The swarm of insects retreated, and hundreds of mechanical Battle Puppets also gathered together. They were fighting too crazy. By now, their ammunition and energy have basically been used up. Although Battle Puppet has been fighting for a long time, it has Special power and energy source.

But after such a long period of high-intensity fighting, there was simply no opportunity to replenish them, and they have been fighting alone. Up to now, they only rely on the energy to maintain the action, Li Yao’s pure strength to fight, lethality Although it is still very strong, it is already impossible and unstoppable as it was at the beginning.

“Fortunately, it’s just a low-level mechanical Battle Puppet. If you have your own life energy, it is estimated that I will lose this time.” Li Yao slightly sighed in relief, and now Battle Puppet Legion is already an arrow at the end of its flight.

In fact, Li Yao suffered a heavy loss. If these Legions continue to fight for an hour, he will collapse and basically fail by then. Fortunately, Goddess was lucky to be on his side after all.

Li Yao took a look and found that the 180,000 poisonous cockroaches left over 50,000, Self-destruction hornet left 10,000, parasites 30,000, corrosive insects are consumed, and the lawbreakers are left Thirty thousand, fifteen thousand are left after hunting.

This is still the reason for the continuous production of energy, otherwise, it is estimated that it would have collapsed long ago.

Several Legion’s main force each brought a lot of people, surrounded by hundreds of mechanical puppets.

“Our mechanical puppet Legion has experienced more than a hundred battles since following Sir Lord, will we surrender.” The mechanical puppet Legion Army Commander said as he looked at the surrounding crowd.

“Fight to the end!”

“Kill all these traitors.”

No one of the hundreds of people surrendered. They surrendered to Li Yao. Now they are besieged and suppressed. A trace of shame flashed in people’s eyes.

“Master, these people are unreliable. They can betray the Griffin Lord today, and the generals may betray their master.” Black Dragon said.

“I know this, but when they betray me, it is estimated that the situation I face will be similar to that of the Griffin Lord. My main force is not them, nor will it be them.” Li Yao said Holding Patted Camelot’s shoulders: “Moreover, in the future, most of these people will be led by Camelot. At that time, it will depend on Camelot’s methods. It will be a test at that time. If it is done, you will become my subordinate. General, guard one side. If you fail, don’t say anything about revenge. You should die early. You are not suitable for revenge.”

“Lord, I will certainly not disappoint your expectations.” Camelot finally let go of his heart.

In fact, his strength is much worse than those of Army Commander. He is no longer the only general candidate to lead the mechanical Legion. Now he is relieved to hear Li Yao say this, and he is determined in his heart. These subordinates must be controlled well. Just as Li Yao said, if it is done well, this will be the team for his revenge. If it is not done well, the first person to betrayed by the other party is to kill himself. Even such a small scene cannot be done. , Talk about revenge.

Those Legion who surrendered to Li Yao did not want to kill these people, but now they are betrayed and there is no turning back. Otherwise, the Griffin Lord will not let them go, and the new Lord will not let them go. they.




It is still the leader of the integrated Legion, the battle is finally At the beginning, although the mechanical puppet Legion is powerful, but after all, it is an arrow at the end of its flight. After less than five minutes, hundreds of mechanical puppets fell to the ground, and the mechanics inside were all fighting. dead.

Li Yao is letting the scattered insect races clean the battlefield. The energy conversion pool is transforming energy crazily. Except for the corpses of dwarves and dwarves, other Puppet Beasts, whether they are insect races, are falling apart, even collapsed. The broken stones of the insects were thrown into the energy conversion pool.

“Lord Liaoyuan, don’t you dare to fight with me?” The golden sword in the hand of the mechanical puppet Army Commander points to Li Yao.

“You are now an arrow at the end of its flight. Worth it, I appreciate your loyalty, so let me personally send you off.” Li Yao looked towards the framework space, look for it Created a mechanical puppet that also holds a big sword.

Li Yao disassembled the remote Gatling, but with a big sword, he slowly walked towards the mechanical puppet Army Commander.

“It turns out that you are only a junior leader, didn’t expect, we were defeated by a small junior leader.” Army Commander then saw Li Yao’s grade clearly: “Well, you are like this. You still dare to fight because of your strength. I am convinced that I have lost this battle.”

“You are not bad too. I will defeat you with all my strength, which is not shameful to your loyalty.” Li Yao said that the big sword in his hand slashed towards Army Commander with an afterimage.


The two big swords collided, a gap appeared in the big sword in Li Yao’s hand, but the puppet of Army Commander spewed fire to resist the backward force. .

“Impossible, your power.” Army Commander is full of incredible expressions. He has turned on Heavenly God and went down to earth. Didn’t expect the power to compete and he actually lost.

“There is nothing impossible.” With the flame spray behind Li Yao, Li Yao’s figure approached the opponent again, and the big sword in his hand slashed at the opponent’s puppet again.

The opponent also blocked again, and looking at his trajectory, he still wanted to chop into the gap of the big sword. Obviously, he wanted to use the quality of the big sword to cut Li Yao’s big sword.

Time Deceleration!

Li Yao suddenly launched Time Deceleration, and everything around him slowed down, but Li Yao was not slow. The big sword in his hand suddenly changed its trajectory and his figure flashed, and the big sword slashed heavily. At the weak point of the puppet’s arm.

After a long time of war, even good quality puppets have been corroded by corrosive insects to create many fragile and weak spots.

Under normal circumstances, the big sword used by Li Yao’s blue quality puppet is naturally impossible to cut off the opponent’s mechanical arm, but the Titan Eye allows him to directly analyze all the conditions of his puppet.

Along with the crisp impact, the opponent’s robotic arm fell down.

However, before he could react, Li Yao moved again.

Leave a trace of time!

Li Yao returned to the state where he just raised the sword and swung it down.

Time Deceleration!

Li Yao’s silhouette this time flashed to the other side of him, but this time he chopped his mechanical arm not at all, but chopped on a key node.


A large number of electric arcs appeared from the mechanical puppet, and the crackle flew upside down.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Li Yao’s silhouette was suddenly unbelievable, flashing two times when the originally powerful race leader was connected to the mechanical puppet and flew out.

In the eyes of others, everything happened too fast, less than a second, but in fact, Li Yao has already passed more than a second.

The officers who surrendered were shocked. The mechanical puppet Army Commander can rank in the top three of Griffin Fort even without the puppet battle strength. With the mechanical puppet, even the Griffin Lord is not an opponent. However, in the hands of Li Yao, the junior leader, he couldn’t hold it for a few seconds.

The Army Commander, covered in charred black, ejected and fell into the ruins. Li Yao’s figure flashed, and his big sword was placed on the opponent’s neck…

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