The face of the war turtle of the African team changed because he found himself naive.

This fuck black Horned Dragon is really different from the ordinary Horned Dragon. The ordinary Horned Dragon can adjust the direction, but it won’t be like the black Horned Dragon. status.

To put it bluntly, this kind of dragon cart that can quickly adjust its direction can basically only withstand his turtle shell profession. It is more difficult to dodge, and it is not easy to dodge agile professions. thing.


The war turtle is helpless, and his body flashes two green rays of light in succession. A spell that restores and a spell that enhances defense has fallen on him.

This is where this profession is strong. It is not only as simple as high defense, but more importantly, life is high, and recovery is fast, as well as the corresponding skills. Not only damage, but also survival ability. Is the thief strong.

The double horns of the black Horned Dragon directly hit the horn shield, and a very small number of damage floated on the head of a person and a beast.

But this damage is almost negligible, not to mention the Horned Dragon, even the life recovery speed of the war turtle is quickly full.

Horned Dragon is too strong, and directly reverses the impact.

I didn’t get hit by flying, just sliding back for a while after being hit and then going backwards continuously, which is enough to show that this little man is strong.

After all, goblins are not good at strength. To reach this level, they must have a lot of strength and equipment increase. The weak goblin does not have the wild power of the colleague’s short dwarf.

However, when he backed up, the huge wheels rolled over.

It is already the limit to resist Horned Dragon, and there is a wheel, he can only rely on his own defense to support it.

The huge tire smashed past and directly hit the turtle shell behind the turtle, and the wheel just got stuck.

The little goblin who hadn’t stood still really flew out this time and rolled directly to the ground.

Just as he got up, the third stage of the black Horned Dragon’s serial dragon cart had rushed over.

The little war turtle can only do his best to raise the horn shield, but his footing is not stable, and his blood volume suddenly drops. The body that has not fully stood up can no longer maintain balance, and rolls out slantingly.

However, there is still a big wheel, which is crushed on him again.

The little war turtle was embarrassed to the edge of the arena, and after he got up, several stars did not appear.

After continuous collisions, he was completely dizzy.

What’s more pitted is that although he is dizzy, although not under the eyelids of the Horned Dragon, he is under the tail of the Black Horned Dragon.

The black Horned Dragon wobbles its tail, and the little one fights the turtle gu lu lu to get out, this time it is really rolling.

And Blasthammer dragon no longer rolls, the huge chin like Warhammer, really smashes the ground like a sledgehammer.

Boom, boom, boom, Bang…

The ground trembled. Everyone silently looked at the war turtle that had been smashed into the solid ground. Those who were already dead could no longer die. .

The battle is over less than one minute, and everyone does not know how to describe the mood at this moment.

Is the war turtle not strong? Obviously not. I started to react quickly and dodge the attack of the two dragons, but also made a counterattack. It can be said that the battle awareness is very strong, and in that case, the counterattack is also very strong.

Moreover, it can hardly resist the continuous dragon cart. If it weren’t for the blaster, it is estimated that it would really succeed.

But even if the Explosive Hammer Dragon participated, how many attacks it took.

Two rolling, two dragon carts.

It can be said that he did not dizzy any attack before and converted to crispy skin, and there will be only a trace of blood skin when he is immortal.

But for him, under his recovery ability, he is almost harmless.

His failure is not because of continuous attacks, but because the two sides are not in the same heavyweight class.

This heavyweight is talking about strength, the gap is too big, and the continuous impact eventually made him fall into a state of breathlessness.

I was hit by a dragon wagging its tail under the dizziness, but only lost a little blood, until he was killed by the big jaw of the blaster with a hammer.

You must know that the hammering of the Blast Hammer Dragon trembles throughout the arena, showing the strength of strength.

Smashing the war turtle directly into the ground, this is only a second kill, which is enough to show the strength of this profession and this person.

At least let my team and other teams make a judgment. Even if a professional with a shield is resistant to beatings, it will not be shot in seconds, but under the same inflexible situation, it can only be a living target.

May face any opponent of two monsters, the career with a shield is easy to use, but facing two, it is estimated that they can only be crushed by two heavyweight monsters.

In fact, Xinghuo intends to be almost ready to let a strong melee professional play, but seeing this situation, it has to make corresponding adjustments.

“Let’s use the right of substitution once. This game is very unfriendly to melee-shielded professions. My own displacement skills are low and I can dodge one or two times, but I will continue to use it at every turn. I can’t eat it either.” Fruit Knight said calmly.

She has always been a sane person, not brave enough, and very free and easy.

For example, when deciding who to play, she wants a slightly more flexible melee. She feels she is doing her part.

She is the first tank of Xinghuo, but it is not a pile of equipment. With the same boss and the same equipment, others can’t hold the monster, she can hold it. She can attack other people’s unbearable attacks. This is a top-notch tank, which convinces many Xinghuo tanks.

More importantly, they are also unambiguous in their great martial arts competition. The battle strength is so explosive. Except for Xiangke’s career, it is difficult to defeat her.

But now seeing the First Stage battle, I feel that I can’t pass the level, without the slightest hesitation proposed.

Moreover, it’s definitely not evasive or hypocritical. Li Yao thought for a while and said, “In this case, let’s forget about melee combat. Sister Li, Muzi, and you two are very low-key, and they don’t take the initiative to say that they will play. Next time you two, don’t be burdened.”

“I’ll go, this kind of little scene doesn’t make sense for Vice-President.” Muzi chuckled:” And I’m not low-key. , It’s really the boss, you are too strong. I want to be high-profile and high-profile. Even if I compare all one’s strength, the boss is a scumbag.”

Fireworks chuckled: “Yo, Muzi younger Brother, do you want to take milk? I really don’t know how hard it is to take milk. Let me try it.”

Tianxiang said leisurely, “Is it because I understand that there is a problem, elder sister Do you want to experience this strength firsthand.”

Muzi’s face suddenly blushed, regardless of his age, but he is notoriously thin-skinned in the team. The more he is like this, the result is The more polluting kings led by fireworks like to tease him.

Even a quiet lady like Tianxiang couldn’t help but join in the fun.

“Cough cough, I said you are the Goddess of the guild at any rate, can you have a little image.” Li Yao helplessly said: “Okay, stop making trouble, just Muzi.”

Li Yao used the right to substitute once and directly replaced the fruit Knight with Muzi…

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