When the alarm sounded, Legion in the tank camp was also alarmed. They ran out of their barracks and quickly moved towards the tank.

Although I don’t know what’s going on, and many times, I don’t need them when defending the city.

But in this world, there are too many ways to break the city gate. At that time, it was when the tank troops were going crazy, so they quickly started the tank.

However, as soon as the mechanic behind entered the tank, he felt The earth shook and the mountain quivered. The hot flames had illuminated the tank camp.

The tanks in the front row stopped one after another.

“Damn, there is a gap hundreds of yards wide around the periphery of our camp. What special fuel should be in the gap, I guess it won’t stop burning in a short time.”

A mechanic brow beaded with sweat said, at this moment they have heard the sound of fighting all over the city, but simply can’t get out.

“Damn it.” Army Commander of the Legion tank roared: “If you build a steel bridge, can you save it.”

Several engineers who brow beaded with sweat quickly calculated, but Soon an engineer said, “I’m afraid not. The flame is too big, four or five yards above the ground. Not to mention that there is no iron plate that can support a heavy tank for a distance of over a hundred yards. The tank exploded. The temperature is too high.”

“What about extinguishing the fire?” Army Commander was going crazy. How did these Legions enter the city without noticing it? It’s unimaginable. Without the defense of the city wall, coupled with the unprepared sneak attack, one can imagine the chaos in the city. It was when they showed their talents, but they didn’t expect that they could not even get out of the camp.

“I don’t know how much fuel. Adding water can only add fuel to the fire. If there is this deep ditch, the fuel can only be burned in it, but if the fuel is allowed to flow out, I am afraid that half of the city will be burned. “The engineer was sweating.

Army Commander hit the tank with a punch. Although his battle strength is very strong, except for him, most of his mechanics left the tank without much battle strength, so even if they went to support It doesn’t help.

“The lord is really powerful, which made the tank Legion abolished. Tunnel insect, an insect race without battle strength, can still be used like this.” Nicholas looked at the fire sea in the distance, and then said: “Leave a hundred people to watch here, and the others will follow me. We are going to take this big city tonight.”

The vampire Legions immediately joined the battle. Except for the mechanical puppets, the battles in other places are It’s messy.

Only a few other Legions that have become established are relatively powerful. The patrol forces are basically eliminated, and the patrol or city defenders who are resisting stubbornly also caused considerable casualties to the hunters.

The Black Dragon Queen with 30,000 fire cockroaches, 10,000 spellbreakers, and 10,000 parasites is fighting the opponent’s spell force, which is a force of 20,000 spellcasters. , Basically all are mages, but with 10,000 spell casters, this spell unit can hardly become a turret.

Even if there are lawbreakers, it is not easy to fight, after all, the overall strength of the opponent’s army is much stronger than that of Spark.

On the other side, the dark knight-errant carries ten thousand fire-poisoned cockroaches, thirty thousand dark knight-errant summon bones, five thousand Self-destruction hornets, and ten thousand hunters. An integrated force with a mechanical beast as a meat shield, a musketeer mid-range, a trebuchet, and artillery for long-range combat.

The bones here and the insect also form a comprehensive force, and the insect has the skills of burrowing or flying, so that the opponent’s long-range strike can hit very few targets.

Here is also the most lively, with sky-shaking artillery, flying bullets, gorgeous magic, and ammunition projected by small trebuchets.

There is also the biggest battle. One side is composed of 50,000 fire poisonous cockroaches led by Camelot, 15,000 Self-destruction hornet, 10,000 corrosive insects, and 20,000 parasites. In the battle between the insect race army and the opposing mechanical beast Legion, generally dozens of mechanical beasts need a dwarf or dwarf to be in charge of command and dispatch, so that they can fully utilize their battle strength.

Especially the role of parasites in these battlefields is immense. As long as the wounded enemy soldiers participate in the battle, the paralyzed powder will be controlled by the parasites if they are submerged in the body.

One of the most tragic battles is the battle between the mechanical puppet Legion and the insect race led by the Queen of Blades. If it weren’t for the Queen of Blades, as long as they had an insect, they would not die. I don’t know how many times they have died.

There are countless insect corpses on the battlefield, as well as the broken Battle Puppet, Battle Puppet Legion’s crazy charge, if it weren’t for the insect in the presence of the mother, I don’t know what fear is, it’s probably already killed. collapsed.

But even so, the mechanical Legion is galloping vertically and horizontally. If it weren’t for the constant support of the insect race, I’m afraid it would really be broken.

Except for the mechanical puppet, which has been at a disadvantage, Li Yao’s Legion has gained the upper hand in the other battles.

There are many reasons for this. The most important thing is that the lord took away the trump card army. Although the remaining army is also very strong, there are totally two concepts of having a lord and no lord participating in the battle.

Li Yao has mental arithmetic and unintentional, so he attacked it and went straight into the city. Use your own strengths to attack the opponent’s weakness, and the opponent’s three ace armies cannot play the battle strength.

The tank Legion was trapped and could not get out. The fighter Legion was even more miserable. It was basically parasitized, and even the aircraft could not get on. Although the mechanical puppet Legion was fierce, Li Yao trapped him with a sea of ​​people so that the remaining Legion could not gather. In the case of each fighting, using his own advantage, Legion against the opponent’s disadvantage, Legion, this was surprisingly Li Yao The desired result.

The two thousand tanks that have reached halfway up the mountain obviously also discovered the chaos in the city. Although they paused, they continued to descend. In their opinion, even if there was a disturbance in the city, The troops can handle it.

But if his army cannot support the lord, then the army on the lord’s side will collapse, the lord is gone, their allegiance is gone, and they are playing a fart. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, they resolutely continued to rush to the plains battlefield.

The battlefield in the plains is still fierce. The Blackhearted Lord wants to weaken the Griffin Lord as much as possible while the Griffin Lord does not have an air force, and the Griffin Lord is in the golden lock formation, waiting for himself to destroy the opponent’s air force. .

The players have also become red eyes, and even many players have become confused. As long as they are not companions, they will fight each other. After all, it is too hasty. It is simply not easy to distribute who supports whom.

This caused a terrifying scuffle. Anyway, the audience looked confused and didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. The battle was really speechless.

Xiaoya has already hung up once, and the friends around him have also hung up once. Their Legion has basically been wiped out, and there are too many enemies.

Save the elite, and hang up once, then they ran to the distant resurrection, live broadcast the game, the most unfathomable mystery battle…

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