The whole venue fell into a weird and very quiet, and then began to burst out.

“Damn, what kind of wasteland wasteland competition.”

“Fuck, why do people even open up wasteland for Grandmaster Rank, but let us see what elite mode.”

“Why does the Grandmaster Rank open up wasteland let us see what elite level.”

“Liaoyuan God also participated in the competition during the day, why is there no Liaoyuan team at night.”

“Let us see That’s fine for the elite-level land reclamation. Why do you still advocate the participation of the world Peak guild, and advertise the world hegemony, and compete for you nai son.”

“With us, we sit here for a long time and look at Caiji. Pecking each other, uncle.”

“No wonder I always felt that the host and the commentator were a bit wrong just now, hehe.”

“I’m still waiting for Youyou to interact with the winner, Suddenly it was cancelled, and now I finally understand.”

“I turned off the light curtain just because we didn’t want us to look at this, it’s okay.”

“The idiot responsible party, the idiot opened up wasteland. The game is ready now.”

“I just want to know why the Liaoyuan God did not participate in the game, and where can I see the wasteland of the Grandmaster Rank game.”

“Latest News , Xia Yao fully broadcast the entire process of Grandmaster Rank wasteland reclamation, and now it has been posted to the official website.”


The whole venue is boiling, and the swearing dissatisfaction throws things to vent. Yes, the entire venue has become a mess. Fortunately, temporary barriers have been raised in various small areas. The audience simply cannot get out of their own small areas, nor can they cause large-scale chaos.

Carnival Chief-In-Charge in Huaxia District, he glanced at the guild and club bosses with grief and indignation: “Fuck, your ancestors for the eighth lifetime, I’ve offended you all. You face, your hands are too long, you can even interfere with the carnival, yes, I will ****** resign, but I won’t let you get better, who *** buys And the threatening pig. The company headquarters has the ability to retrieve the communication records. Just wait for the sanctions from above.”

Chief-In-Charge of China District gave everyone a hateful glance. After leaving step by step, the incident has happened. Someone is always responsible for this incident. It happened at the carnival venue he was responsible for. Whether he participated or not, he has an unshirkable responsibility.

Gucheng’s complexion was extremely gloomy, looking at the people in the glorious guild who were about to leave, lightly saying: “Brilliant is okay this time. The hiding is really deep enough. The first kill with the Grandmaster Rank is amazing. “

The commander headed by the Brilliant Guild was a youngster with a feminine expression. He turned around and said, “First of all, I don’t know about this. But even if I do, I think it’s done well. .Ha ha ha ha, I just feel so happy, come and bite me.”

“Minghai, you are too much.” a middle age person scolded.

“hehe, don’t you understand yet? E-sports is not your e-sports, it’s not that you can do whatever you want. I can guess what you do without knowing it. What happened? Why did I quit your club and join Brilliant, because Brilliant is cleaner than you.” Minghai said with a smile.

“You are eating your own evil results, and have nothing to do with our Qionghua.” Momentaneous splendor also took the entire group to the exit.

Some other guilds and clubs that were not involved in this matter all left silently.

Ming Hai walked to the exit and turned around and said: “At that time, when I joined Brilliant, Hai Boss asked what my goal was. In fact, my goal is not a champion. My goal is very simple. It is to step on you fiercely. Rubbish, you will never be able to hold your head up again until you get out of the competitive circle and no longer pollute the air. Now it seems that I am not alone, I am not alone, hahaha.”

The rest The guild and club bosses were full of anger, but no one spoke, and even they could not imagine how this matter would develop.

Gushen Company is different from the previous game companies. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a special organization and department. And they control the lifeline of all clubs and big guilds in the world. China is only a part of them, and they are just a part of the China gaming circle that’s all.

For the first time, they realized that “The Ancient God World” is different from other games. They have long lost their dominance.

However, what a painful realization this time.

This incident spread like the wind, a big scandal, so bloody was exploded.

Gushen Company responded quickly and announced the list of several guilds and clubs suspected of threatening and bribing Carnival Chief-In-Charge without the slightest hesitation, and will impose severe punishment.

This attitude of the Gushen Company has allowed e-sports hobbyists to transform hatred and anger into those clubs and guilds. For those who have a real presence, some angry people start to throw vegetables and rotten eggs.

However, the only thing that manages public order is to maintain order. No one comes out to take care of it, and no one gets punished.

Gymnasium, Carnival Chief-In-Charge has solemnly apologized, admitted his responsibility, said that he would take the blame and resign, and emphasized that he hates this dirty behavior.

The angry audience calmed down a bit, and then quietly stepped onto the stage and performed two more shows. The atmosphere at the scene calmed down.

The faces of the people in the red building are all green. When they received the certificate, it seemed that this was not an honor, but a shame.

In fact, it is indeed a shame. The audience in the other two divisions vilified it. The first and third guilds expressed their abandonment of this honor and awards, which won unanimous praise from fans.

However, the storm caused by Li Yao has just begun, but he is just a fuse, igniting the powder keg, as for how things develop in the future, it is beyond Li Yao’s control. It’s not what he cares about anymore.


Beside the corpse of Andariel in the evil cave, the important task of Li Yao team cheered and celebrated.

“hahaha, brother, have you seen it, you played too much this time.” Haikuotian said after closing the carnival live broadcast.

“This is fun. Who makes them unfair and prevents us from participating in the game.” Tongtong said with a small fist.

“You are naturally very happy and enjoyable, but you must know that you have offended many people, many people, in reality, because of this matter, no one dares to move you. But you In the game, it will be difficult.” Sister Li reminded.

“It’s not that I underestimate them. In the game, I will just take it if there is any means. Come once, I will step on them once, and when I have enough strength, I will step on them in turn.” Li Yao’s eyes flashed with firm rays of light.

The cute pupil pupil raised his hand: “Yes, yes, yes, fiercely’s stepping on, counts as me.”

“Okay, go and touch the corpse.” Li Yao flicked her forehead with a smile.

“Domineering.” The sea and the sky did not persuade anything, he also saw that Li Yao is a person who speaks his words and he has such a personality…

ps: ask monthly ticket to keep sixth Ass, Mario thanks.

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