Li Yao began to use Thunder Tribulation to dodge the impact of the combined puppet’s Gatling, and at the same time appeared next to the combined puppet, attacking with violent winds, coupled with the blessing of violent wind and thunder, leaning on the sharpness of Death God’s Scythe lightning Cut off a few fingers.

These knives are also exquisite. Combining the puppet’s strength, if it does not hit the subtle key parts, the quality of Death God’s Scythe cannot be truly cut now. Li Yao relies on the powerful Titan Eye The data of all parts of the puppet will be combined into the entire scene to find the weakest part of each finger link.

Of course, this is not the case normally, but the engineering attainments of the Griffin Lord are too low, making this kind of puppet inevitably has a weak spot, which allows Li Yao to find an opportunity.

Gatlin took the shot, and the Firehawk came and took it away.

After that, Li Yao launched the ruthless blade, his body flickered constantly, and a gap was created in the body of the combined puppet without appearing once.

“It’s useless, your attack simply doesn’t have much effect on me. Even if I let you chop a thousand knives, you can’t kill me.”

The Griffin Lord controls the combination The chainsaw of the other arm of the puppet kept trying to attack Li Yao, and the whole area was in a mess, fragmented by the chainsaw.

But Li Yao’s silhouette is so smart, every time he appears and dodges, the Griffin Lord can’t seize the opportunity and can only release various skills crazy.

The audience saw the Griffin Lord constantly performing various attacks, and a black phantom appeared and disappeared quickly, and they could hear the unpleasant sound of the metal being torn. The combined puppet has more and more wounds, but the audience also knows that, just as the Griffin Lord said, this combined puppet is a war machine, too powerful, and Li Yao’s attack is simply as tickle.

And they also know that Li Yao’s blue is limited, even if his equipment is good, but there is always time to run out.

“It simply doesn’t make sense to fight like this. Why doesn’t Liaoyuan God summon his pet.” Xiaoya said worriedly.

“Now the summon pet is useless. You have also seen that his strongest and Black Dragon are still commanding the attack on the array. Others are much weaker than the puppets. They come out to die, but It will disrupt your own rhythm, and this kind of combination puppet, even the fourth-order Black Dragon queen, may not be able to do it.”

“Yes, after all, this kind of combination puppet can no longer use the conventional stage position. Let’s judge, the combination is too powerful.”

“What do these useless things do, meow, I bet Liaoyuan insisted on one minute, shit, lost.”

“I bet on two minutes.”


The audience is not optimistic anyway. What they care about now is whether Li Yao can hold on for a few minutes. .

Because most of the bets are based on Li Yao’s persistence time to determine whether to win or lose, they don’t think Li Yao will win, it’s just the persistence time.

Under the crazy attack of the combined puppets, this area has been in a mess. The silhouette of Li Yao finally appeared. At this moment, he is holding a sickle in his hand, the rays of light in his eyes are flashing, and the corners of his mouth are exposed. A faint smile.

“Why, have you come out? I said that you attacked me thousands of times are useless, and I attacked you once is enough.” The armor on the Griffin Lord’s chest suddenly split and appeared A gun barrel flashed, and the gun barrel suddenly flashed with dazzling rays of light: “This laser flash, you can’t avoid it, you can die.”

“Have I said to avoid it, but You are too bad, you can’t hit it.” Li Yao said, ignoring his attack, but holding a virtual palm, and a summon array appeared behind the combined puppet.

“Do you think of summon pets now? It’s too late to exterminate the laser cannon.”


A huge beam of light blasted Li like a lightning Yao was submerged, and the mountains behind Li Yao were directly struck out of a huge black hole with white smoke coming out of the hole.

However, in the eyes of the audience, Li Yao was disintegrated instantly, but before they were happy, a group of bats suddenly collapsed, and then gathered together, Li Yao’s silhouette reappeared in its original position.

“Damn bat, you are very good, but you can avoid Lethal Blow once. There will be no second time in a short time. I think you can dodge my laser cannon several times.” Lord clenching one’s teeth said.

“You are right, I may not be able to avoid the second time, but you have no chance to release it a second time.” Li Yao’s figure did not retreat and moved forward, but directly approached the combined puppet .

“You want to kill the great master, you are courting death.”

“Stop talking nonsense, freeze him.” The poisonous snake roared.

A few breaths followed while the snowflakes were floating, five first five breaths, and the combined puppet suddenly became colorful.

Especially the breath and snowflakes of the ice snake slowed his sensitivity to the extreme, almost freezing, and the dark snake directly controlled his mechanical bear’s changing breastplate, and the laser cannon suddenly shut down. There was an explosion, which blew himself up.

In addition to various other breaths, the Griffin Lord turned his head to see the terrifying giant multi-headed snake.

“Damn it, what kind of monster is this.” The Griffin Lord shouted.

“Part of your combined puppet has been controlled by me, and now it’s a problem to move. It happens to let you see my Profound Truth, the infinite sword formation. Didn’t you say that a thousand knives can’t kill you? , Then ten thousand dollars, plus the cooperation of the Hydra, it won’t be necessary. Actually.”

Wind of tearing!

Following Li Yao’s guidance, the blade glow of Death God’s Scythe will cover the combined puppets, and the chaotic blade glow will be continuously cut on the combined puppets from all directions.

The audience looked bewildered. Isn’t Liaoyuan a Beastmaster hunting? How to use it is always a battle skill. What kind of fuck is it?

“I see, this is the real knight-errant inheritance.”

“Fuck, I also thought about it. I heard that knight-errant can be close combat and long range attack. “

“Isn’t that a task that can be done after level fifty.”

“People are not knight-errant, they are dark knight-errant, sure and light Knight-errant is different.”

“Fuck, this fuck, he used to be a shortcoming in close combat, now, how can I beat him.”

“Idiot, two aspects It’s a city, I can’t be proficient, let you play it, I guess it’s not good at everything.”

The Griffin Lord was not in the mood to think about Li Yao’s ability. He saw this violent attack and did not stop at all. The meaning of, I immediately believed Li Yao’s words, and the Hydra kept attacking him, but he was restricted from moving, so he was passively beaten, and after a while, the puppets would be dismantled.

“You do have two tricks, plot against is also very difficult to deal with, but today I want to let you know that in the face of absolute power, all your plot against is a dream.” Griffin The lord suddenly pressed a red button, and the combined puppet suddenly flashed a golden light……

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