The neutral continent is isolated from other continents. People in the two camps don’t know the reputation of the melting mountain dragon.

“Forbidden dragon, really so powerful, comparable to the Dragon King?” The Jackal general said in disbelief: “Then we are not completely defeated.”

Archangel Weiwei Shaking his head: “If the real battle strength is naturally not far or near to the dragon king, the problem is that the melting mountain dragon is extremely large, just like a mountain city, even if we are alone, we will not be able to kill it in a short while. It’s like a mountain. It’s not impossible for you and I to destroy it, but it takes time. At the beginning, hell occupies heaven in the battle, and hell launched a dozen melting mountain dragons.”

“At that time, because of the ancient wars, The three most powerful Demon Gods in hell, two are still being sealed, and two are still severely wounded. Only three Demon Gods brought an army of hell and a dozen molten mountain dragons to besiege heaven, and the ancient war, our heaven is almost Intact, several great Archangel strengths are in Peak. But that’s it, we still failed. Heaven was captured, and the biggest reason is the melting mountain dragon. This kind of dragon simply cannot be shaken by ordinary angels, except for and The Archangel who was fighting in Demon God, the remaining archangels took action against the lava dragons. They each killed two or three lava dragons. However, the remaining lava dragons were unstoppable, heaven. His defenses are constantly collapsing, and finally heaven falls.”

When Archangel said this, his face was grim and painful, and he took a deep breath and continued: “In order to cover our retreat, it represents the long Archangel of the law. Self-sacrifice only sealed the remaining molten mountain dragons and kept the fire for us.”

Everyone was shocked. The long Archangel already possessed the power of God. Such a powerhouse actually sacrificed itself. Come to seal a few mountain melting dragons, you can see the terrifying of mountain melting dragons.

And the Archangel in front of him is also a world-class leader. Listening to this, it is obvious that they can’t defeat the melting mountain dragon, but they are too big and take too much time. People are standing against you. Attack your city and slaughter your subordinates, you have no way at all, and you can imagine the awkwardness.

Then everyone face changed, if this is really a melting mountain dragon, they don’t have a god here.

The key point is that Uldaman is not only a melting mountain dragon, but also an expert as clouds. There must be many other methods. With the melting mountain dragon, they estimate…

bang bang bang bang……

Alice smiled charmingly, and gently clapped her palms: “I have to say, Liaoyuan, you are very smart, you are very knowledgeable, and you dare to imagine, I I was thinking that even if you guessed wrong, I would tell you the truth, but you surprised me again, and you guessed it right. However, there is no reward.”

“Impossible, the melting dragons are all It’s sealed, how could there be a melting mountain dragon, you want to shake our military spirit.” Archangel’s face was very ugly.

Several other generals also face changed. General Jackal said faintly: “I think this kid is not a good thing. I just joined forces with this bitch to deal with me. Now it looks like Uldaman. The spies, it’s better to clean them up. If Chief Bloodhoof is inconvenient, I can do it for you.”

“Dark Faction matters are not your turn to take care of.” Bloodhoof sneered before turning his head. Looking at Li Yao earnestly: “General Liaoyuan…”

Naturally, he will not believe that Li Yao is a traitor, something that is simply impossible, Li Yao is who.

I own a large lord with more than four cities in the plain, the Queen’s Inheritor, the legal heir of the undead clan, one of the representatives of Dark Faction New Generation, and recently took over the formation of a new high elf Legion , The fifth powerful figure in the high elves to control a Legion.

The future is extremely bright. Impossible is a spy, unless Liaoyuan’s brain is drawn. Taking a step back, even if it is a spy, it will not be exposed at this time, there is no benefit at all.

“General Liaoyuan, they are right. You also have the touch of darkness. You are both a divine envoy. How about going to the city.” Alice chuckled, then her face was whole: “You people are too much Shallow ignorance, I said, I will crush you with the unstoppable dignified righteous general trend, let you fail and have nothing to say, don’t think I am as shallow and dirty as you. I was very happy to talk about it just now, then It’s time to start the real battle. The Molten Dragon is my trump card, but you are too high on your own. The Molten Dragon is overkill to deal with you. Why do you need the Molten Dragon to destroy you? Some things associated with the Molten Dragon will do. I defeated you.”

Several leaders knew that the war was about to begin, and they shouted: “Prepare for war, prepare for war.”

“What’s the use of preparing for war, scum Scum, face your fears.” Alice glanced at Li Yao: “General Liaoyuan, let me see where your limits are. I look forward to your growing up to be an opponent.”

Following Alice’s words, everyone heard the sound of huge wings waving air currents.

Then everyone saw a shocking scene, in which countless huge dragon shadows flew out of the dark sky. They were heads of scale-explosive dragons.

Everyone’s complexion has changed. Everyone knows how powerful the Explosive Scale Dragon is. Although most of these Explosive Scale Dragons are of the Silver Ying level, everyone feels the scalp when seeing densely packed Explosive Scale Dragons. Tingling.

However, this is not the only one.

The ground also vibrated, and in the surrounding lava pool, the heads of monsters that almost fuse together with the lava appeared one by one.

“Lava dragon, this is a lava dragon, be careful.”

The terrain here is very complicated. There are many huge lava lakes. Many Legions are stationed on the edge of the lava lake. Seeing the countless red lava dragon silhouettes in the lava lake, the faces of the soldiers next to the lava lake are all green. This is a two-sided blow.

But again, this is simply not the end. Numerous smoke and dust appeared on the ground. Obviously a large number of burrowed monsters are approaching formation underground. Needless to say, this must be a black Horned Dragon Legion.

During the ground shaking, the silhouettes of blastosaurus also appeared from the sky.

Everyone is in a huge crisis. They have thought of Uldaman’s last challenge, but didn’t expect it to such an extent.

This is life-threatening. Those monsters are terrifying. I don’t know how many monsters are facing now. I just think about it.

“The system: the third test card officially started. There is no upper limit on the Legion that contestants can schedule, and the Legion of the summon guild can participate in the battle. The mission goal is to cooperate with the Legion of the respective faction to resist the Uldaman Dragon Legion. Attack and defeat the vanguard of the demon commander Alice.”

“system: 3rd Stage, according to military merit, the final first kill is obtained.”

Can be owned by summon himself or the guild The army is naturally a good thing, but not at all people are happy, this fuck is cheating…

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