Send everyone away. In the Void Insect King, there are only Li Yao and the enchantress. The others are sent back by Li Yao. The territory needs people to guard it. It’s fine for a short time. Time Big problems will definitely happen in the long run.

Now the territory is bound to danger lurks on every side. According to the feedback from various sources, the splendor of Light and Dark City has aroused the jealousy of many people, especially the races of many chaotic camps.

Many races collapsed just like this plane, but they did not integrate into the main plane, did not have their own main city, and the Light and Dark City was just a city for recruits, so too many people would be jealous.

In this case, too many things will happen everyday all. If many powerhouses are gone, many people will think that there is an opportunity for unpredictable things to happen.

This is also no way, an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime. This is the principle since ancient times. If you have more, you will definitely not be as comfortable and free and easy as before.

“You still have a way, or you have to be bothered by them.” Li Yao shook his head.

The demon girl chuckled: “You can’t speak, but you don’t need these. You are really lucky. The management guild has Sister Li, and the public opinion has Demoness. Leading groups and fighting groups can protect them. Otherwise, this stall alone will be enough for you. Of course, after a while, I guess you will become as smooth as I am.”

“Forget it, I still like to be more comfortable. The atmosphere of our guild is very good. Otherwise, I won’t even form the guild and I’m too tired.” Li Yao said with a wry smile.

“Well, it doesn’t make sense to say this. It’s still practical. You want to use this ancient god’s body as a transformation skill?” Yao Ji asked.

“Speaking from the bottom of my heart, I really want to. Unfortunately, I can’t. Before I became Transcendent Saint, this body was still very useful. Even in Transcendent Saint, I was better than myself. Unfortunately.” Li Yao said regretfully.

“Why?” The enchantress frowned, knowing that with this body, with Li Yao’s technique, he can go head-to-head with Demi-God, instead of the original tightrope walking state. This is very important for their guild and territory.

Li Yao smiled bitterly: “I can use the touch of darkness. That’s because the touch of darkness is not complete, the will is completely obliterated, and the impossible resurrection. The ancient gods have gained the power they need, and the touch of darkness treats them It doesn’t make much sense, at most it is for their subordinates. But the body of the ancient gods is different. According to the void level, this is the body of a new god. The ancient gods have been suppressed for so long, if I bring this thing On the main plane, there will definitely be ancient gods seeking it, and you can’t guard against it. The ancient gods are too terrifying.”

“The ancient gods are all sealed, and there really are Is it such a great ability? If it is his subordinates, based on the situation in our territory, he may not be afraid.” The enchantress still puzzled.

Li Yao sighed: “Because the Guardians, the ancient gods are very low-key. But when it comes to true forces, each has its own organization, and some are hidden too deeply. At the top of each camp, let People you can’t guard against it. Even more how. Although my spirit strength has reached the level of the main god, it is still much worse than the ancient god. If the ancient god finds a chance to occupy this body, I can’t take it Come back. An ancient god controls the body of this new god, and the degree of terrifying is more than that of the main god. I am not afraid, but I am afraid that several camps and Guardians will not tolerate it.”

“Then your plan What the hell is it?” The enchantress wondered, this thing is so dangerous, but it can’t be brought to the main plane, otherwise it will be too much trouble.

“I decided to use the touch of darkness to continuously extract the origin and supplement my own origin. Although it is wasteful, it can only be so. I will destroy the foundation of this body and let it fall to the world level. If you want to change it, you can become your Battle Puppet, but I am not sure right now, it’s just what I think now.” Li Yao frowned.

“World class, this thing is a bit expensive, I don’t dare to accept it.” The enchantress was startled and said, “You should keep it for yourself.”

, The current player, as long as there is a faction-level summon object or transformation skill, that is now the player of cream of the crop.

Just as a thief, there are not many such things suitable for her use, and they are extremely rare, even she has not encountered it.

Not long ago, Auction House appeared a transformation high-level racial level, which is very suitable for thieves’ transformation skills, but it was fired to a high price.

She hesitated again and again, but finally did not buy.

even more how a world-class Battle Puppet, equivalent to transforming into a world-class boss like the body of an ancient god, if it is put up for auction, you don’t know what price it will sell.

Make up my mind, the touch of darkness has completely entangled the body of the ancient god, the original power visible in naked eye is continuously transmitted to Li Yao’s body, and Li Yao’s origin and breath continue to improve.

“You are also confused, you have to know that the origin of this thing is very suitable for me, enough to upgrade my origin to world-level Peak, and my quality can also break through to world-level. At that time, mine Pets will also undergo an upgrade and qualitative change. My Battle Puppet is definitely better than this. It is simply not needed, and although other people in the guild also need it, you still need it most. Although your frontal combat ability is not weak, it is limited. In one-on-one, there is no advantage in the face of melee. Even with the earrings and the skills of the Dance King, the fundamental problem cannot be solved, and this puppet can make up for this.”

After a while: “Okay, then I will use it temporarily.”

“That’s right, and this thing will basically not depreciate, there will always be someone rushing to ask for it.” Li Yao smiled: “Moreover, I am more worried about the first competition. I’m afraid I won’t be able to participate in that time. You get this thing as a layer of insurance, allowing our team to go further.”

The demon girl was stunned: “What, the official has notified you?”

“That’s not true, but someone has started to contact me and test me in the language. I did not reply positively. But it means I understand. The official doesn’t want me to participate, which affects the balance.” Li Yao smiled wryly.

The demon girl also shook her head helplessly. I don’t know what to say. Li Yao is too strong now. If he participates, it goes without saying. There is definitely no suspense in the personal standing first. He is alone. You don’t need to shoot a dragon queen to get through to the end.

The same is true for team competitions. He is on the court. It is estimated that others have no intention of resisting. I am afraid that the game will become quite boring.

But as a player and current status, impossible for not allowing Li Yao to participate, then things would be bad.

So I can only discuss, thinking of this, Yao Ji also woke up: “You are waiting for the official initiative to open the conditions.”

“Well, I have actually decided not to participate, but You can’t easily agree to the official, so you should understand, this puppet is the most suitable for you to hold.”……

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