The ancestors of the dwarves are ancient earth spirits, and they are creations of Titans. In fact, the power they control is similar to that of the Black Dragon clan.

Of course, there is no overbearing of the Black Dragon clan. After all, the bloodline of the Black Dragon clan is the real bloodline infusion of the Titans, and the earth spirits are elemental creatures created because of their own structure and the acquired will of the earth. To be precise It is a weakened version of the little Titan.

It’s just that the war with the ancient gods ended, and these earthen warriors were either sealed or became guards guarding the city left by the Titans.

But after the titans left, the earth spirits did not escape the magical hands of the ancient gods. They were cursed by flesh and blood, and turned into flesh and blood creatures, completing the transformation from inorganic to organic.

The ancient earth spirits were gradually transformed into three branches. One continued to maintain the appearance of earth spirits, but the power and law power were weakened from generation to generation. Although the appearance of earth spirits was retained, in fact No longer had the power and glory that it once had, of course, this branch of elemental creatures is still very strong.

The second branch has evolved into a mountain giant, but after becoming a mountain giant, although it still has the previous power, most of them lost their wisdom as high-level command creatures and became a low-intelligence race .

And the third is to be completely flesh and blood, they almost lost the earth spirit Law Power and endless strength, but they are still a powerful race.

It is also the so-called dwarf. Although the dwarf is small, compared with the dwarf and goblin, it still possesses powerful strength. Although it cannot be compared with the ancient ancestors, it is still in comparison with the current intelligent race. Forefront.

Especially the dwarf king who was once titled the King of the Mountain, once ruled the dwarf kingdom for thousands of years.

Under his leadership, the dwarves discovered new potential, possessed their own kingdoms and brilliant civilizations. They not only built huge mountain cities, but also became world-leading forging experts. .

Furthermore, after generations of dwarves’ research, a trace of the power of the ancestral bloodline has been activated again, and the ability to obtain the power of the ancestors for a short time is the trick used by the dwarves today.

Although the kingdom of the dwarves is now divided, their civilization inheritance has come down, far from being comparable to that of the Uldaman dwarves, even though they are in the same state, the gap is too obvious.

The dwarves of the light camp used the secret technique of their ancestors to shelter the army of the light camp and let the Uldaman dwarves on the city wall of Uldaman shine.

The angels of the neutral camp are constantly hiding sacred ballads, layers of sacred brilliance, countless light elves flying around the army to protect Legion of the neutral camp.

Needless to say, angels can be transcendent races that can directly become gods.

The chaotic camp is relatively far behind. Although they also possess advanced intelligence, their level of advanced intelligence is not very high, and the time is not long.

In other words, they do not have the foundation of Ancient Era inheritance, their bloodline is mixed, and not at all brilliant civilization, they still live in the tribal age.

Although Dark Faction seems to be the age of tribes, the various tribes of Dark Faction have their own civilizations and great cities.

Except for a few races with their own super city, the chaotic camp is also a settlement.

The lizard man’s main city was built by the Black Dragon King, and it was destroyed when the plane invaded.

In addition, the chaotic camp has just been established for a few months. In fact, the friendship between each other is not close, and it is only because of the pressure of three great factions.

There is no real baptism of blood and fire. Although the various races of the three great factions are not without contradictions, they have experienced countless blood and fire. They have formed one body and can work closely together. .

While the chaotic camp is fighting for their own, they have used their own methods, but not all races are skilled in defense. Under this crazy blow, the chaotic camp has lost a lot of soldiers.

And very few player teams also resisted the first wave of crazy attacks with their Defensive Array type, at least the front line was defensive.




The spirit technique of death in Dark Faction Various long-range occupations, such as the wizard mage and the troll hunter, have launched a counterattack one after another, and opened the counterattack horn in their own safety.

Under the defense of the dwarves, the dwarf’s shooters, artillery, human warlocks and wizards, and ancient elf hunters also started the counterattack in the light camp.

In the neutral camp, under the blessing of angels, Amazonian huntresses, Barbarian hurricanes, mages and hunters of sanctuary humans also launched a counterattack.

The chaotic camp is more chaotic, and it’s still running in. Simply not as efficient as the three great factions.

Of course, not only the three great factions, but a very small number of guild teams also stabilized their defenses. They also heard the command of the three great factions generals and started a counterattack. After all, the third test Kirby is military merit.

To win the so-called first kill, the first thing is to kill the enemy.

Many super guilds with a lot of background are well prepared, and Legion reels are hoarding a lot in advance.

For example, the Holy See of the World First Guild is still prosperous under the leadership of Edward, and Edward not only has the leadership, but also the technology of the cream of the crop. The title of the first female player in the world is not for nothing. , And it is one out of 100 million in the game with props that can really switch professions, a powerful priest and mage dual professional.

The Legion of the Holy See has formed a war bear covered in armor. They not only have a strong defense, but also a powerful combat capability.

There are also traditional and powerful guilds such as the top of the gods, Nordic mythology, Olympus, etc., which have reflected their own heritage.

There are also several mixed guilds in the chaotic camp.

Many teams and teams close to these Legion unconsciously centered on these giant dragons, and several centers appeared in the huge battlefield.

And these guilds as the center did not refuse. With these peripheral Legions, they are on the contrary safer and can achieve continuous harvesting, and those dependent guilds Legion can also reduce losses.

The vast battlefield has formed dozens of centers, like huge grinding discs, intertwined.

After the initial confusion and blows, those who used the attack formation Legion suffered huge losses, but after integrating into the center, they also began to gain.

“Three thousand yards away from the front left, the Thunder Beast formation was crushed and shattered by the Blast Hammer Dragon. The number is more than 300, and it is likely to impact our square formation.” A scout said loudly.

The enchantress quickly ordered: “Send my order, let the ant formation of the Holy Fire Guild mobilize the front left, the fire bird formation on the front left defends the direction of the Holy Fire Guild, and the ant formation strangles the Explosive Hammer Dragon.”

“Yes.” A scout quickly conveyed the order, and other attached guilds had to obey the dispatch. This was the cost of attachment, although it was only temporary.

The guild that is attached to and is very happy to…

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