The new damage numbers completely shocked everyone, and even the demon commander and the leaders of several major camps were stunned.

Even if they have confidence in the Divine Item of Zhenguo, the tens of millions of damage is exaggerated.

This kind of shell is also the melting mountain dragon that hits. If it hits a leader below the world-level leader, it will be directly killed by the bomber. There is simply no suspense.

After several losses, Rongshan Dragon never dared to look down upon the blasting cannon anymore, so he took his own protection very seriously and acted cautiously.

As a result, Li Yao used the air-forbidden crossbow to briefly control the molten mountain dragon, and then actually blasted the shell into the most vulnerable mouth of the molten mountain dragon.

At the beginning of the outer cyclone damage, the damage figures were all over 500,000. A series of damage caused nearly 40 million damage to the molten mountain dragon.

This is the outermost shell that temporarily absorbs the whirlwind, and temporarily uses the wind divine force to measure the whirlwind, which is mainly used for destruction rather than damage. He was about to catch up with Li Yao’s previous injuries.

And the blue shell of the second stage exploded, directly out of the horrible damage figure of 1 billion.

However, this is not the final damage figure. The final core damage is actually a terrifying 1.6 billion.

The total damage is close to 2.7 billion, which is almost one-sixth of the total HP of the Molten Dragon. With the previous damages, the HP of Molten Dragon has dropped a lot.

Moreover, this attack was not only as simple as causing damage. It was not only that part of the melting mountain dragon’s teeth collapsed and flew away. The mouth of the melting mountain dragon was seriously injured, especially the tongue, which destroyed one part. Big cut.

This means that the Dragon’s Breath has also been temporarily sealed, and the Mountain-Molten Dragon has basically lost all the means to attack the front.

The Molten Dragon wailed in pain, but after suffering this loss, he closed his mouth tightly and never dared to open it again for fear that Li Yao would have another void crossbow.

At this moment, the melting mountain dragon lost a piece of its tongue, like a blood burst, causing millions of damages by bleeding every second.

“Retreat!” The demon commander gave Li Yao a cold look, then jumped directly onto Uldaman’s city wall, and then started to cast spells. More healing professions in the city are crazy Healing Molten Dragon.

But their healing skills are simply insignificant to the molten mountain dragon. Only the demon commander activates the touch of darkness to temporarily seal the wound of the molten mountain dragon. Otherwise, the bleeding effect can make the molten mountain dragon continue. Suffer a huge loss of blood.

wu wu wu ……

The horn of desolate retreat sounded in Uldaman. The Molten Mountain Dragon is very angry, but it continues to suffer losses, and various methods are used. No, you can only get angry but won’t kill the enemy.

In desperation, I could only follow the command of the demon commander and turn around.

The player’s camp gave out cheers, because they won, even if the opponent’s invincible melting dragon was in front of them, they fled.

“Small dragon, you treat this as a playhouse. If you want to go crazy, go crazy, leave if you want, and play with me for a while.”

Li Yao Constantly deduced in my mind, seeing the melting mountain dragon stepping away, finally found the opportunity, the void crossbow was launched.

Forbidden air crossbows soared, and directly poured in from the weak spot where the bomb strikes came out.

This time the link is to the army that Spark is still under the umbrella of Yulongshuai, following the efforts of countless Spark army.

The Molten Dragon fell suddenly. This power was used too skillfully. In fact, it didn’t take much effort.

The body of the molten mountain dragon body is really too big, enough strength to trip the melting mountain dragon is not so easy, it needs a good opportunity, this brute force pull is two different things.

The molten mountain dragon is also very Insect Cry, he will choose a good posture to the end if he can’t resist.

But he hadn’t expected it to be with dexterity, and a weak spot was naturally exposed after the fall.

Li Yao unceremoniously fired the cannon. During the trip, Li Yao had the opportunity to fire three shells and caused nearly 200 million damage to the melting dragon.

The Molten Dragon was annoyed, and the demon commander wanted to turn his head and slap Li Yao to death.

But their thoughts can only be thoughts that’s all, even if the demon commander is entrusted to a large scale, he will not fall into a siege situation alone.

When the molten mountain dragon completely left, beyond the range of the forbidden air crossbow, Li Yao tripped the molten mountain dragon six times.

It caused more than one billion damage, because many parts of the rock protection were shattered, and many dragon scales were broken. Naturally, the defense was much worse. This caused these damages.

In the end, everyone could only watch the Molten Dragon leaving 2/3 of its health.

“It’s a pity. I had the chance to completely damage the Molten Dragon.” Bloodhoof looked at the huge silhouette of the Molten Dragon with regret, as it drifted away in the sea like an island, without stopping. The way and meaning.

“It’s good to win, and it’s good to win.” The werewolf Prince said awkwardly.

“General Liaoyuan is unbreakable this time, I have written down the favor this time.” Archangel also said.

General Jackal also secretly sighed in relief, but didn’t say anything at all.

They also feel embarrassed. According to this calculation, if Li Yao is controlled by Li Yao, the Rising Dragon will definitely suffer a real serious damage.

What a pity!

Li Yao shook his head: “Even if Rongshanlong’s brain is not good, the demon commander is very cunning. Even if I control it all, people may not step in our plan. Anyway. , This time is considered a victory, we should leave this ghost place too.”

After Li Yao finished giving a salute, he directly took back the Phantom, and then returned to the Spark Front.

“Ding, system news: Uldaman dungeon land reclamation is over, the team with the first military service is the Spark Guild No. 1 team.”

“ding, system news: Congratulations to Xinghuo for gaining military service First, reward the camp and race with two thousand prestige.”

“Ding, system news: all the military merits obtained in the three stages are accumulated in the team.”

“ding, system news : The military merits of the mainline dungeon are the main military merits. Players can exchange the military merits for corresponding equipment and materials, and at the same time can consume the corresponding military merits to obtain the regular military rank.”

“Ding, system message: Uldaman The battle was won. The team with the first military service will receive SSS+++ comprehensive evaluation regardless of the evaluation, and the second to fifth teams will receive the SSS overall evaluation award. The sixth to the 50th team will receive the SS+ comprehensive evaluation award .”

“Ding, system news: the coalition forces have been disbanded, please send each team to the guild station (free), the team can directly receive system rewards, or consume military power to purchase the items needed.”


Uldaman finally came to an end after a long competition, and Xinghuo became the No. 1 in military service without any dispute.

In fact, this is not surprising. When Li Yao at the crucial moment was pulling strongly against a crazy tide, everyone knew that Xinghuo had won the war at the moment when the war was won…


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