that she is a mysterious powerful mage, and even more so. Said she is a mysterious Spiritual God.

But the organization that believes in her is called the Beast Spirit Transformation sect. They basically absorb the creatures with weak racial innate talent, and activate or obtain a certain powerful alien bloodline through mysterious ceremony and potion. In order to obtain this kind of powerful ability.

But their philosophy is not tolerated by three great factions, and they are too bloody and cruel. They even sacrificed a small town in order to obtain some powerful alienation ability, and were wanted by three great factions.

Naturally, as the intelligence chief of Dark Faction, the enchanting mentor naturally has a lot more opportunities to deal with these guys.

Among them, Snake Ji is one of the biggest opponents of Demon’s Instructor. It is said that she has Medusa’s ability, not only can control Ten Thousand Snakes, but also petrify opponents. She is also the top of this religious religion.

The two plot against each other, and many times have the opportunity to keep each other behind. Didn’t expect the enchanting competitor to hide so well that he almost became the first Inheritor.

What surprised the leader even more is that they are players. If you join this cult, you will be wanted by three great factions if your identity is revealed. Basically, you don’t want to enter each city.

Only in the underground activities, I really don’t know if it is worth gaining the seemingly powerful ability value.

Of course, as an assassin, possessing this ability is really powerful.

In normal battles, she was killed by Demon Ji a long time ago, but with this weird ability to deal with Demon Ji up to now, if it weren’t for Demon Ji also improved a lot, I’m afraid it’s hard to say the outcome. .

“hahaha, how? See it, my ability is a perfect match for the assassin. When I get something, even if I don’t get the Profound Truth of the fog, I will be undefeated. Then you I have no qualifications to lift shoes.” The expression in the eyes of competitors is extremely frantic.

The demon girl took a deep breath and suddenly turned into a mist: “It is not unreasonable for the snake girl to be suppressed by the mentor, otherwise I will not make you to steal the teacher, although my mist is not as good as the mentor. , It’s not from the mentor, and it’s not as good as one-tenth of the formidable power of the mentor, but it’s enough to deal with the fake snake girl like you.”

The figure of the enchantress is erratic. In the mist, Snake Ji and Demon Ji’s dagger capital cannot be seen, and her attack hits the mist like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

Swipe, swipe, swipe, shua!

one after another gloomy rays of light flickered, the snake dagger was picked up and the arms were full of blood stains, even the scales blocked Can not hold the dagger in Demon Ji’s hand.

Moreover, it’s still an invisible dagger, which makes people feel chills.

“Damn, this is not her Profound Truth, if it is passed to me.”


She hasn’t finished her words, just watch When the mist in front of her disappeared, the mist gathered behind her, and she was kicked into the sky.

The demon girl shows her figure, the fake snake girl is controlled by the spider web in the air, and the snake girl is unwilling to roar, she knows the girl too well.

Now the two sides are fighting against each other, and all kinds of substitutes and life-saving are almost used. After eating Demon Ji this move, no matter how she responds, she will be connected by Demon Ji’s other tricks.

At the beginning of the game, when there were not many tricks, the enchantress could be famous for relying on the characteristics of Akiba Thief, even more how now this time.

The confrontation between you and me between the two parties is just a change of strategy. For the thieves, one set of opportunities can take the enemy away, even more how is being connected by the Akiba Thief.

Actually, as thieves in assassination, competitors did not take advantage at the beginning, and they are already at a disadvantage.

Although the competitors seem to be playing very fiercely, they also have a strong ability to solve tricks for the Akiba Thief who can’t stealth directly.

At this moment, under the control of the spider web, if the competitor does not have the skills to solve it, it basically means the end of the battle.

Competitors have used a lot of solutions in the early stage, and now they are already poor, at least there is no other way when they are trapped and cannot enter the stealth.

Amidst the unwilling roar of competitors, the enchanting set of cohesive tricks will take away the competitors.


The competitor’s corpse fell, and the demon girl returned to the position of the battle strength just now…

ps: Today’s birthday, I was fainted… …

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