“system: The reward is being settled. This reward settlement and evaluation will not affect the final first kill, but the result of the pure 2nd stage reward. The quality of the reward depends mainly on the performance and luck of the 2nd stage. The competition for the first kill is only related to the progress.”

This is well understood, it is how good or bad the reward is this time, and the comprehensive evaluation of progress and performance is related, but the rewards obtained are not directly related to the final first kill. .

“system: 2nd Stage rewards are divided into four parts, war, adventure, challenge, and integration.”

“system: all rewards are settled, and now the rewards are settled. All rewards are It is a collective reward settlement, including the individual challenge leader who also plays for the team. Unless the record is broken, there is no special individual reward.”

“system: 2nd Stage reward settlement will be based on the evaluation obtained, and you will get the excellent level Rewards, epic-level rewards, legendary-level rewards and legendary-level rewards.”

“system: first settle the war mode rewards, the Spark team 2nd Stage captures one large stronghold (lava fortress), three medium strongholds, There are 15 small strongholds. The number of Uldaman troops killed and eliminated…, the materials harvested… the prisoners rescued… the overall damage of the Spark Legion…”

The following is a series of detailed data. Each item has a detailed description. It was all done by Xinghuo these days, and there was nothing wrong, because Xinghuo was also recording these data, and Qin Fengyi was right.

Everyone in Xinghuo is full of expectations. They have the most confidence in this model. Although they don’t know the achievements of others, they don’t need to think about it. The large bases are probably won by their guild.

It is Li Yao’s operation that Spark took it. It was a coincidence that he took advantage of the giant dragon legion and the main force of the fortress before it was too late to defend.

Everyone in Xinghuo dare not say that there are no large strongholds, but there is. Where are you looking for a giant dragon legion, and adding medium and small strongholds, the settlement is definitely the Peak adventure.

More importantly, with such a good record, the consumption and damage of Spark cannot be said to be without damage, it is impossible. After all, fighting will kill people, but the overall damage is almost negligible. . The Legion system of Xinghuo is too powerful.

Especially as the fire-poisoned cockroach at the beginning, let alone the battle strength, the survivability is too strong. When you are seriously injured, you can burrow in the ground and cultivate, plus the blessing of the queen of blades. Motivation, the loss is very small.

“system: The comprehensive evaluation reward level is legendary. The legendary war turntable is awarded once. The group leader gets 30,000 Dragon Blood Crystal, the three deputy commanders get 20,000 Dragon Blood Crystal stones, and the group members get Ten thousand Dragon Blood Crystal stones, reward the team owner Legendary-class war equipment turntable once.”

Dragon’s blood crystals are crystals that condense dragon’s blood.

Function: 1. Using dragon’s blood crystals can restore a small amount of blood, and at the same time obtain a small gain of random nature.

2, it can be used as a Secondary Profession material, as an additive, it has a certain amplification effect after purification.

3, the corresponding soldiers can be found in the neutral lair and Uldaman camp members (Dark Faction open exchange list: dragon’s blood crystals can be exchanged for one to one evaluation of battle strength as a silver British class, such as Dark Spear Hunter, Bloodthirsty Orc Guard, Centaur Hunter, Harpy Wizard Group, Crown Dragon Legion, Small Flying Dragon…”


Main light curtain The director over there saw that the settlement rewards of Xinghuo deliberately cut the screen to the Xinghuo side. Everyone knows that Xinghuo’s evaluation is high, and there must be good reward results. Didn’t expect the rewards to be so generous.

Seeing this kind of reward, everyone’s eyes are envious.

You know, they have seen many teams settle the rewards, but only a few teams get Legendary rewards, legendary level simply no.

Who would have thought that Xinghuo won the legendary reward in the war evaluation, it is simply envious of the dead.

Don’t talk about the turntable, it is just the light dragon’s blood. I am jealous.

Why, because a dragon’s blood crystallization represents a silver British soldier, ordinary members are rewarded with 10,000, which means that there are 10,000 super elite, and it is simply impossible to buy. It’s important to know that several camps are very close to the elite Legion. If it weren’t for dragon’s blood, it would definitely not be open for exchange.

After more than 400,000 elite Legions, it’s really weird if you don’t jealous.

“Don’t look at me anymore, all the big guys will get their own war mode rewards.” Li Yao said with a smile, himself A turntable appeared in front of you.

Legendary reward means that there is a 70% chance of getting a Legendary reward, a 10% chance of getting a legendary item, and a 6% chance of getting a legendary item. Epic, and 100% death draws to excellent level.

Actually, the current excellent level of war equipment is the mainstream, that is, Li Yao can have epic war equipment. Now there is a chance. Obtaining such awesome war mode rewards is definitely a bumper harvest.

The rewards belonging to individuals can only rely on themselves, so Li Yao directly lottery. After a while, the turntable stopped on a golden item. Li Yao shook his head slightly, not bad, his black hand, he was satisfied that he didn’t give the driver anything epic.

Evolution Stone (Light)

Class: Golden Legendary

Can be used on a hero to improve the hero’s rank Leve l 1, or it can be used on any piece of war equipment, and the equipment can be upgraded to Legendary level.

Note: If it is used on a hero, the hero’s attribute will be converted into a Light Attribute.

Li Yao has a hint of surprise. This is a good thing, but he himself is dark. Having a Light Attribute hero is very out of place, and is incompatible with his own insect swarm.

Be aware that this transformation is not a general transformation, but into a semi-elemental state. Li Yao’s priest Legion is a special priest of the high elves. If other priests fight with the swarm, Will affect the loss of certain attributes, even more how is a hero.

So this stone can only be used to evolve equipment, and Li Yao has already figured out what to evolve.

Other people in Xinghuo have also received their own rewards. Three out of 40 people have obtained legendary war equipment. Most of the others are not disappointed. After all, war equipment is rare, their best war equipment It’s only an excellent class, and it’s very good to have a Legendary class now.

Of course, it’s not that there are no bad luck eggs, such as guardian angels, such as Muzi. Both of them looked at the equipment with purple light in their hands crying without tears.

Is the purple war equipment bad? Of course it’s good, at least better than all the war equipment on them, but looking at the golden in the hands of others, look at the hands of Hitomi, Tianxiang and others The dark gold suddenly felt like crying without tears……

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