Thieves are super experts in the end, so naturally they won’t really sit and wait for death, even in a desperate situation, they have to find a way to make a living.

The thief saw that Li Yao took out the star bow and stepped in the void, the thief’s complexion finally changed.

“hmph, do you have the ability to be in the air.”

The thieves’ feet kicked directly on the rock wall, and the body was directly separated from the rock wall.

pa pa pa ……

The three arrows burst in the original place, but the thief has already left, and a wing suddenly spread behind him as he fell.

The wings suddenly spread, and then the silhouette of the thief was misty and divided into three silhouettes.

Swipe, swipe, swipe…

The three thieves threw a green dart in their hands.

The aura of the thief’s wings is restrained, and looks very simple. It is obviously a good wing, which allows the thief to fly for at least ten seconds.

Their wings are much stronger than Hitomi.

Li Yao is another two arrows, shooting the two welcome thief respectively.

At the same time, Li Yao did not retract the bow, but swayed slightly.

Ding, ding, ding…

The swing angle of the star bow just meets the darts that make up the character shape, and the darts with green toxin rays of light are directly bounced back .


The thief’s face changed, his wings shone, and his stature rushed towards Li Yao.

He is not close to Li Yao, even remote skills need to be released at a certain distance.


“Sorry, there is no difference between a moving target and a fixed target.”

The thieves felt like they just dodged the darts When the neck became cold, the wings behind her were dim, and her body fell instantly.

The white light of the soul floated, and the thief’s face was full of astonishment. Then he saw that Li Yao had put away his bow and arrow, turned and jumped onto the platform.

He just came across, and after the counterattack, there was another unobvious agility bonus. Li Yao was already fast in shooting arrows, but getting this bonus was even closer to the extreme.

At the moment of rebounding the dart, an arrow was already shot, and he also calculated his position after dodge the dart. The moment he darts, he has already actively hit Li Yao’s arrow.

Such a wonderful arrow, but the audience has no sense of surprise.

Li Yao’s first kill this time, the technology demonstrated has completely conquered those audiences.

You must know that to be able to participate in the first kill, especially in the later stages, everyone is not weak.

In the past, they did not recognize Li Yao’s video, saying that the video was made, but in reality, this technology simply cannot appear.

I saw Li Yao use technology to crush others. Some people also think that Li Yao is just abusive food.

But now it is a duel between Peak experts, and Li Yao is no different from the original.

The same unrestrained and unrestrained, no seriousness to compete for the first kill at all, as if each of the super experts are all rookies.

However, the fact is that they are in front of Li Yao just as they are in front of these super experts.

All of my own rhythms were plotted against by super expert, and I was easily abused.

However, Li Yao can abuse these super experts just like abuse of food. How the realm is obvious at a glance is irrefutable.

So, Li Yao kills the thieves and has already made the audience immune. As for what technology to learn, I can enjoy watching the live broadcast now. I want to learn what I want and wait to go back and study the video.

And Hitomi couldn’t understand the charming female player, but attracted the attention of the players, especially the charming female player’s hips were drenched with blood, and the equipment was also damaged. Focus.

The female player just gave Paladin from her team to sit down, and now she does not know her life or death.

At this moment, she finally grabbed the raised stone and temporarily stabilized her body, but she couldn’t find a place to use her feet.

I was looking for a lever on his feet. At this moment, Hitomi had come over like a cannonball, and the one-handed Warhammer in his hand was glowing with dazzling electric light.


Warhammer hit the injured position impartially, and the blood that had just stopped gushing again, this time the blood directly stained the trouser legs.

The charming female player even uttered a painful scream. On the one hand, it was pain, and on the other hand, she was embarrassed. She also wanted a face, how will she see people in the future.

“Little boy, I will kill you.”

However, she can only swear on the street. The hammer just now almost let him get rid of, how can I deal with it? Hitomi Hitomi.

“The coquettish goods go to die.” Hitomi opened her palm, and the vine pulled her to make her body above the charming female player.

Then just kicked it directly, this time even harder, Hitomi was also annoyed at her, and kicked the charming female player directly.

One step down, the charming female player couldn’t cry anymore, with a clear footprint on her face, her nose collapsed, her nosebleeds flowed, and there was a little charming.

The charming female players are about to cry, you are charming, your sister, there is an enchantress, she is considered a hairy, even if she is a woman, and she is very confident in her appearance and figure.

But as long as the enchantress is present, she looks eclipsed. Without others, she feels ashamed and wronged.

But Hitomi doesn’t care about her, seeing that she is still holding her, she has two consecutive feet.

“Little bastard, I remember you.” The charming female player was full of blood, and finally realized that Hitomi was simply insulting her.

She finally figured it out, and immediately let go of her hand, and her body fell.

“I gave up so soon, it’s boring.” Hitomi sighed unfinishedly.

Watching Hitomi Summon’s demon wings fly to the platform, the audience suddenly thought, this Brat wouldn’t really be a demon race.

On the other side, the enchantress spread her wings directly.

The wings of the enchantress are purple wings of light, which are not made in heaven at first glance, but under the light of the purple wings, the enchantress looks very enchanting, and countless men are shocked by this beauty. Almost suffocated.

“You want to kill me, you slut is not qualified.” Cuttlefish finally tore off all the disguise and said with a gloomy face.

The demon girl said nothing, the floater was in the air, and a crossbow appeared in her hand.

Then at a moderate pace, there was a burst of shots at the cuttlefish in the distance. The cuttlefish’s complexion became more gloomy. She didn’t expect the demon girl to be so sinister.

This is a deep pit, he knows he is bode ill rather than well.

Although the damage of the prop thief using the crossbow is not as good as that of the hunter, it is not low, and he is now hanging on the rock wall. It is basically impossible to dodge the opponent’s attack, and he can’t use his hands. The shield spells Can’t show it.

If he has been on the stone wall, he will be shot to death without any suspense.

He also has wings naturally, but the problem is that although wings can dodge attacks within ten seconds, the new problem is that even if he is not dead within ten seconds, he has to return to the rock wall. .

More importantly, he knows that in a one-to-one situation, he is dead or alive, and there is basically no more than ten seconds. He plots against himself, and the technique is fine, but he is more technical than the demon…

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