Qian Duo is not stupidly sneered: “Now all of your Legions have become coward, do you rely on a hero to want to fight my whole ghost mother Legion.”

“Sao Nian, you are happy It’s too early.” Li Yao snapped his fingers, and everyone saw the ground under the ghost mother Legion tremble, and then did not wait for the players to figure out what was going on.

I saw a branch of steel cockroaches rushing out of the ground, and their blood volume has been restored to full value.

The ghost mother is a fat man herself, like a fat pig, let alone fighting, she moves slowly after all.

Facing a sudden attack by the cockroaches can be described as completely unprepared, and the attacks of the little ghosts are also scattered. If the concentrated firepower cannot be formed, let alone a little ghost, even a dozen little ghosts can not cause the cockroaches. Too much damage, the rapid recovery of cockroaches and the bonus of the fungus blanket are enough to make the cockroaches ignore the attacks of the little ghosts.

The cockroaches frantically swung their blade-like forelimbs and slashed at the nearby ghost mother. The ghost mothers moved slowly, and because the cockroaches joined the extremely dense formation, there was nowhere to run.

The scene suddenly turned around. The little ghosts simply couldn’t stop the ghost cockroaches from slaughtering the ghost mother, and the fire collection couldn’t do it. The ghost mother Legion, who was so powerful, suddenly seemed to be tied up. Like a woman who is tied up without clothes.

“You still have the third million people, Legion, who can summon, let me see, what kind of unit does the local tyrant have.” Li Yao said, he is also very curious about what other tricks the local tyrant has.

“bully intolerably, don’t think you’ve won.” Qian Duo is not stupid and waved again. This time more than two thousand Silver British Griffins appeared. This is equivalent to ordinary leader-level battle strength. The presence.

“Fuck, he didn’t participate in the competition, where is such a powerful Griffin.”

The audience suddenly discussed spiritedly.

“In this world, there is nothing that money can’t solve. If it’s not for time, I can also make up 10,000 silver griffins. At that time, just one Legion of griffins can do evil. Kill you all. But now, two thousand griffins are enough.”

Following his words, the griffins hovered in the sky, then swooped down, and at the same time some lightness floated around. The white powder permeated like mist.

As the griffins swooped, a lot of sparks appeared from the claws and the metal shell of the cockroach. Along with the splashing green blood, the two thousand cockroaches caused heavy damage and reentered the ground one by one. That is to say, the current steel cockroach, if it were before, it is estimated that it would be killed by the griffon at once.

Of course, the cockroaches are not idle. When the griffons are galloping down, they spray a lot of fire poison. At the same time, when the griffons cause wounds on them, the cockroaches are also They have caused a lot of wounds on their bodies, although they are not serious injuries to Griffins, and even their mobility will not be affected.

But for parasites, it is completely enough.

“The victory of the local tyrants.”

“It’s hardly giving the poor a way to survive.”

“The Legion that others worked so hard to get, but they used it directly The money is in your hands.”

“As long as five dives, the steel beast Legion of Liaoyuan will be finished. I am afraid that no matter what the summon Legion is, it will be a dead end.”

Speaking of the throat, this battle can be described as twists and turns, and in the end…

“Liaoyuan, how about it, today you will understand that technology is the most formidable power compared to money. Money has the most formidable power.” Don’t sneer.

“Didn’t you see it, I summoned the second Legion.” Li Yao handed it a little, and everyone saw some small insects floating in the sky. The silhouette of these insects was translucent, if not carefully Observation is simply hard to find.

“It’s ridiculous. These small insects can’t even compare to half a feather of a griffin. You want to rely on these insects to win, it’s too naive.”

Before I finished speaking, I saw the griffins who were just taking off again dangling to the ground. Soon, two thousand griffins fainted inexplicably.

Everyone was in an uproar, didn’t expect things to turn around again, and something that surprised them even more appeared. These griffins stood up again a few seconds later and took off again.

However, Qian was not stupid but couldn’t laugh, because he found that these standing up Griffins were covered in a faint red, the message was obvious, this was hostile to Legion.

Two thousand griffins swooped again, but their target was no longer the cockroach, but the ghost mother.

The battlefield was silent, and no one thought that if these griffins were dead, it would be fine. But instead of these griffins, instead of hanging up, they rebelled in a few seconds. What is the situation?

The two lords looked at each other again, and at the same time stared at the bright small insects. The more they couldn’t figure it out, the more they felt scared.

When the last ghost mother was killed, all the little ghosts disappeared.

“Liaoyuan, I won’t just admit defeat like this. Next time, I will challenge you. At that time, it will be a real big showdown, not a small fight. Money is everything. “Qian Duo is not stupid and still insists on his point of view.

“At least now it proves that money is not everything, and it will not be in the future. No matter how strong you become, I will only be stronger than you, easy to walk, not to give away.”

Li Yao said that an arrow pierced his throat. This time he was not at all resurrected with the resurrection stone, but disappeared. Now he is a general without an army. It will be useless to resurrect 10,000 times.

crash-bang, those cockroaches madly transported the corpses on the ground to the transformation pool.

In the end, there were 9,936 steel cockroaches around Li Yao, but dozens of them were killed by griffins, and there were basically no casualties.

At the same time, it also illustrates the strength of the Griffin. If it were not for various blessings, I am afraid that a round of attack would kill at least a few thousand cockroaches, and that would really be how many people were killed.

From the scorched black body of the cockroaches and the traces of the battle, the audience found that Li Yao was still the cockroach from the previous game. And those transparent insects and griffins have been put away.

In fact, Li Yao sent the parasitic griffon to the smelting furnace and began to perform mechanical strengthening. Li Yao even had some expectations, if such a powerful Griffin Legion is strengthened, what amazing effects will it have.

“Since there are local tyrants starting, then the second game starts with 20 drawings. If it is too expensive, I am really lacking in interest in this kind of play challenge.” Li Yao will Twenty drawings are put away.

He has no interest in other units and has no demand, so these are all guild materials, which can greatly enhance the Legion of guild players, and every time Sister Li gets the blueprint, he will reserve the establishment of the guild Legion. Can make the guild Legion grow again.

The players were silent for a while. Whether it was the terrifying of the steel Legion or the weird of the insect race Legion, everyone couldn’t see through Li Yao’s way. After all, you’ve basically seen what Legion you use now, that’s I can launch it if I haven’t seen it before, but Liaoyuan these things, what are these things…

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