“What?” The Griffin Lord struggled to stand, still watching the battlefield.

“Let you live a little longer, and you will see that this city will still stand in the original place.” Li Yao also looked at the direction of the battlefield.

In the battlefield outside the city, despite the impact of the blood servant giant rhinoceros, their defense line is not weak. Fortunately, there is even the element Legion behind. I don’t know which player will take his precious Legion. Used in this place.

Because of the continuous obstacles set by the earth element and the swamp area made by Water Element, this completely stopped the collision of the blood servant giant rhinoceros.

Be aware that the giant rhino was originally skin is rough, flesh is thick, but now it has been strengthened by the furnace, and it is a behemoth of steel.

Both the collision ability and the fighting ability have been greatly increased, especially the armor has been improved a lot.

Of course, the smelted rhinoceros is not without its shortcomings, that is, it cannot be freely transformed like a cockroach. It is too heavy and the main reason is restricted by the terrain.

Although the cockroach Legion is strong, after all, it is mainly about defense. It is no problem to kill the crispy profession, but it also takes time to fight and entangle the Legion when it encounters defensive.

The Black Dragon Queen has a small golden hourglass in her hand. She looked at the hourglass and showed a smile: “There are still 3 minutes. The magic elements are enough. I am afraid it will be a bit difficult to clean up later. “

After she said, she looked towards the sky. At this moment, the sky has been filled with red clouds. The Fire Element and the earth element visible in naked eye have just formed a magnificent nebula-like scene, and the entire Heaven and Earth is covered. A piece of golden red reflected.

Everyone seems to be dressed in a dark golden coat.

The Black Dragon queen waved her hand, and suddenly a buzzing sound came from the sky.

Then a large number of cockroaches flew from a distance, densely packed.

At the same time, weird cockroach silhouettes appeared in the gigantic formation. As their silhouettes appeared, one after another bright blade light, each wizard was hunted before they knew what was going on. kill.

At this moment, the magical elements in his sky are raging, and the flying arms are shiver coldly afraid to take off, but the body of the lawbreaker is covered with a layer of blue light, but it is like a fish back in water. Among the magic elements.

As they rushed past, the rich magical elemental energy was decomposed and smelted into their magical energy and entered their bodies.

Then in the sky, it seemed as if there was a rain of blue light, and the lawbreakers wrapped in blue rays of light fell along countless magic threads.

One by one, the magician was still vomiting blood and fell to the ground, and his body was shaped like sand, quickly disintegrating.

In just a blink of an eye, more than 80,000 wizards were killed because of breaking the law or hunting.

The number of wizards has dropped sharply by half, resulting in a serious shortage of spirit strength. The entire forbidden spell array oscillates, and magic elements begin to raging wildly.

This means that the entire forbidden spell has been cut off, and under the terrifying backlash, the remaining tens of thousands of mages also collapsed like sand.


With the collapse of the forbidden spell array, all the mages are scattered ashes and smoke dispersed, leaving only the hunters lying on the ground. , And the lawbreakers happily shuttled among the overflowing magical elements.

One after another strange energy is transmitted to them.

The battlefield was strangely silent, and everyone looked at the direction of the forbidden spell array blankly, and couldn’t believe their eyes.

Such a powerful array, such a large number of mages, was annihilated in such a moment?

Especially the players who provide the wizards, they are even more stunned. They don’t know what to say. This is a big loss. You must know that these wizards are basically core followers and want to recruit It was too difficult. The followers I recruited were wiped out so quickly. When the news went back, the faction did not restrict their recruitment, but there were wizards willing to follow them.

“What kind of Legion is this, it can interrupt the forbidden spell array in an instant.” The Griffin Lord also had a dazed face in disbelief, and his heart was even more desolate.

“This is my lawbreaker.” Li Yao said face changed: “Give me something.”

“If you want to plot against the master, you don’t want to think about who is here. In front of you.” A ray of light flashed in the dark snake’s eyes.

Lord Griffon’s eyes were blank, and then he stretched out his right hand in a daze, only to see a grenade in his right hand, the grenade flashed arc, glowing with dark golden rays of light.

Li Yao took the grenade handed over by the Griffin Lord, and after seeing it sucked in a breath of cold air, this fuck, a dark gold-level grenade.

“Damn, what did you do to me.” The Griffin Lord who was out of mind control saw that the grenade had run into Li Yao’s hands and the complexion was greatly changed.

“You are too insane, do you want to blow up this mountain, using an extinction lightning bomb.” Li Yao is also brow beaded with sweat, this fuck.

Although the dark gold grade grenades are disposable, they are not worth less than the dark gold grade weapons, because the dark gold grade disposable weapons formidable power are too scary.

Extinction of lightning bombs, Li Yao’s previous life personally saw an exploded formidable power.

A thief player found a colorful treasure chest. It was discovered by a guild when it was opened. He killed the thief and returned the treasure chest.

Although this thief is a lone ranger, he is a rich second-generation, and he is not short of money. He can’t swallow it, and he keeps buying news about the location of members of this guild, thus hunting down the players of this guild.

As a result, this guild not only hunted down him, but also hunted down players and friends he knew.

The thief’s girlfriend just entered the game and was guarded in Novice Village. She was killed as long as she was resurrected, and she was killed in the cemetery.

The thieves are extremely angry. I don’t know how to find out that a formidable power grenade is sold on the black market, but because the one-time price is too high, no one buys it. He gritted his teeth to exchange for game currency to buy.

Then stealth went to the council hall of this guild, and then yelled at the entrance of the council hall. When the president had arrived, he directly detonated the grenade.

With the explosion, the lightning flickered, as if Heavenly Tribulation had descended. Crazy thunder and lightning raged, and the guild residence that was already a large city at that time was directly flooded by lightning.

It has become a thunder and lightning purgatory, and everyone has no life, including the thieves. The large guild was also hit hard. The thieves chose a very good timing. Most of the Legion was stationed in the city. After this attack, the guild fell.

The original city became a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and the lightning disappeared a day later, and the original place has become a piece of scorched earth.

If it is detonated by the Griffin Lord, this mountain will suffer a devastating blow.

“Kill him.” Li Yao said with lingering fear.

“Follow your will.” The Hydra immediately launched a storm-like attack. There was no combination of puppets, no weapons, plus being severely injured by ice bursts and various breaths, Griffin Lord simply Can’t do the confrontation it deserves…

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