At this moment, the cannonball seemed to be wrapped in a strong whirlwind, falling like a drill.


The melting mountain dragon once again extended the paws of the incomparable gigantic and slapped it directly on the ruins, smashing a large number of siege machinery and soldiers to pieces.

At this time, the shell has approached the body of the lava dragon. With the slap of the lava dragon, his shoulder joints moved and changed between the rock layers covering the body.

The rock armor that was originally tightly fitted cracked a hole. The Molten Dragon was too huge, just like he didn’t say he turned over, but he moved. Some parts of his body are Heaven and Earth. Turning upside down, such as the node not long ago, was originally a platform, but it turned into a rock wall with a single action of the lava dragon.

This time is different from the last time, it’s just that the armor splits with the action.



The whirlwind drilled directly into the crack, and it still fell in the direction of the crack. The whirlwind and the rock wall occurred Crazy collision, but there is no downward resistance.

One by one, the number of damages of five to sixty thousand keeps flying, and countless people are stared at.

This is just the damage caused by the external wind pressure. Speaking of which is slow, in fact extremely fast.

Players have seen that the rock armor on the shoulders of the molten mountain dragon is hundreds of yards thick. If you want to attack the molten mountain dragon’s armor, how much damage it will cause is basically Foolish dreams.

However, this time, directly over the armor, the whirlwind strikes directly on the shoulder of the molten mountain dragon.

When the whirlwind fell on the shoulders, it directly broke through the huge dragon scales of the molten mountain dragon like an electric drill.

The number that was released this time is even bigger, and it has become a number of tens of thousands.

With a large number of lava bursts, the outer whirlwind has disappeared, and the blue shells have been struck on the dragon skin inside the dragon scales of the molten mountain dragon.



The spread of blue directly exploded the dragon skin, and a terrifying number appeared, 12 million.

Then there is the most core burst, a more terrifying number appeared, two thousand 7,000,000.

ka ka ka ……

The roar of the melting mountain dragon is extremely painful. In the sound of mountains bursting and ground splitting, a large number of rocks shattered and collapsed like a landslide.

Huge cracks appeared one after another, and the rock armor on the shoulders of the lava dragon shattered into a large piece, splashing endless waves in the sea.

Everyone was stunned and couldn’t believe their eyes.

“Is this the real formidable power of Boom Mountain Cannon.” Green Dragon Princess muttered to herself.

“No wonder Big Brother looks down on them, it turns out that they played so many times, and the result was all fucking wasted.” Hitomi couldn’t help but burst out.

It’s not just on the side of Xinghuo, Uldaman and allied forces, watching the first kill of the spectators, everyone is stunned.

Originally, they thought that the so-called Divine Item of Zhenguo was a bit of a misnomer, because it hurts well, and it was much higher than the average machine, but it was an exaggeration to talk about it.

However, look at the damage caused by Li Yao’s blow, and then look at the damage caused by the people in front.

One adds up to nearly 40 million damage, and one adds up to hundreds of thousands. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, it’s just two weapons.

But the facts tell them that they are obviously the same weapon.

Especially those engineering players who were shocked by the shock. They watched the live broadcast after they died, but they couldn’t believe and accept this fact anyway.

“Luck, it must be luck, you see, he obviously fired his cannon into the sky, but when the shell fell, a crack was exposed on the shoulder of the molten mountain dragon, which caused the shell to fall on the molten mountain dragon body. Above.”

“That is, if we also hit the weakness of the melting mountain dragon, we can cause this kind of damage.”

“It’s not fair, it doesn’t matter if he is equipped well. , What luck can be better than us.”

“It is said that the sky does not have long eyes. It is obviously that we carefully calculated the aiming and deduced it, but the result was not hurt. He just shot at the sky. Can do this kind of damage, this is not what dogshit luck is.”

“Idiot, can you stop it.”

“Luck you sister, just don’t have ability. , Is it luck for others to be snatched by you.”

“Don’t pay attention to these idiots, wait a while for the hit, and see what they say.”

“Simply not for the Hunter King Is there such a thing as good luck? What is meant as an innocent strategy? You technical scumbags don’t understand.”

The barrage has become a mess, and the scene is almost the same.

“ha ha ha ha, don’t you see, this is the formidable power of the boomerang, shit, what are those idiots using.” The werewolf Prince teleported to Li Yao and laughed loudly.

“You proud fart, you didn’t use it yourself.” Bloodhoof rolled his eyes directly.

The other two leaders also teleported over. They were so excited, heaven and hell.

If the battle fails, it will be hard for them to explain back, and now they are finally struggling on the line of life and death.

“I said if you can stay away from me, it upsets me. If you can’t beat me, you can’t blame me.” Li Yao said dissatisfied.

“Yes, yes, let’s keep your voice down.” The leaders didn’t care about Li Yao’s tone at all.

Li Yao had no sense of accomplishment, the rays of light flickered in his eyes, and he muttered to himself: “Does it hurt? This is the only way to be more active. Only when you are more active can you have more weak spots. Now, you Eat me a cannon.”


It was another cannonball against the sky, the molten mountain dragon roared, and it rushed into the defensive line composed of ruins more crazily.

But because of the shot just now, one of his shoulders said that the exaggeration was abolished, but at least he was slightly injured. Although he quickly mobilized his strength to block the wound, the pain in the heart was inevitable.

Faced with the new shells, Molten Dragon was full of fear, but his body was too big, and he was inevitable for shells. His idea was to let the shells explode on the surface of his body. hurt.

However, his slight evasive action once again caused a weak spot to appear on the back of his neck, opening a small hole again.

It’s this hole, as if it’s a drill, and it’s going to fall again.

“Damn, you are a fool, you have been seen through the action, don’t move.”

The magic commander angered the molten mountain dragon, and a large number of tentacles poured out directly like lightning A distance of thousands of yards was directly covered by the shell.

However, before she had time to be happy, a large amount of dark touch was torn into countless fragments by the whirlwind, and the shells still fell on the molten mountain dragon.

A huge amount of damage was caused again on the back of the molten mountain dragon, this time the damage was even greater, and the total amount exceeded 50,000,000.

The demon commander is anxious, and the molten mountain dragon is also anxious. The dragon’s blood of the molten mountain is more than 10 billion, and the number of tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands does not care, but the bombing cannon fired every few seconds is 40. -50 million damage will not last long.

And there is no need to kill the mountain melting dragon, as long as one place is severely damaged, the huge mountain melting dragon will be temporarily paralyzed…

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