The people who saw this scene were in an uproar, it was too tragic. Li Yao’s previous retreat was an acknowledgment, but he felt that he was killing too slowly.

I have been watching from the side. It turns out that it’s simply not looking for opportunities, but mobilizing the air force that’s all.

What is called one strike certain kill, this is called.

At this moment, the players and soldiers who were still besieging the Faceless One fell to their heads in an instant, leaving only one true expert.

However, seeing the air force gradually disappearing, the hearts of the remaining people are also full of chills.

Li Yao is too cruel. If he doesn’t do it, he will be like a thunder. And the action is decisive, without any consideration of the subsequent consequences.

Hua Xia commentary KY, who has been holding his breath and said nothing at this time, said lightly saying: “I said Liaoyuan would not be so bullied. You just said that Liaoyuan is even if difficult to deal with. One person, facing the pressure of many guilds’ super experts, has been softened. Is that what you think is soft.”

The explanations of several other large administrative regions looked at the bloody scene at each other in the extreme. blank dismay, what else can they say, what else can they say.

Said Liaoyuan is too much, cracking a joke, it is the weakness of the boss that Liaoyuan found, and it is Liaoyuan has been really constraining the boss.

As a result, it was enough to exclude people and mock them. The key was not to get the boss. Instead of being killed, the boss was restored to Peak status.

Weird people are vicious and merciless, the same pain, they don’t want to kill Li Yao, but simply are not sure, with the green dragon Princess by their side, plus the strength of Liaoyuan itself, they want to kill Liaoyuan Estimated to be more difficult.

In the battle of the sky, they have seen Li Yao’s methods. There is simply no one can stop them. Now they have the courage on land.

It’s not just that Liaoyuan will not be killed, but the battle that connects will not let anyone participate in it. This is the first kill game, and it uses this despicable method.

Now I have been overturned all of a sudden, saying that I have no face to continue to care about.

“I said that this boss is packed by me. Does anyone have an opinion.” Li Yao lightly saying.

Naturally, there are opinions, and the opinions are big, but no one dares to speak out.

Who knows if there are any invisible praying mantises around him? Although the survivors are not reconciled, they are reconciled to leave under the threat of a large number of hunts.

Otherwise, they will suffer a heavy blow. Even if they have invincible skills, they can’t keep using them.

More importantly, Xinghuo’s Legion is not close to here, but not far away. The invincible army formed by the handsome flag of Xinghuo cannot threaten Li Yao with the army.

Moreover, they are impossible to send troops to deal with Xinghuo. The situation just now has angered the leaders of the camp. If they do anything bad, then they will be punished by the camp without Xinghuo’s action.

“It seems that no one is there anymore.” Li Yao slightly smiled: “Princess, please help me to see if I kill the faceless.”

” The flies are all shot to death, so it is time to end this battle.” The green dragon Princess waved and developed, one after another green rays of light enveloped Li Yao, and various attack buffs fell behind Li Yao and Li Yao. Of several silhouettes of the shadows.

Yes, under the blessing of the green dragon Princess and faction gain, Li Yao can summon nine phantoms through cloak, and the shadows of the nine Li Yao are exactly the same as Li Yao, let alone nothing. Faced with the face, even the Green Dragon Princess can’t tell which Li Yao is the real one.

Ten Li Yao bend bow and place arrow respectively, holding star bows one by one, and quickly dispersed, launching an encirclement and suppression of the Faceless.

Li Yao returned to his heyday after rest. At this moment, he is full of one mind and ten uses, each controlling his own battle.

When the Faceless One couldn’t tell which one was the real one, nine of them used fake and real shadows as cover, arrows rained like a rain.

The imposing manner and speed of the arrows, skills and so on are all the same, simply can’t tell which arrow is the real Li Yao shot out.

Moreover, Li Yao keeps changing the position of his body and welcome, even the faceless can’t tell.

So, under the cover of a few phantom attacks, it often represents the weakness of Li Yao’s body arrows that can hit him.

Moreover, the ten silhouettes are all controlled by Li Yao alone. It can be said that the match is seamless. The Faceless simply doesn’t know which shadow to chase, and there are no players around to let him absorb blood.

Under the blessing of the green dragon Princess, Li Yao dealt a stormy blow to the Faceless.

The spirit of the faceless is madly concussed roar, if the spirit strength is not enough, the concussion of the spiritual level alone is enough to distract people, thus revealing the weak spot, but Li Yao’s spirit strength has reached the level of the main god , But without the nourishment of Divine Spark and divine force.

Far from being able to shake by the faceless, and there is Li Yao alone in the entire big scene. With the assistance of Divine Eyes, Li Yao can know in advance what attacks and skills the boss will release.

Don’t underestimate such a small advance. It is because of this that Li Yao can foresee and be completely invincible.

Even if the attack of the Faceless Man is against the sky, it is useless if it can’t hit people.

In addition to the weakening and restriction of the green dragon Princess, the Faceless Man wants to fly into the sky several times and want to get into the group of players to suck blood, but Li Yao is not jealous, his strength It’s so big that the two of them will be restrained to death under their hands.

When there is no weakness, this stalemate is meaningless, but knowing the weakness of Faceless, with Li Yao’s means, it is natural to quickly solve Faceless.

In less than 3 minutes, the HP of the Faceless Apostle is already less than one third. The Faceless One is already violent at this moment, but it still doesn’t help.

Li Yao’s attack was too fast. The Faceless Man destroyed several phantoms of Li Yao in succession, but they were all quickly replenished. The Faceless Man couldn’t find his HP to replenish, so he could only attack like crazy , However, does not help.

When the faceless man’s blood volume disappeared completely, Li Yao quickly rushed to the boss’s body.

Everyone who pays attention here has set their sights on the body of the boss, because everyone knows that this is another contradiction.

Li Yao flickered when the boss died, and rushed to the boss’s body like lightning.

Seeing Li Yao rushing over, the hidden thieves couldn’t help but rushed to the boss one after another. The military service was gone, but it was enough to get spoils of war.

The green dragon Princess shouted: “Blast.”

A dreamlike green mist burst, and under the faint green mist, all the thieves showed their bodies. In an instant, dozens of thieves were corroded and blood appeared.

Everyone’s eyes are red. Since the figure is exposed, there is no scruples…

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