Although the plan looked very smooth, Li Yao knew that in fact, it might collapse every moment.

For example, will the sticky wire have a chain reaction? When it breaks, will it drive the break in other places. For example, will the arrow tower be unable to withstand the force of tearing and so on.

Don’t say it is in the game, even in reality, there is nothing that can be determined with certainty. Li Yao’s simulations are the same as scientific experiments, simulating the most ideal conditions and conditions, but real experiments never reach it.

The reason why the fragments are broken is actually the vertical web of the crystal spider.

Fortunately, this is a crystal spider, and it is of Yinying level. Ordinary spiders simply cannot do this.

Under Li Yao’s reminder and command, the small team was impatiently draining the boss’ blood volume.

As far as the skill mechanism of the ancient gods is concerned, there is a cd time, and there is also a diminishing immunity to spell. For example, the Mage’s Sheep Transformation technique can be used continuously, but if the same target is continuously released, the time for being transformed into a sheep will become shorter and shorter. After reaching a certain number of times, the object being turned into a sheep will even change back in seconds, and the effect is minimal.

But this kind of spider web is different from the sticky silk spider web skills he releases, and basically there is no need to consider the problem of declining.

This situation is the comparison between the measured power and the attribute. If an elite or an ordinary monster is stuck by a spider web, then the basic functions are dead.

This situation has also been caused, and many players suffer for this. For example, a spider’s nest in the wild is confined by a spider web, especially a spider web with a high-level boss, and it basically has to wait to die.

Compared with the actual attributes, the power and attributes of a corpse’s fire are higher than that of a crystal spider, so in the special mechanism of the ancient gods, the spider web cannot completely control the corpse’s fire.

If you change the web of a more than ten-level leader-level spider, the corpse will get blind if it gets angry.

Of course, these all are previous life. Countless players have summed up the experience. At this stage, players are still in the adaptation period and are familiar with this illusory and real world.

“Tomi pupil, you are backward half a second late.” Li Yao said harshly.

“It was half a second short of my spell just now,” said the cute pupil.

“I said, don’t worry, I’ll just retreat when I retreat. I would rather interrupt the spell when I retreat. There is also Da Vinci. You are therapist and you are assisting. It’s because your blue is too much. You can’t use it up, or do you think that our output is not strong enough to require your treatment output?”

“Know, uncle, why are you so fierce.” Da Vinci pouted.

“You are two-year-old, so forget it this time, don’t let me see the next time, I don’t want you to disrupt everyone’s rhythm and cause annihilation.”

” , Um.” The cute pupil stuck out his tongue.

“Why are you smiling, Haige, Shishi, Shadow Dance, you guys look at your output one by one.”

“Boss, I’m close combat, only one arrow can do it. Dozens of points of attack, how do you compare with your output?” Ying Wu Kuang said.

“That’s right.” The stone echoed.

“Fart, you guys have reason. I can attack three or four times with a crossbow in three seconds. Look at you, sometimes you can’t do it twice. Yesterday, I got too much body. Is it imaginary? You have to say yes, I won’t say anything else, otherwise I’ll cheer me up. Dozens of points are not output. Dozens of points at a time, ten times, and how many of you three add up. Brother Hai, it’s not that I said you, you are also an old commander. Is there still little lesson in destroying the group with 1% HP?”

“cough cough, accident, accident.” Haikuotian said with a guilty conscience, others The two have lost their tempers.

In Li Yao’s constant roar, the blood volume of the corpse’s anger dropped steadily.


The boss’s HP has reached 35%. During this time, the boss has been angry roar, But there is no way.

The hatred mechanism of the copy made him lock Li Yao firmly. This is the biggest difference from the wild boss. But every time you walk a section, you will be imprisoned for two or three seconds.

The plague zombie!

The corpse roared in anger, and a zombie covered in green poison qi quickly rushed to the crowd. The goal of this zombie is several remote output locations.


The big stone charged on the other side.

“Don’t attack this zombie.” Li Yao shouted, but it was too late.

Not only the big stone that charged, but also the two melee output of the hand crossbow also aimed at the zombie instantly and pulled the trigger.


Just after more than a hundred injuries, the plague zombie exploded.

A piece of green mist instantly covered a distance of ten yards.

“Damn, give me blood.” As soon as the big stone was covered by the mist, the blood line decreased linearly, and he was shocked to see him.

At the same time, the shadow dancers and Leonardo da Vinci who are closer are also covered. He couldn’t take care of himself. The guardian angel was not the first to treat others, but Leonardo.

Shadow Dance Madness is a crispy skin. The main attribute of the equipment is strength, the secondary attribute is agile, and the endurance is limited. The total blood volume has not exceeded a thousand, and it fell directly to the ground and died.

The remaining two people desperately moved towards poison qi and ran outside.

However, running out of the poison mist is useless, they have been infected with the plague.

Plague: Lose 300 life per second for 1 minute, infect targets within five yards.

“Don’t approach us, the plague is contagious.” Li Yao said loudly.

“It’s disgusting.” Da Vinci brushed himself blood, and then brushed the big stone with blood.

“Don’t waste your blue to add blood to them, you are not smart enough, you can’t add much.” Li Yao quickly stopped drinking and wanted to add blood to several people. Knight: “Pay attention to the boss. Your most important task.”

Even the dumb pupil gave up the output, began to help increase the blood, and released the treatment Totem.

But everyone’s output rhythm has been disrupted. If it hadn’t been for Li Yao’s grip on the boss’ hatred and control of the rhythm, it would have been destroyed.

Zombie dead man!

The corpse got angry and stepped on the ground. Not far below his feet, the ground suddenly cracked, and five ugly zombies burning with flames were crawling out of the ground.

Then the five zombies lined up neatly and began to sprint, and everyone was complexion greatly changed, because the five zombies rushed to not the crowd, but the spider web, the spider web is most afraid of fire, if it is five zombie will spider web Destroy, then it really collapsed.

Now the boss will definitely use those skills in turns, and can’t guess which one to use, it must be the end of the group.

“Brother Hai.” Li Yao didn’t say much, but he believed that the sea knew what he meant.

Without any words, the sea and the sky directly launched the charge.


The broad sea and sky hit the body of the flame zombie in the middle, and the big sword in his hand swung quickly.


Suddenly the five flame zombies were stopped by the attack, and the five flame zombies immediately attacked the open sky at the same time.


With five huge damage numbers, the sky and the sky fell, and the zombie burning with flames turned into ashes, their impact distance was limited, and There is only one chance to attack…

ps: The past few days has exploded too fiercely, and it feels like being hollowed out. For the sake of my hard work, I voted for the monthly pass in your hands. Seeing pirated readers subscribe to the original, Mario is grateful.

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