“You guys from the main plane look down on us too much. I really think these scum can deal with my combined puppets. Today I will let you know that our inheritance will not be worse than yours.”

ka ka ka …

With the sound of metal, the golden rays of light light up from the combined puppet.

“Disperse me.”


Everyone saw the body of the combined puppet suddenly spread, arms, legs, head, A Puppet Beast with golden rays of light rushed out of the chest, arms, and back.

Many Puppet Beasts have different shapes. They are not ordinary Puppet Beasts, but Legendary-quality high-level Puppet Beasts with racial leader ranks. Behind them, they burst out with a winged steel. Griffin.

The big net surrounding the combined puppets burst into pieces, and hundreds of trees also broke.

A dwarf silhouette fell on the steel griffin, and the steel griffin rose to the sky.

Those Puppet Beast hunted down angels in the low air like lightning. Unprepared, dozens of low-level angels were hunted down in just a moment.

The steel griffin frantically slaughtered the angels who dodged in the sky. On the griffin, two metal crossbows appeared in the hands of the Griffin Lord, and a large number of arrows poured out.

“Quickly, conceal, get out of the way, don’t fight him in the open.” Bihai didn’t think of this situation. He thought that he picked up a cheap one and trapped the boss. Didn’t expect it. Suddenly the loss was so heavy.

Originally, the blood of the boss in the war map is as much blood, and the blood volume will not increase as the player increases.

This is exactly the case. There are basically no bosses on this map. Almost all lead their own powerful corps, so the bosses of the war map are even more difficult to kill.

Because it is so rare, they risked offending Xinghuo to snatch Li Yao’s boss. Of course, in their opinion, it is not strong, after all, Lord Griffin is not Li Yao’s, right.

The result was surprisingly smooth. They trapped the boss, but…

After hunting down the low-altitude angels, the mechanical tigers that formed the two legs of the combined puppet slammed together, and one would The moving tank and the other formed a huge tiger-headed barrel.

The mechanical bear that makes up the breastplate and the changeable Gatling combine to form a chariot.

The two mechanical orangutans that make up the two arms have become a monster covered with chains. With the chains flying wildly, they string together the fleeing angels.

Under the successive blows, hundreds of angels have lost more than half, and players have also lost a lot. Only then did they enter the woods and stay away from the Absolute Death Region.

Lord Griffon watched Li Yao still watching the show, coldly smiled, and continued looking towards Bihai and their direction: “I can’t bear your two-sided and three-sided swords, I still remember you guys, it seems to help me I fought against the black-hearted lord and later actively persuaded me to retake the city and promise to help me, but the first sneak attack was still you. Today, I will kill you all.”


The Griffin Lord suddenly jumped off the mechanical Griffin, and in the eyes of everyone, those Puppet Beasts suddenly became a ball of streamers.

ka ka ka ka ka ……


Combination Battle Puppet is recombined and turned into a huge terrorist tank .

There are three crazy-rotating chainsaws on each side of the steel chariot. On top is a huge Gatling, and in front is a large barrel.

“Relying on the rocks and giant trees to form a defense, this puppet has already half blood, and it won’t last long.” Bihai said calmly.

With the deafening sound, the huge rare beast like a tank car rushed into the forest frantically, whether it was a stone or a giant tree blocking it, it was directly cut by a chainsaw Smashed.

At the same time, Gatling and the artillery have opened fire, constantly harvesting the lives of angels.

They began to release other Legions, such as ghouls, hate, etc.

But these guys who are close to the combined puppet chariot will either be cut by a chainsaw or burnt by the flames ejected from the flamethrower protruding from the hole, and the chariot can be thrown in a few seconds. Circle of mines.

In contrast, these low-level units attacked the puppets, but they only brought out the impression of knocking down the pale white.

“Damn it, summon engineers, destroying the terrain.” Bihai is also anxious, this fuck, the combined puppets are simply a bottomless pit, and how many troops go up there will die.

In the rear of the position, a group of kobolds were summoned out, and they quickly dug large holes in the woods.

Ten minutes later, large pits appeared, and this area has become pitted.

“There are two occasions, and they actually recruited kobolds, but they actually used kobolds to dig pits, which is simply violent.” Li Yao admired the distant battlefield with a smile.

Xiaoya curiously asked: “What should the kobold do?”

“Naturally, it is to open up the mine. The kobold may not be the fastest in the ancient gods. But one can at least be better than two humans. More importantly, the mines they dig are based on the topography of the mountains and rivers. They are extremely solid, and there are basically no landslides, and there are few explosions. It is really bad. No. Corps.” Li Yao has long let Sister Li pay attention to the Legion market and buy kobolds.

Although he has an insect race, but the insect race is not good at mining, and he wants to build a mechanical Legion, minerals are essential, so he asked Sister Li to pay attention to buying kobolds in the world, but the effect It’s not good, but I bought it for a little over ten thousand, but the guild also has a few mines.

Sister Li learned about the benefits of kobolds and directly arranged the kobolds in the mine. Li Yao naturally knew what was going on, so he was considering whether to find a Underground City and occupy a kobold stronghold.

“You are so funny, you actually use Legion to mine, this is a waste.” Xiaoya said with a smile.

Li Yao smiled and did not continue to explain, but many viewers secretly wrote down. Some interested people naturally know that Li Yao will not talk about it.

“By the way, how much did they hang up.”

Xiaoya said: “In fifteen minutes, the combined puppet destroyed nearly 10,000 troops. This combined puppet is too fierce. “

“It’s only ten thousand.” Li Yao is a bit dissatisfied, because except for the angels at the beginning, the rest is basically cannon fodder, and no amount of death can cause them too much. Blow.

“Great God, do you think their new fortifications are useful?” Xiaoya asked.

Li Yao said: “It’s useful, at least this tank form can’t be used anymore. However, the most powerful combination of puppets is not the tank form, otherwise it will be built into a tank.”

The audience was also amazed. The ordinary Battle Puppet is very impressive to the players. This kind of puppet is simply against the sky.

Many mechanical hunters look at the combined puppets with green eyes, all dreaming that they will get one too…

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