The players may not feel too deep to hear this story, after all, they still know too little about this World.

Due to the level and version issues, the players only know some generalities scatteredly, even those players who like to drill into the library only know some history within ten thousand years, and the more distant history is only vaguely mentioned .

Those legends of Spiritual God also know a little bit of sporadic fragments, simply not a system.

But the players who really understand the history of the Dragon King are suddenly surprised. This is another ancient secret. There is absolutely no harm in knowing it. If it is used well, it will definitely trigger a special task in the future.

The Green Dragon Princess is also full of longing, and she also understands why Li Yao hesitated about the merits, after all, it involves her mother.

This history also allowed her to solve a lot of doubts.

In Dragon Race, in the Dragon Race of the female dragon king, only her mother is known, but her father is unknown. The Green Dragon Princess is no exception. The Green Dragon Queen has many spouses.

It’s not how unbearable the queen is, but for the continuation of the excellent gene, which is the dragon king’s bloodline. As the dragon king, the inheritance of the next generation must be with the strongest male in the race to have a greater chance of giving birth. Prince Princess.

But even so, there are still many dragons without the Dragon King bloodline, and they don’t even have the qualifications to call themselves dragon Prince heirs.

The green dragon Princess thought of Cenarius, who grew up with her and regarded him as her elder brother, who was the heir of Moon God.

She has always wondered, since the Moon God is so detached, how could he have an offspring with life, she completely understands today, and understands why her mother sometimes looks at the sky in a daze. .

I thought I was communicating with the Moon God, but now it seems that I am simply missing someone that’s all.

“Such a Star God, if it was a Divine King in the age of the gods, it would be a pity.” Green Dragon Princess sighed regretfully.

Li Yao also shook his head slightly: “He was originally the Divine King, but unfortunately his retiring has divided the gods into several camps, and this has led to the turbulent era. Star Plucking Hand, although What the magic commander controls is that the fur in the fur is so powerful. I really hope that one day I will have the opportunity to see the real Star Plucking Hand.”

Everyone is very yearning for the stars to be picked by the hand, listening to the atmosphere. , But how many people can do it, such a magnificent scene can not be witnessed, it is really regrettable.

“Hey, hey, I said you are not over yet, so hurry up and help.”

The Jackal General lost his blood beads, and he lost his original armor only by one armor. The domineering of press forward.

I personally experienced the power of the demon commander, but he was full of fear of the demon commander. Especially his powerful armor can’t resist the attack of the demon commander. Without blood beads, he might still die.

He joined the battle, and was seized of blood beads. He was taken as a key target by the demon commander, and the general Jackal was a breakthrough.

The demon commander knows that it is better to break one finger than to break the other finger. He would rather accept the attack of the other three to take down the general Jackal.

At this moment, the jackal was very embarrassed. Seeing Li Yao still talking about it, although he was annoyed, he did not look like he was domineering.

“You dare to be distracted when fighting with me, you are courting death.”

A sneer flashed in the eyes of the demon commander, and his free palm plunged into the fog again, Jackal The whole body was cold, and it was Star Plucking Hand again.

For this kind of unreasonable skill, I don’t know how to dodge, really helpless.

The jackals are extremely vigilant and keep themselves on guard. However, if the Star Plucking Hand is so easy to guard against, then this move Star God created this move is not so Legendary.

In an instant, it is possible to extract stars that are unknown thousands of light-years away. This is not just space power.


The jackal man’s defenses in every possible way, his claws still appeared in the back of his head, if he was hit this time, he would be dead.

At this moment, an arrow hit the faint claw shadow.

Then the arrow exploded directly, the claw shadow was slightly stagnant, but the explosion also pushed the jackal out. Although a little embarrassed, it is basically not a harm.

“You entangle the demon commander, I am mainly responsible for dealing with his Star Plucking Hand.” Li Yao held the star bow lightly saying in his hand.

Several leaders are overjoyed. The reason why they are so passive now is because they were shocked by the real Star Plucking Hand. They couldn’t defend against such powerful moves when they asked themselves, so they separated a lot of mental experience. To defend, it was repressed by the demon commander.

Li Yao just blocked a move. Although he did not completely block it, as long as they were given a little reaction time, they would not be so afraid.

“My Star Plucking Hand is so predictable, you are so naive.” The devil face changed, and he put his palm out again.

This time the target of Star Plucking Hand is Archangel, and Archangel is also on guard, but there is no way to perceive it in advance.

However, it is the same Exploding Arrow, which makes the Star Plucking Hand stagnate, but also shakes the Archangel away. Regardless of the slight sluggishness and thrust, it was enough for Archangel to react and safely offset the Star Plucking Hand.

“If it is the real Star Plucking Hand, even if I escape to the ends of the earth, it is a dead word, but you only get the incomplete inheritance of Star Plucking Hand. Even if it is weird, but also not There is no weak spot.” Li Yao shot the rays of light in his eyes, staring at the demon commander, and shot another arrow, cracking the demon commander’s Star Plucking Hand for the third time.

“Good job, then, a few people, we are starting to counterattack.” Bloodhoof immediately launched a full-scale offensive.

Several other leaders also gave up their scruples. The four teamed up, coupled with Li Yao’s frequent release of cold arrows and the increase of the green dragon Princess, the magic commander was immediately suppressed and very embarrassed.

You must know that she has not been suppressed, but she is still able to do her job, and now she has become very embarrassed.

She couldn’t maintain the original detached demeanor at all. Less than a quarter of an hour later, she was still pierced with a big hole in the abdomen by Archangel’s spear of truth.

“I looked at you high again and again, didn’t expect still looked at you low, you are good, really good, if you give you opportunities and rights, you will be my biggest opponent, but unfortunately Now, you’re just a small general, and it’s hard to be a major event after all. You have the touch of darkness. It’s better to meet the ancient gods with me. At that time, you will definitely get a position no less than mine. At that time, in the two of us In his hands, he will surely unblock all the ancient gods. At that time, under the ancient gods will be the world of you and me.”

Even if the demon commander is injured, the look in Li Yao’s eyes is more and more admired.

“Sorry, I’m not interested in the dog of the ancient god. You are not bad, too. It’s a pity that the mind is controlled by the ancient god.” Li Yao also sighed, this demon commander plot against is really too deep .

No one knows what she really thinks…

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