The two returned to the bishop manor, looking at the sacrifice scene in the distance, even Li Yao trembled.

On the square at this moment, the bottomless blood pool is almost full, and even the occasional corpses in the blood pool can be seen.

The square all around is already full of carts. I don’t know how many people were sacrificed. Many of the players on the stone pillar have been forced to offline, and only a few are still insisting, but at this moment their bodies have dried up. It’s terrifying to the extreme.

Under the leadership of the priest, every time a wisp of qi leaps up from the player on the stone pillar, the blood in the blood pool has begun to boil, and a dark golden is gradually condensed above the blood pool. Silhouette of

“Too terrifying, I don’t know if these players will leave a psychological shadow, and will they have the courage to enter the secondary plane in the future.” The enchantress looked at the scene in the scene, but also had a lingering fear. Almost becoming one of them, I couldn’t help but fought a cold war.

“There are shadows for sure. Many of them are corpses left behind after the player’s offline. This time they were forced to offline. The contents of the backpack on the body can’t be recovered. I roughly Forget it, there are no less than five hundred players on the stone pillar, and I don’t know what’s going on, why this small plane is so popular.” Li Yao shook his head helplessly.

He is also powerless. If it is a normal scene, he thinks he can think of a way to save it, but the reality is that going up to save people is courting death. If you can’t summon the army, don’t talk about yourself. Individuals, even if there are a hundred more of themselves, this is no longer within the reach of individual.

Even Demi-God saw this situation.

“The male is better, but I don’t know the female players.” Yao Ji shook her head, not daring to think.

Li Yao smiled and said: “You are underestimating your females. Look at it. Male players are the ones who crash down the line. Female tenacious is sometimes not comparable to men.”

“I think the sacrifice is coming to an end, what do you want to do, and how can I help.” The enchantress did not continue the topic.

“You can’t help, I want to arrange a special array, you don’t understand.” Li Yao shook his head.

“Well, what exactly are you going to do.” Demon Ji curiously asked.

“It’s very simple. This sacrifice is very powerful. Just use an Avatar to condense Amon to destroy the seal of the church, don’t you think it was a waste.” Li Yao asked.

“What do you mean?” Yaoji’s eyes flickered.

“Yes, many special lives and Soul Power will dissipate, and this World will be destroyed. These energy will be truly wasted. The fusion of soul and Life Strength is the source. Instead of wasting, it is better to make up for it. You and my origin, if nothing happens, your origin can make up to the limit of the race level, and the level will be upgraded to the race level. Unfortunately, at this bottleneck, it is difficult for you to improve temporarily. If you are also camp level, breakthrough world It’s not difficult.” Li Yao began to constantly take out materials.

“I’m not so greedy, I am very satisfied with being at the race level. But you, can you really become the world level?” Yao Ji asked very surprised.

“Well, if there are no accidents, of course there should be no accidents.” Li Yao confidently said: “At this time, no one finds that we can’t stop us.”

“Okay, then I will watch.” Yaoji nodded.

“Why don’t you start the live broadcast, let Xinghuo, not good, this public live broadcast, let others intuitively feel that the original hanging on the stone pillar is not shocking enough, look at the current life and Soul Power almost The horror of being drained also made them understand that the secondary plane can’t come with any cat or dog, otherwise it can only be a food delivery, no benefits will be obtained, but all of their own things will be lost. “Li Yao started to supplement the array after speaking.

The attention of Demon Ji is also very high. Although there is no live broadcast, because of her reputation, the official directly grants the qualification for live broadcast, but many people don’t use it.

The enchantress has never been broadcast live. This time, if it weren’t for Li Yao, she simply couldn’t remember such a scene.

Now it is broadcast directly, and the official immediately gave a recommendation position and got ahead.

For a time, countless halls and players poured in.

Then there was the bloody and cruel scene, which shocked all the audience who came in, as if they felt the same.

Such a terrifying scene is simply not seen in reality, and the game is so straightforward and bloody is also shocking. Many people forget for a while that it is for the demon girl and are attracted by the picture.

There are not many bullet screens, almost all of them are shocked and forget to speak. This is a different feeling from watching the video directly.

The number of people soared rapidly, and soon the number of people really soared to the top three. The players were so curious that Demon Ji actually broadcasted it.

The demon girl saw the screen facing herself, and then said: “This live broadcast has no special intentions, just to let everyone intuitively watch the cruel plane next time, and there will be a wonderful moment later. The battle.”

The demon girl faces Li Yao who is arranging the array: “Our president is arranging an array. I believe there will be a battle. This time the goal is the creation of this plane. World God, Amon.”

The scene once again came to the sacrificial scene. Many viewers saw that they have one’s hair stand on end. The scene was really cruel.

It has been several hours since the last video posted, these people are still hanging on the stone pillar, and they are all miserable, and their skin is wrinkled like the skin of an old tree. People watching Panicked.

“We used to think of ways to rescue, but everyone has seen that we are powerless. So everyone must be cautious to enter the subplane. As for the reason for this sacrifice and the background of this subplane, you may not understand. President, we used archaeology to find this history when we explored the Major Sect Hall, and I will show it to everyone.”

Then the screen changes, it is Li Yao’s commentary and the history of this plane. Shocking, especially those key epic battles, was even more exciting.

But there are layers of tombs on the screen, and the high-level bishops suppress the big hands, and then the appearance of the king of Xin, making the audience sigh.

“With Heaven and Earth as the chess game, and all living beings as the chess pieces, such a huge chess game that runs through the past and the present is really frightening and amazing.”

Everyone was amazed and amazed. Yu Amon’s great means was even more amazed at the planning and layout of the eight generations of Kings, since they can turn defeat into victory and suppress Amon’s long years.

The horror is that Amon is so terrible, so he sees all beings like grass, and all things are like ants.

“I feel that the design of this plane is very realistic. Amon looks at the creatures as if we look at the ants.”

“Yes, there is no need at all. Indignant, there is no need to be indignant. Again, it’s like you and I see a colony of ants, and if you feel good, you can enjoy the busy scene of the ants. The elegant ones even set up an ant nest in your own home to raise ants. If you step on it when you are in a bad mood, who will be unfair for the ants.”

“Even when you and I are walking, who will always pay attention to whether there are other ants on the ground. I don’t know how many ants died. Under your feet, how do you and I know.”……

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