Everyone was stunned by this series of instantaneous changes, and Alice was hit hard by the priest’s rebellion.

But Alice has nothing to do, and can actually regenerate a whole heart.

And anyone can hear the complicated relationship between the two, didn’t expect this kind of thing will happen, and the cheers of Dragon Race also stopped abruptly.

Alice’s expression has become cold, and her eyes have begun to flash with cold light: “We are both cleared. Many years ago, my soul was trapped in a dream. You saved me, and now I give it back to you. “

The priest murmured to himself: “So you are that little girl.”

“Otherwise, you have too many weak spots, if you didn’t save me A life, you simply won’t have the chance to lurch for so many years.” Alice’s clothes were completely new, and the obscure rays of light flashed in her hands.

Point your fingertips and click directly on the clergy’s eyebrows. The clergy simply didn’t mean to evade. His expression was dazed and complicated, and he finally understood everything.

I thought I was brilliant, that many clansman who wanted to lurch were exposed, but I was still at the top. The result was just because I saved a person at will.

Furthermore, for so many years, it is impossible to say a little emotion. It is not that he can’t hide, but doesn’t want to hide.

“Since we met in a dream, then you should stay in the dream forever.”

Weird lines appeared on the priest’s body, and he was directly relieved.

Alice danced with the dark touch all over, and directly threw the priest into the Dragon Race camp.

“You are so happy that the outcome is not yet known, let me use the lore.”

The expressions of the green dragons have changed wildly. Listening to Alice must mean Regarding their tricks, how do they respond.


However, at this moment, a golden dragon fish burst out from behind Alice like lightning.

Alice was simply unsuspecting, she was blown out directly, and the touch of darkness all over her also exploded.

“You look down on me too much. Now that you know who I am, why have you forgotten the dragon striker you forged yourself.”

Li Yao’s voice is very far away From the school of fish.

Alice is extremely embarrassed this time, her back is already bloody, and her internal organs are blackened.

This is because her body is too strong, if it is an ordinary leader, it will be directly removed from the fragments by this shot.

But even so, Alice is seriously injured.

But the leaders around him reacted too quickly and completely protected Alice, and did not give Li Yao a chance to launch a 2nd Strike.

A variety of medicines fell on her body, and the wound healed slowly, but she was completely injured and there was no possibility of rapid recovery.

“Damn it, I forgot about you as a miscellaneous fish.” Alice smiled softly: “It’s really interesting, can you really see through my tricks, or the blind cat and the dead mouse.”

Li Yao faintly replied: “Is it difficult to see your path? You just suffered a fatal blow. This World has many means to achieve regeneration, but spell consumes itself. Life force, you regenerate a heart, which seems to have no effect, but in fact you have fallen into a very weak state, and there is no battle strength anymore. But you pretend to be alike, plus the weird touch of darkness makes others think You have nothing to do. But don’t forget, I have two dark touches, I know more than you.”

“so that’s how it is, this time you are slightly better, but you Even if you can see through my reality, you are too weak, even a powerful dragon cannon can’t kill me. You still can’t change the overall battle situation, your battle formation is very weird, but as long as we die These green dragons, your abacus has naturally failed.” Alice’s face was pale, she was obviously extremely weak.

“Then try and see if I still have a chance to kill you. In your current state, as long as you endure another dragon shot, you will die. Come, take a gamble.”

Alice and the leader of the fortress both looked towards the tide of fish, but simply can’t tell which is Li Yao. It’s a bet on your sister.

If they know where Li Yao is, they will be able to defend themselves. They just need to focus on Li Yao’s movements. The Dragon Shot is naturally powerful, but the launch is too slow. However, they can’t find their opponents at all. I don’t know when the other party will be released.

They are not as good as Alice. If they are hit by a dragon shot, they will be killed in seconds.

“Why haven’t you cast a spell to solve these damn green dragons.”

Alice said in a harsh tone.

Led by a leader, they drank a bottle of medicament tumbling with purple mist, and then stood on a small array and began to quickly think of obscure incantion together.

However, after only a few seconds, with a flash of light, everyone saw a starfish made up of stars that would penetrate the leader’s throat, and then the starfish exploded, directly exploding the leader’s neck. It shattered and the head exploded.

“Kill you who are in the casting state, the crispy skin without any defensive ability, you don’t even need to use the dragon shot.”

Heard Li Yao, the leaders of the lava fortress. A trace of fear flashed across each.

This rays of light is too fast, they may be able to dodge the concentrated attention completely, but if it is in the cast state, it is basically slaughtered.

“The distance-free arrow, this is the starlight arrow of the star bow.” There was a sudden flash in Alice’s eyes.

“Good eyesight, you can recognize the change of form. My rangeless arrows don’t have the long preparation time of a dragon shot.”

“What should I do now.”

The leaders of the lava fortress are all at a loss. They are not afraid of life and death, and they don’t want to fight hard with others.

But how desperately fuck this is, you can only be attacked when you enter the opponent’s army, and you can’t break it. Casting a spell here is also courting death. Facing such an opponent, they really don’t know how to deal with it.

The same is true for the soldiers, they have no fighting spirit.

The military formation and Li Yao’s ultra-long-range strikes have completely destroyed their confidence.

They are not weak, they have faced the real giant dragon Legion, even if they paid a heavy price, but at least they can pile up two green dragons with human lives.

But now, they desperately don’t know how to fight.

And even if they have a last resort, they simply can’t use it. The leader just now is a lesson for the past.

“General, we can’t do it, we…”

“No, this is also a person on the ground. Sooner or later they are opponents. Do you have to evade every time you encounter it? Even if these green dragons can’t be destroyed, we must find out the reality of this battlefield. Send my order, full firepower, release the berserk smoke, and charge me.”

Alice said coldly.

Other people look at each other in blank dismay and can only do things according to the command line.

one after another The bloody smoke gradually spread, enveloped by red disgust, the soldiers of the lava fortress were as if they had been beaten with blood, what fear and hesitation were all disappeared, there was only one in their eyes Blood red, only killing can release the emotions in the heart…

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