Sister Li and everyone planned the distribution map of the city’s Water Element, and then the river course. The purpose is for internal traffic, so it is very wide.

More than one million food Human Demon, plus the task of star flame hair cloth, and the help of countless players, have formed this river.

The construction of the city was aided by Dark Faction, and the Undercity and the Withering Sun Legion were the main forces.

With the help of Dark Faction and other races, although the city still needs a long time to build in the details, it is generally completed, especially the Bright City area, which has completely restored its ancient glory, even Pass it.

Li Yao can be said to be very, very low-key for more than a month. He never thought of showing up, but the situation forced him to do nothing.

Therefore, for more than a month, I have barely appeared in the public. I am afraid that only some Xinghuo players can occasionally see it. Of course, I can also see Li Yao speaking on some guild channels.

And Li Yao is too low-key. For more than a month, he has been very busy. The cities of Kuyang Legion and the guild are almost everywhere.

Fortunately, the army of the plain also came to the main city with the battleship and the void Insect King, and the steel dwarf became the master of the plain.

Now it has become the Grand Duchess of Blood Race. Blood Race has also entered the main city, and it also plays an important role in the construction of the main city.

Those dark races have gradually transformed into an ace army after being blessed by the main city and trained in the barracks.

This is what Li Yao did during the day. At night, Li Yao and the free guild led the team to open up wasteland.

Because of the addition of Li Yao, it is naturally much simpler, and most of the various teams of Xinghuo take equipment.

Although it is low-key, it is also the longest time for a small number of Li Yao to stay in the guild.

When this situation lasts for two months, the main city has become alike and orderly. It is very lively here, and it will not cool down in a short time.

Spark’s various entertainment activities and competitions are also held continuously, attracting a large number of players.

Everything has entered formality. When everything is over, Sister Li doesn’t stay here often, but runs back and forth between the three cities.

Other leadership levels also perform their duties and can do some of their own things, and some have entered order.

And Li Yao’s equipment has also been updated once, basically put on the doom gold outfit.

However, everything is stable, and Li Yao’s consideration is naturally placed on himself.

According to Li Yao’s plan, after the main city incident, Li Yao will continue the road of powerhouse and integrate his two powers. It is necessary to run around and spend a lot of time. Li Yao plans to spend half a year. Time to sort out your powerhouse road, and let Peak level reach 10Level 0.

But Luna’s shot saved Li Yao more than half a year. He helped Li Yao integrate and sort out his power system, and completely put Li Yao on the right track after leaving the powerhouse.

If Luna does not take action, Li Yao will spend half a year looking for various hidden materials and bosses, looking for various materials, and then integrating his own power.

But that’s the case, it’s not as good as the Moon God’s shot. It can be said that the Moon God’s shot put Li Yao on the right track without any hidden dangers and worries.

It takes half a year for Li Yao to be born again, which shows how difficult this process is.

If it is a normal person of Edward’s level, it is estimated that it will take one to two years to complete this sorting process, not to mention that they are still in the beginning of the road to powerhouse.

The last time Edward used wings, others might think it was the wings of an eagle, but only Li Yao knew that she was using Goddess’ wings.

In the past, Edward took the route of her rival Rose, the queen of spiders, and even Li Yao thought she would become Rose’s priest.

But Li Yao also understands Edward, because the priests of Goddess are too yellow and violent, and not suitable for Edward.

Abandoning this road, being able to catch the Lion and Scorpion Goddess route is also very powerful, but it is a pity that he offended Ross, and Edward may not be better off.

She is already ahead of everyone, but it will take a year or two to reach the level of Li Yao powerhouse, even more how others.

Save this time and make Li Yao more forward. Even all his pets have reached the camp level. It can be said that Moon God has helped Li Yao a lot.

His contract comes with a blue Moon Seal mark. This mark gives his pet the ability to swallow and fuse, and it will be much easier to evolve or grow in the future.

Among them, Li Yao’s mechanical pet is the most beneficial. With the Blue Moon Seal mark, Li Yao’s mechanical pet can devour various rare metals to improve its level. There is no need for Li Yao to make new mechanical bodies every time they strengthen, which is much better than directly replacing their bodies. At this moment, they are considered to have real life, rather than a kind of mechanically endowed creatures similar to intelligent programs. .

This undoubtedly saves Li Yao a lot of time. The most important thing Li Yao lacks is materials.

Then the most pressing issue facing Li Yao now is not the road to powerhouse, because at this stage, the road to powerhouse has come to an end.

If you want to go further, you must touch the law, but if you want to touch the original things like the law, you must be at least world level or even Transcendent Saint, which is the so-called holy rank.

This is the imminent problem that Li Yao is facing, and what makes Li Yao happy now has this opportunity.

That is the exploration of the sub-plane, yes, it is the exploration of the sub-plane.

Although many subplanes have merged into the main plane, there are still countless small subplanes that have not been merged, and have reached the edge of destruction. Even many large subplanes are not really merged. Many regions are formed automatically and do not belong to the main plane, so being stripped during the process of fusion is also on the verge of destruction.

And these subplanes have now become the most dangerous zone, because in the unknown void rift, they are corrupted by different complex energy according to different environments.

Various creatures in it have undergone clandestine changes, turning them into indescribable special monsters.

If this is the case, despite the danger, as long as you get close to the main plane, the powerhouse of the main plane will be able to open up the passage and become a hunting ground for adventurers and the army, squeeze these planes to the last bit Value, search all resources that can be searched, until the plane is truly shattered.

But because of the invasion of various energies of the void and the collapse, distortion, and corruption of the will of the world, the rules of the world have also become distorted and weird.

Don’t talk about ordinary players, that is, ordinary experts who have not embarked on the road of powerhouse also ten deaths without life. If the benefits are not obtained, there will be huge losses. Where do they die? , The account will be washed out directly.

Only players who embark on the road of powerhouse and enter the world-class powerhouse will have the opportunity to become stronger…

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