Li Yao directly filled the roaring ammunition of the green dragon, and then the roar of the two green dragons directly changed into the form of the dragon shot.

A huge two-handed sledgehammer appeared in Li Yao’s hands. This two-handed hammer was very heavy. Without the blessing of the dragon father’s power, even if he used it, he would not be able to reach the flow, Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light.

But under the blessing of the dragon father’s power, Li Yao’s strength is amazing. This very heavy two-handed Warhammer composed of two hand cannons is now in Li Yao’s hands like a straw.

At this moment, Warhammer is like an incomparable gigantic green faucet, and the green rays of light are introverted, obviously in a state of sufficient ammunition.

Li Yao jumped directly down the gully, and the Exterminating Dragon, covered with bone spurs, was spreading its wings moving towards the top and galloping upward.


Exterminating Dragon saw that someone dared to move towards his mouth and jumped into his mouth from above, and he became extremely angry.

Instead of evading, he adjusted slightly, roared, and aimed at Li Yao, wanting to have a head-on with Li Yao.

Li Yao’s eyes flashed with rays of light, and his spirit strength was reaching its extreme, constantly analyzing various options and possibilities.

The two sides are going down quickly and the other up quickly, about to collide together.

Time Deceleration!

At this time, Li Yao finally used this skill again. Except for Li Yao, the surrounding time slowed down, although it was only one second slower.

But for their confrontation, even if it is one and a half seconds, it can determine the outcome, life and death.

In the direction of Li Yao, the Warhammer in his hand will eventually collide with the two horns of the Exterminating Dragon. However, at the moment of Time Deceleration, the propeller behind Li Yao spewed out a flame, and the flame burst out It disappears in a moment.

But it was this flame that pushed Li Yao’s body a little away.

In addition to wanting, no one else realizes that time is stretched or slowed down.

In their eyes, the falling Li Yao caused his body to shift slightly when he collided with the dead dragon.

Then Warhammer, who would have hit the horns of the Exterminating Dragon, strikes directly on the back of the Exterminating Dragon’s neck.

Accurately, it was the strikes on the bone spurs that had begun to turn black on the back of the dragon.


First, Warhammer directly strikes on the body of the dragon, the beauty of Golden Dragon’s rising momentum suddenly stopped, they also saw the painful expression in the eyes of the dragon .

A large number of bone spurs collapsed and flew, and Mie Jinlong also tilted his body to stabilize his body.


The second sound is when the Exterminating Dragon stabilizes his body and collides with the rock wall.

Just when the audience thought that Extinguishing the Dragon was fine, the grenade that had been planted finally exploded.

In an instant, several powerful grenades exploded in the place where the dragon was attacked by the hammer.

During the burst, the bone shell formed when the bone spurs were formed finally collapsed completely, and a large amount of blood was like a fountain in an instant.

Mie Jinlong finally lost his balance due to pain, and then fell directly.


When Li Yao landed on the ground, he had already put away the roar of the green dragon, Lotus Blooming at Every Step, a lotus flower relieved the falling power, and stepped gently Under the gully.

hōng lóng lóng ……

Behind Li Yao, the huge forehead of the Exterminating Dragon has fallen to the ground, and a big hole was smashed into the ground, and the rock shattered.

And Li Yao didn’t feel as if, as if he didn’t worry about being hit.

At least the audience was sweating for Li Yao, because it was too close, as long as a few tens of centimeters, Li Yao will be impacted by the aftermath of the drop.

“I give full marks to Liaoyuan Great God for this forced pretence.”

“If you don’t accept it, you can only pretend to be the Hunter King.”

” I don’t think he should call him the king of hunting, let’s call him the king, fuck, my heart trembles in the presence of the scene. As a result, people’s eyelids are not blinking.”

“This fuck, Chic without looking back.”

“Handsome, I don’t know how many kisses I gave the Hunter King.”

“I gave 1,000,000 kisses.”


“You nympho, although you are immersive, but that is also an image. But to be honest, I also followed the third perspective of the Hunter King, fuck, the real eyelashes did not blink. “

“Upstairs, you die-hard guy, you look at the man so close.”

Li Yao naturally doesn’t know, because of his casually attitude, the barrage has become a mess. group.

Li Yao turned around at a moderate pace, his figure flickered, directly causing the cloak effect of the cloak to reach the shadow of the extinct dragon tail.

At this moment, most of the bone spurs and bony shells of the dragon’s body have been shattered. When he fell from the air, he fell one-fifth of his blood at once. You must know how to face That many people besieged, he also lost only one-fifth.

Now three-fifths of the blood is left after the first contact, and he has suffered heavy injuries. The skeleton seems to be split all over, and the blood is a blowout for money.

At least the back neck injury made his head inflexible. Whether it is fangs or acute angles, it is basically a temporary waste.

He was angry. As Ancient Dragon, he had never suffered such a shame.

Li Yao doesn’t care about the audience’s thoughts, and naturally doesn’t care about the anger of Exterminating Dragon.

Li Yao opened his cane and grabbed the dragon tail directly, and then the touch of darkness continued to spread, entwining the dragon tail directly.

Then suddenly exerted force, the Exterminating Dragon was directly picked up by Li Yao, swept an arc above his head, and then crashed on the other side of Li Yao.

The audience who was discussing was confused, and the struggling Exterminating Dragon was also confused.

The audience hasn’t seen Li Yao use this move. For example, he played with Mecha in various races.

But that is when Mecha is involved, and the combination puppet formed by pets is still activated.

Like this kind of direct ordinary form, grabbing the tail can pick up an incomparable gigantic. I don’t know how many tons of giant dragons, they are simply unimaginable.

Mie Jinlong has never seen such a monster. In such a small body, he has the strength that he can’t resist.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, Bang…

As if to prove that everything in front of me is real, it’s like a dozen times of violent storms .

Mingjinlong is now like a dead dog, and his body is extremely miserable, where there is still a little bit of Ancient Dragon’s might.

Mie Jinlong has already begun to doubt the life of the dragon. He roared bitterly, but simply couldn’t break free from Li Yao and couldn’t resist such a strong force.

Li Yao used himself as the origin to carry the Exterminating Dragon and kept turning, turning faster and faster, and then suddenly let go of his hands and the touch of darkness.

The huge body of the Exterminating Dragon, like a dead dog, was thrown out like a cannonball, and then fiercely’s impact in the gully mutated into a bulging stone pillar with red talisman rays of light. This is melting A node on the dragon body of the mountain.

This impact is heavier than any previous one…

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