But for ordinary players, these simply are not a problem, because it is not easy for them to get the knowledge of the madman.

After all, killing a race-level leader is not an easy task for them, and it is rare to obtain it through special tasks. At least in a short period of time, it is impossible for an ordinary person to obtain too much knowledge of a madman.

For example, those who do experiments don’t get it on their own. There is a strong guild support behind them. Otherwise, the super expert wants to get it in a short time and it’s basically impossible.

Seeing these news, everyone in Xinghuo didn’t dare to use it easily. They are still playing dungeons. With this thing, it is estimated that the opponents that the entire team of Legion will face are also extremely powerful. .

The knowledge of the madman, if you are fighting monsters yourself, it depends on your madman level, if you are teaming up, it depends on the madman level of Captain leader. Of course, there is another way is the average method, the details are similar. , But the details are different.

Twelve hours later, Xinghuo can already participate in the final battle.

When the Spark team arrived, there were already countless troops gathered, among which is included many troops from four camps.

Xinghuo has found his place, and the left and right are not Legion of his own camp, and everyone around him is on guard.

In the extreme distance, countless spellcasters are constantly arranging something, and countless mages under an array send their own mana. These arrays emit one after another magical rays of light, constantly Hit the central city shrouded in black mist.

Players with eye-assisted equipment can see through the fog the Uldaman army gathered behind the city wall, watching the allied forces continuously attacking the City Protecting Great Formation with mockery.

“What is this thing, it can envelop the entire city, it’s terrifying.” Hitomi said in admiration, now the Black Horned Dragon mount of the Spark team Qingyishui.

The surrounding team is full of envy. It’s not that there is no guild to get the mount reward, but the quality is at most the leader level, and it is not far or near the Qingyishui race level mount of the Sparks.

“This is a dark sky curtain.” Li Yao groaned for a moment before saying: “It is a large dark formation that can not only defend, but can also enhance the battle strength of everyone in the city. It’s just a defensive form that destroys the dark canopy. Even if it is destroyed, it can’t really destroy the vigor. This last level is not easy.”

“Dark canopy, how does it compare with the death canopy.” Tianxiang Asked.

Li Yao smiled: “Simply is not comparable. The Dark Sky is nothing but the Defensive Great Array that shelters a city. The Dead Sky is a taboo Divine Formation. You can see the entire map and surroundings of the city of the dead. Is there a cloud on the map? This is just the remaining power after the curtain of death is broken. After so many years, it still covers the sky and the sun does not disperse.”

“I rely on it, I think it is a special Celestial Phenomenon question, it turned out to be the remains of the Sky of Death, which is too awkward.” The guardian angel couldn’t help but said, it was too shocking. You must know that the cloud covers a lot of maps, and it can also cover one third in reality. A Huaxia can be seen strong.

“Inevitably, the undead army with the blessing of the undead canopy and the army of the undead without the blessing of the undead canopy are completely two concepts. The natural disasters raged back then, no one race and country could resist. Kingdom. You can see the remains of the city above the main city of the undead. It is the ruins of the most powerful kings and kings of mankind. The city wall built by the werewolf map that surrounds the entire map is thousands of yards high. You can see the main city of the elves. It was divided into two, and half of it is still in ruins.”

“Under the curtain of the undead, the army of the undead can be endless, and the dead enemies will recover. The undead are formed, and those undead wizards can continuously summon the army from the plane of the undead under the blessing of the sky. In order to destroy the sky of the undead, the sun well has accumulated energy for thousands of years. Otherwise, they will not be easily by the army of the undead. Pollution. Countless high elf wizards have exhausted their mana to death. But even so, this terrifying array is still left.”

People can’t help but think of the horrible and turbulent history at the beginning and hate the game. It’s too late for players to participate in the earth-shattering battle of the year.

Suddenly, the sky was foggy and a huge shadow twisted into a charming image.

“he he he, you guys from outside are late, even if you break through the city, the plan of the great ancient god is about to be completed.” Alice’s voice spread across the battlefield.

At the same time, several huge silhouettes appeared from above the coalition forces.

A huge angel illusory shadow, a huge Ox Head Man illusory shadow, a huge jackal illusory shadow, and a huge human illusory shadow.

The illusory shadow of Bull Head is the Chief Bloodhoof. He slightly said with a smile: “Phantom Trail, you don’t need to use it to bluff people. Who is your Excellency.”

“he he he , Your intelligence work is so bad. The siege of Uldaman doesn’t even know who I am. I really feel sad for you.” Alice’s huge illusory shadow scanned around, and finally looked towards one place: “Little Brat , You are very good. You actually destroyed my fortress and laboratory. This is the only thing I can see in this ridiculous coalition. Why don’t you say, who am I.”

Everyone is puzzled. , I don’t know who this terrifying powerful enemy is. Although it is an illusory shadow, players can clearly feel that the coercion of this illusory shadow is enough to fight against the four world leaders. degree.

“It is really my honor for the ancient gods’ envoys to see me as a nobody in their eyes, but I can do this kind of phantom method anyway, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing.” Li Yao Talking about the touch of darkness dancing wildly, the huge illusory shadow of Li Yao surrounded by the touch of darkness appeared and became the sixth huge illusory shadow. Harao and the imposing manner of the four chiefs were connected to resist the coercion of the gods.

“a nobody, if there were more a nobody like you in the coalition, I would have evaded it.” Alice smiled evilly: “You ruined my plan and let me eat I have suffered a big loss. With your cleverness, you should know who I am.”

Several leaders of the illusory shadow looked towards Li Yao. They were very confused. I was very curious why the other powerhouse would treat Li Yao. A race leader attaches such importance.

Li Yao shook his head: “I didn’t dare to confirm, but there are speculations that you can only appear at this time. If my guess is correct, you should be the true leader of Uldaman, and also Ou The demon commander in awe of the Dammam soldiers.”

“hahahahahaha hahahahahaha…”

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