Because of the weirdness of this city, Li Yao has not opened the door for the time being, and is not in a hurry for the insect race to appear, but the Void Insect King is approaching.

“Chairman Edward, happy meeting.” Li Yao stood on the top of the Insect King, and then his wings flashed on the tallest building in the city, standing still not far from Edward.

“I never thought of meeting President Liaoyuan under this situation.” Edward sighed.

“No, you thought about it, but you want to meet me at the negotiating table.” Li Yao said with a smile.

Edward was taken aback and said: “President Liaoyuan is really bright vision like a torch. Yes, I think I will be able to win with more than 20 super guilds, and I will be able to enjoy the resources at that time. “

Li Yao said with a smile disdainfully: “Are you still sloppy? I don’t know how your plan is. I am afraid that more people want to drive me out of the main city. Also govern the main city together. If my guess is correct, you will definitely work out a parliamentary system. When you unite together, we will probably be squeezed out sooner or later. And the main city that I have worked so hard to seize will become you. The guild and the chaebol behind you can make money.”

Edward is silent, although she didn’t plan to overbearing like this, but even if her guild is the first in the world, she can’t make the final decision. There are still a lot behind her. Supported by the chaebol, she couldn’t help but get on that boat.

Actually, based on her understanding of Liaoyuan, she was unwilling to be enemies with Xinghuo and Liaoyuan from the heart, but she was not afraid of Xinghuo and Liaoyuan.

Rather, there is a lot of fog in the starting prairie fire. She can’t see through the development of Xinghuo. She didn’t want to easily be hostile to Xinghuo until she didn’t touch the details of her opponent.

But she can’t help herself with many things. She deeply admires and admires the fact that Xinghuo does not have any chaebols. You can do whatever you want, without the fetters of that many, but she can’t do it. There is no chaebol. Support, relying on the game alone, it is not that you cannot survive, but will be left behind by other super guilds.

“This time we failed, so we are willing to bear the consequences.” Edward took a deep breath: “I came here to see my city. Didn’t expect President Liaoyuan to be so bold Lulu, you dare to come here alone, don’t you be afraid that I have an ambush here?”

Li Yao shook his head: “Although we are enemies now, with my understanding of President Edward, you definitely don’t Will act like this.”

“hahaha, if it were someone else, I would say this to disdain as contempt, but if you say it, Chairman Liaoyuan beneath, then I would be disrespectful.” Edward’s eyes lit up. She showed a bright smile, she was already extremely bright, she was a character of rays of light ten thousand zhang, and she smiled like a bright moon through the clouds, shining like the earth, and the eyes of countless male audiences who watched are shining. She is countless men. The dream lover in my heart is the queen of games and e-sports: “Although the president praises this way, I know myself. There are many peerless grace and elegance characters in your guild, so the president will naturally not believe me. I’m afraid there are other reasons.”

Li Yao shook his head slightly: “Why should the president be so serious? If I have to tell the truth, then I am too confident. I am arrogant if I want to go. There is no way to keep me. You can even fight back.”

“Yes, this is the president of Liaoyuan I know. He is absolutely confident, fearless, and able to keep his mind.” Edward said in admiration.

“Let’s talk about business, otherwise it will become a meeting between the two of us. If you want to make terms with me, then forget it. If you don’t pay for my spark, I’m not It will happen.” Li Yao said resolutely.

“You and I are both mentally determined people. If you and I change positions, I will not negotiate terms. I really just want to see the city I built by myself. I will remember him and build a A more glorious city, next time, my city will certainly not be weaker than any of Spark’s resident sites. After all, you have helped me make up my mind.” Edward said seriously.

“You super guilds have a lot of fetters, I am afraid it is not easy, but I will still wait and see. Then I will take action to destroy this place.” Li Yao arched his hands.

“Don’t bother to ignite the original president, let me do it.” Edward said as he looked at the illuminated city below.

Li Yao was taken aback, and then he saw fires bursting from below, Arcane and magical rays of light shining in the fire.

Then a powerful wave of air came from the soles of his feet. Li Yao spread his wings and was about to take off. But seeing that Edward had no intention to take off, he suddenly gave up taking off. Protect yourself.

At this moment, the wings of Martial Goddess are like the moonlight of water, glowing with a slight cold light, and Edward is also enveloped by a layer of rays of light.

With the huge mushroom cloud, Li Yao and Edward also rose to the sky with the mushroom cloud.

Looking towards the city below, it has become a pit of flames.

With a flash of brilliance, Li Yao returned to the top of the Insect King, and gestured to Edward, who was also floating with huge wings. Edward nodded also landed on the top of the Void Insect King. Looking down, his complexion was complex. Difficult to understand.

“At first, I wanted to say that President Edward was so bold that he destroyed his own city. But compared to another matter, this matter is nothing but nothing.” Li Yao said.

“Did you see it?” The rays of light flickered in Edward’s eyes.

Li Yao waved and teleported the two to the inner space of Insect King. Kyimpatient asked: “President Edward, you are too ruthless, you actually blow up your own city.”

“Since it is destined to be destroyed, why can’t it be destroyed in your own hands? I am not afraid of your jokes. I have liked to set off fireworks since I was a child.” Edward said seriously.

“Uh.” KY’s mouth twitches, and there is no way to communicate with this kind of person. Mental illness.

Ozawa is also speechless. How much is this city worth? Seeing that most of the things in it have not been taken away, you can blow up an empty city. Now it’s just people who have evacuated. White prodigal.

Li Yao said: “It’s such a beautiful firework. It’s not as good as President Edward walking with me. There are only three stations. I will also set off three fireworks and enjoy them together.”

“That’s great.” Edward readily agreed.

The two commentators were speechless, and countless audiences were speechless. These fucks are all who, as expected, metamorphosis and metamorphosis have a common language.

Especially the people from the Edwardian Guild don’t know what to say. Oh, shouldn’t you fight a battle against the top of the Forbidden City? Why should we watch the fireworks together? It’s really unpredictable. Thoroughly.

When the last fireworks shine, the sky gradually brightens, and a new day in the game begins. It is announced that the aftermath of the battle of the main city has passed, and the history of the ancient gods has entered a new chapter…

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