Archangel heard Li Yao say that it can destroy the magic node, and he was taken aback: “What did you say, what magic node, destroying the magic node can seal the melting mountain dragon to cast spells?”

Li Yao definitely nodded: “The molten mountain dragon is a transcendent creature, but everyone sees the molten mountain dragon but the primary world leader, but even Transcendent Saint may not be killed. The battle strength plane is too strong, let alone the molten mountain dragon is not a god, even a Spiritual God They are not perfect and without blemish, they have their own shortcomings and weaknesses, and even some shortcomings and weaknesses are beyond defense.”

Nodded that everyone agrees, no creature in the ancient world is absolutely perfect, everything Several people will agree with the principle of has its nemesis, and this World has a super military force, but there is no absolute military force.

“The Molten Dragon is no exception. In fact, the Molten Dragon’s wisdom is not low, but it is not high. He releases magic not by incantation, nor by the bloodline ability of inheritance, but Relying on the magic nodes scattered around the body, these nodes will not be covered by lava rocks. As long as three of them are destroyed, most of the magic abilities can be sealed in a short time. The more the destruction, the longer the time.”

Archangel looked painful. If what Li Yao said was true, if they knew it earlier, the battle in heaven would have been another result.

“You went on to say, what else do you need to do after sealing the magic.” Archangel took a deep breath.

Li Yao smiled: “The next step is to target the molten mountain dragon, restrict him, and then blast a weak rock crust to concentrate on hunting him. It can restrict the molten mountain dragon. And the one who controls the Molten Dragon needs the forbidden crossbow that the neutral camp uses to imprison the power of the void, and the light camp human secret weapon bombards the mountain cannon.”

Hearing this, the faces of the werewolves Prince and Archangel changed again. .

Forbidden air crossbows are the secret of heaven. The reason why heaven can be stable in the sky, forbidden air crossbows is a must.

Forbidden airbow, but imprison and restrict many things, it is one of the things of the neutral camp trump card.

The bombing cannons are similar. They are all weapons for defending the city. Except for the city wall of the main city’s palace, it is simply not visible anywhere else. Even in the capital, this thing is hidden, and most people don’t know it.

Of course, they are not reluctant to take it out, but these two things are too bulky and expensive to make.

They are all super-large war machines, which are extremely difficult to transport, so they are basically used by defenders.

“Well, I can ship the forbidden air crossbow, how much do you want.” Archangel is obviously the killing intent has been decided, I heard the forbidden airbow, without the slightest hesitation promise.

“Too many are useless, mainly because of restrictions. It’s best to get three and put them in different positions for backup.” Li Yao said.

“Yes, I will contact the Chief Archangel immediately and ask him to initiate a teleport. I will get three at any cost.” After Arrangel said, he flew to the side.

In the distance, the molten mountain dragon is slowly standing up, stabilizing its body, and the sea water continues to pour in. Even the melting mountain dragon cannot leave until the sea calms down.

And seeing that there is no coalition buried alive, the demon commander also has no desire to continue entanglement, and is also waiting for the sea level to rest, so that he can leave here.

She is very sensible, and the lost touch of darkness can hardly be taken back this time, and all her goals have been achieved, basically there is no need to stay.

Even if the coalition is destroyed, if the mountain melting dragon is lost, it is not worth it to her. The mountain melting dragon is of great use. So now the most important thing is to retreat.

And she is not worried or think that the coalition forces have other means.

It’s just that the demon commander underestimated the determination and methods of several leaders.

Werewolf Prince also promised without the slightest hesitation: “How many bombers do you need.”

“It’s also three. If you have more, you can’t overlap them. Instead, they will cancel each other out formidable. power.” Li Yao said.

“Okay, I will contact you too, and I will send it over at any cost.” The werewolf Prince also left.

The two came back soon, and both were nodded: “It will be sent in ten minutes.”

Archangel also said: “I am almost the same.”

” What to do next, don’t back off.” Bloodhoof grabbed Li Yao and wanted to walk away.

Li Yao smiled bitterly: “You can’t make arrangements, why do you want me. I give a plan, and the precious things will be sent over, and most of them will be destroyed. I can’t bear this responsibility.”

“Who made you bear the responsibility? You arranged the specific strategy. You will naturally need to arrange how to implement the plan. As for the responsibilities, the three no-air crossbows are precious. Although my neutral camp is difficult, it is also a loss. Start.” Archangel also said.

“Why should a man be such a mother-in-law, from now on, let you arrange it.” The werewolf Prince also said.

“Okay.” Li Yao reluctantly agreed, and then began to select a location, and the wizards quickly arranged the Transmission Formation.

Looking at the precious materials being arranged without money, players are envious of death. Some merchant players have calculated that the arrangement of this array alone costs at least tens of thousands of gold coins.

Some wizard players even pointed out that these precious materials have no other effect, just to quickly start the array and shorten the time for debugging the Transmission Array.

The players are all dumbfounded. The six arrays, which add up to several hundreds of gold coins, are gone.

Isn’t the transmitted thing more precious? Players naturally don’t know that the weapon that will be transmitted is the war machine that the player guild wants to get in the later stage of the game.

Just when the array was being arranged, several leaders were not idle, took out the military merit book, and began to call their names constantly.

In less than five minutes, the four camps participated in the land reclamation, and toys with the best personal military achievements gathered around several leaders.

At a glance, there are at least a thousand people.

Archangel saw that everyone was there, and said loudly: “You should have seen it, and the next battle will be the final battle. But the melting dragon is too terrifying and wants to defeat the melting dragon. The premise is to seal his spell. He has a blood-colored stone pillar on his body, which is a magic node. As long as you destroy three, you can temporarily seal his magic. We have the chance to defeat him. And you are all well in this battle -Known figure, who can become a thousand soldiers, presumably each has its own means. Now your task is to be sent to the dragon body to destroy the node.”

The players have green faces. Now, such a huge monster, too late to hide, ran on to others, died, and all retreated one by one.

Werewolf Prince coldly snorted and said: “Naturally, you won’t let you take risks in vain. As long as the first three destroying nodes will get equivalent to killing world-level leaders, there will be more after the first three Destroyed, get the military merits equivalent to the high-level camp leader, and destroy a node, and you will get a golden medal. With the medal, you can go to the camp treasury and choose any treasure as a reward.”……

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