It’s not just the passage on the Spark side, but there are already many passages that have opened fighting beasts. Of course, the progress required to be eligible to participate must be at least 5% or more.

And this challenge to personal skills is expected by countless audiences.

You need to know that those who can participate in the battle beast at this stage are definitely experts in the expert.

The key is to be able to see the competition between experts and to learn expert technology.

On the side of Xinghuo, the army has nothing to do, and is stationed on the spot.

The four competing teams came to the auditorium of the Arena.

Several teams, two integrated modes, and two adventure modes.

Another comprehensive model team is from the China Affiliated Administrative Region of Sanhan, two adventure group teams, one from America and one from Africa.

Sanhan’s team, needless to say, although the administrative area is very small, the population is also small. However, e-sports has always been a strong point. Experts have emerged in large numbers. The key is that they have always looked down on players in the China Administrative Region. This is for historical reasons, so I won’t elaborate here.

But the strength of this team is undoubtedly the team of Cream of the Crop in Sanhan, one of the most promising teams that Sanhan thinks can take the first kill.

Of course, they are very hostile towards the Xinghuo team, as if they are enemies.

In fact, it’s also very easy to understand. Those who want to compete for the first kill, who wouldn’t regard the Xinghuo, which has been winning the first kill, as the enemy of Number One.

The same is true for the other two adventure group teams. This time it’s a mixed challenge. They also glare like a tiger watching his prey on Spark.

Although the four teams get together, the other three teams are actually closer together. The meaning of faintly rejecting the sparks.

And the people of Xinghuo are naturally to disdain as beneath contempt. Others are unwilling to communicate, and people of Xinghuo will naturally not be enthusiastic and ask for boring ass, and they start to discuss candidates.

At this moment, a huge Dragon Beast is already on the court, and the huge size alone makes the scalp numb.

The Dragon Beast has huge wings and the forelimbs are very small, almost degenerated. Obviously, the wings and the wings of Hajime Ancestral Dragon almost played a role in supporting the body.

More importantly, the size of the Dragon Beast is too big. Just a scale has the size of a small child. At least this Dragon Beast is more than a dozen yards in height and has a length of hundreds of yards. Code.

For players, it is definitely a huge monster. You don’t need to think about it to know the horror of this creature.

The only thing that comforts players is that Tyrannosaurus has no fangs and sharp claw.

“Fuck, it’s so big. According to the introduction, scales can fall and explode. Shouldn’t it be called Explosive Scale Dragon.” Hitomi frowned. She was still thinking that only a melee challenge would have a chance to win the Three S Tangled.

“Tyrannosaurus, Explosivesaurus, the names are different, but they are basically the same.” Li Yao said: “If you want to get SSS evaluation, you must be close combat. Long range is ruled out. And destruction For the part, the head can be broken, wings, back, and tail docked. The rest is evaluated by combat performance.”

“The three melees must be Big Brother and Elder sister. There is one more stable point left, let me come and see if this product can break my barrier to immobility.” The guardian angel said with a smile.

Others are nodded, Li Yao has no doubt, but close combat can be long-range, this is knight-errant. The demon girl has no doubt, and the guardian angel’s defense almost killed Wushuang, this lineup is indeed safe, and the first appearance, you can also get a good look at the bottom of the storm.

The candidate is determined and the system records.

“system: The four parties have determined the players, and now the four teams choose an agent to draw, choose the order of appearance, according to the order, the first person in each guild fights in succession, and then the second person in each guild also follows This order is executed.”

For this matter, Tongtong wanted to play, but Li Yao refused on the grounds of not over-consuming the red hands. Qin Fengyi represented the draw.

In the end, Spark’s position was not bad, in the third game.

The final result is that the adventure group team in the Americas is the first to play, with the three Koreas second, Spark third, and Africa fourth.

Since the system gave detailed information to the monster, what weaknesses and destructible parts. As well as the conditions for obtaining SSS evaluation, each team naturally wants to get a better evaluation.

However, for the First Stage, in order to be safe, the American team sent a defense Paladin. It seems that it is similar to Xinghuo’s plan. First Stage is to obtain more information about Dragon Beast.

Several teams don’t need to say anything, especially for Xinghuo, sparks are everywhere in each other’s eyes, and the first kill will retreat if the fight is not advanced, and no one will show mercy.

Don’t look at the three teams that seem to be close now, but in fact they are really contending. Who will give water to whom?

even more how this is still one of the many arenas that don’t know, but it’s just a transfer station on the first Slaughter Path.

The Paladin of the American team was teleported out.

Everyone looked towards the arena, Paladin at a moderate pace holding a shield and opposing Dragon Beast.

When the battle began, Dragon Beast let out a roar that shook the sky.

However, Paladin raised his shield, weakening the effect of the roar.

And Dragon Beast did not take off at all, but quickly ran towards Paladin.

Dragon Beast really used the wings on both sides as front legs. As Dragon Beast ran, the whole The ground trembled.

Paladin took a deep breath, the golden light on his body flickered, and began to release various buffs, and then his shield directly ka ka ka became bigger and became a tower shield, and the tower shield was inserted into the ground in.

As the speed of the Dragon Beast increased, its wings gradually couldn’t keep up and fell directly to the ground.

Everyone burst into laughter. This fuck is clearly a disabled dragon, and a big monster with a huge head. The head is too heavy and the speed is too fast to support it, fiercely rubbing on the ground.

Everyone is also surprised, no wonder that system can get an S rating for passing melee combat. They take it for granted that if a flexible long-range career is estimated to be able to easily kite this guy to death.


The storm Dragon Beast fell to the ground, but because of its huge inertia, it moved forward like a huge train.

The head of the Dragon Beast and Paladin’s shield collided.

Paladin was carried for more than ten yards with the shield, but finally stabilized. And because of the impact, the impacted scales actually cracked.

Paladin was suddenly overjoyed: “It’s so huge, it turns out to be insignificant.”

The Warhammer in Paladin’s hand directly hammered the scales on the head of Dragon Beast. . The scales kept cracking, as if they were about to break at any time.

The audience is puzzled, this fuck is too weak, it’s not difficult at all.

“This, if the scales are broken, is it a broken head? This is too simple, this fighting beast is really boring.” Hitomi said dissatisfiedly.

“How can the troops that can make Dragon Race fear so simple, and the scales explode.” Sister Li said.

“What can the scales explode? This tower shield is too strong, and there are invincibility and sacred healing. No matter how you look at this First Stage, it is like giving away food.” Hitomi looked towards Li Yao: “Yes No, Big Brother.”

Li Yao smiled but said nothing…

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