Structure: Simple repair robot

Use: teach you how to make a simple repair robot

Simple repair robot: It can repair epic and epic equipment.

Use: Intermediate Engineering: Proficiency: 1350

Note: The new era innovation of dwarf technology, specially designed for novices.

“Good stuff, I’m not welcome.” Li Yao smiled and assigned the simple repair robot to himself, and then he learned directly.

“A good thing is a good thing, but it is not irreplaceable.” Haikuotian shook his head, obviously looking down on this thing.

“It’s still possible.” Li Yao pondered for a moment and said: “Don’t forget, the mechanical hunter I played, the attributes I saw are a little different from what you saw.”

“What’s the difference, do you have other functions?” The guardian angel curiously asked.

“It’s very simple, I can still see one more, that is, the robot I made can immediately provide a blessing to my mechanical items.” Li Yao said.

“What blessing?” The sky is wide and the sky is curious.

“I didn’t say, but I think it should be some aspects of strengthening. It may enhance my fire eagle’s battle strength and so on.” Li Yao said with a shrug.

The sky and the sky didn’t say anything, just raised the middle finger. Although I don’t know the specific attributes of the Fire Eagle, I see attacks that are even more abnormal than Li Yao, I want to know that it must be a leader. Also strengthened, but also let other professions live.

Li Yao actually knows the general blessing ability, but the effect is nothing more than that.

Windfury: Attack twice within one attack time.

Holy Shield: A holy light shield that lasts for five seconds and can resist an arbitrary attack.

Taunt: Taunt the target attack and increase armor by 50% within five seconds.

However, how often the specific robot releases the blessing or the specific mechanism can only be known after the finished product is made.

“Hurry up, are there any more.” Li Yao said.

“There is one more.” The cute and adorable pupil once again sent out an attribute of something.

Then a gem bag appears.

“Tomi Hitomi, your ass is itchy again.” Hai Kuo Tian originally hoped to produce a big sword for his own use, but when he saw that it was a bag of gems, he suddenly wilted.

hahaha ……

Li Yao put three gold coins and a gem bag in his backpack, and said, “Well, after playing for so long, everyone is tired. , Let’s go.”

“What about the guild?” the guardian angel asked.

“In the afternoon in the game time, I will create a guild in the afternoon and raise Soul Nurturing first. These things are not in a hurry.” Li Yao said that he would use Hearthstone first, the Undercity Hearthstone he used.

“Liaoyuan brother, many thanks.” Haikuotian also began to use Hearthstone.

Everyone said goodbye and returned directly to the city.

Li Yao came out of the hotel and walked slowly on the roads of the Undercity, suddenly missing the feeling of a mount in his heart.

It’s just that the level is too low now, and the military merits are much worse. It is basically impossible to get a mount.

This life has learned engineering, Li Yao wants to make a mechanical roadhog or a mechanical tank, but also a smart one. It doesn’t need to be controlled by himself, and sitting on it is more comfortable than ordinary mounts. too much.

With some distracting thoughts, Li Yao slowly moved towards the Imperial Family area.

The first trial has been achieved, and the elite mission is complete. It is time to become a true elite player. Becoming an elite player, all attributes will get a full range of bonuses.

Of course, there are restrictions, that is, there is basically no experience in killing ordinary monsters, and the drop of ordinary monsters will be reduced to the extreme, in other words.

Becoming an elite player, the attribute is abnormal, but it also means isolation from ordinary monsters.

Of course, Li Yao doesn’t care about this. One more thing, after becoming an elite.

There is no benefit if you use the normal mode. If you use a copy of the elite mode, the gain will be halved. Only Grandmaster Rank difficulty has real benefits.

Previous life, many players feel that they are invincible when they become a true elite. As a result, they become an elite and can only use the master mode, and then they are hovered between life and death.

The elite mode just adds a certain attribute, and it can’t really guard the sky.

To complete the elite missions, you still need to stay in Auction House for a long time, and finally get some engineering and make the repair robots. The proficiency is not enough, and you need to practice.

I will create a guild in the afternoon and I will be busy with guild matters. Before participating in the carnival, I didn’t get the drawings I wanted to get.

Don’t want to know, Li Yao suddenly found that there are too many things to do.

“Boss, are you there?” Suddenly a communication came.

“Huh?” Li Yao replied.

“Oh, that’s it, when do I work?” Li Yao’s weak voice was heard in Li Yao’s ears.

Li Yao just remembered that he seemed to hire an employee.

“Are you intermediate in engineering?”

“Yes, I stayed up all night and rushed engineering to intermediate level. Also, I paid back the guild’s account.” No Tangtang continued: “Boss is right. They are bad guys. They lied to me and told me that they would let me add interest, or Sister Jinbi had a way to contact the Internet police directly and my problem was solved.”

“Just solve it, so, I will give you a few formulas, you learn, and then help me make some ammunition and so on every day, complete my workload, you are free, what do you want to do What are you doing?” Li Yao continued: “Where are you.”

“Ah, I don’t know, it’s too big and complicated here, it looks like I’m lost, the gold coin sister is not here, I…” No Sugar candy said aggrieved.


Li Yao face full of black lines: “Let’s set you up.”

Li Yao’s group did not like sugar candies, and then found a little girl, this little girl The girl is also persistent enough, and actually ran to the depths of the Undercity, the territory of the Pharmacist Association where almost no one set foot.

“You won’t be lost, there’s really no way to think of me.”

“Uh…” I don’t like sweets and drop my head, like a doing something wrong. The child.

“You don’t need to be nervous, I don’t mean anything else. In fact, you can ask the guards and they will tell you the direction.”

“They are so fierce that they dare not ask.” Li Yao took a look and walked over, the ground that was trampled on slammed, and he didn’t know what corpse was stitched up to the utmost ugliness, and also issued a huge hatred of potion and rancid smell, loss trance.

“Okay, I’ll take you to the engineering place first. It just so happens that I also practice proficiency.” Li Yao came to the engineering training department with a lover of sugar.

“You temporarily help me make bullets, ammunition, and Self-destruction sheep. This is the blueprint. I will send you the daily quantity.” Li Yao traded the blueprint.

“Don’t worry, Boss, I will definitely complete your task.” I don’t like Tangtang, I studied the drawings and made it with the materials given by Li Yao.

Li Yao found that the temperament that she didn’t like to eat sugar candy suddenly changed. Instead of the ignorance she had just now, she had a sense of competence, and she was indeed serious and careful, without a trace of omission.

Li Yao nodded, although this employee is a little bit cute, he can continue to train.

Li Yao also found an engineering platform and began to practice engineering. There was still more than a hundred to learn to repair the robot…

ps: The decisively exploded body is incomplete, I will work harder Chapter One, please support…

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