A massive scuffle appeared on the plains. Although there are battles everywhere now, at least there are no other ones on such a scale today. Some anchors have already started live broadcasting with surprise.

With the expansion of the world, it’s not easy for anchors to capture the focus now. Battles like this are definitely a good time for bloggers to expand their audience. After all, no matter when, exclusive talent Is the most precious.

“Now there is a real melee here. As far as I know, the number of armies under the two NPCs adds up to nearly one million, and the number of players directly involved is no less than 20,000. . And these players come from various camps, and there are more than half of the alien players. “

“More importantly, the division of the camp is not based on these divisions, but you can choose to stand on the side of any lord. After these days of fighting, the players who can stay here are absolutely powerful. Each has no less than 50,000 troops, and they are basically elite-level or above troops.”

“NPCLegion and NPCLegion, the supporting players of both sides are in a crazy matchup that has become a meat grinder. What disappoints many players is that the Griffins they got are not allowed to participate in the battle today, but the Griffin King is carrying the Griffin Leave the last order.”

As a small anchor, Xiaoya was extremely excited today. Although she is beautiful, she can’t sell cute meat because she doesn’t know how to do it, and she’s not an expert. , So the fire does not raise.

This time she came here, originally she was going to come here for a war map exploration activity, with a few water friends, she just heard that there are An event, but too remote and dangerous, she also happened to come in the vicinity, because the live broadcast of the griffon battle has increased a lot.

But didn’t expect this kind of thing happened, which made the people in her live broadcast room soar, so she worked very hard.

And Li Yao is one of them. He also accidentally discovered that it is much more vivid than his own Fire Eagle. After all, the Fire Eagle flies too high and there is no sound, but the live broadcast is different.

Li Yao found that this anchor was still fighting, and he chose a side of the army to join the melee with a few water friends.

Now the players are crazy. The Blackheart Lord has too many air forces, and the Griffin Lord knows it, and he does not have many air forces at all. As he said, the air force has really been transferred.

Even if there are thousands left in the city, he dare not mobilize it, and he is even more frightened in his heart, why is the Hei Xin city absent? Isn’t it that there is no air force and it is infinitely suppressed.

Otherwise, how could Heixincheng be destroyed by such a small army? If he transfers the remaining air force away, will the unknown enemy use the same method as Heixin City to deal with Griffin City Now that the world is in chaos, he has to guard against it.

In the current situation, he really has no choice but to suffer in silence, that aggrieved.

The advantage of the air force soon became apparent. The Ghost Statue and the rider of the opposing team were madly outputting in the sky, and they could only be passively beaten.

Although it is much slower than fighter jets to throw explosives, the air force that no army can contain is terrifying. If it weren’t for his mechanical Legion, it would have collapsed.

Even if he has no political minds anymore, he now wants to understand that no matter whether he did something tonight or not, the core lord will hit him hard, and the choice of this opportunity is really very good. He really couldn’t mobilize the air force.

“After the mechanical beast and the tank Legion are broken, we slowly retreat. As long as we reach Griffin Mountain, we can rely on the war machinery of the castle to fight, and the battle will eventually belong to us.”

But in this kind of battle, it was night again. I wanted precise scheduling easier said than done. It wasn’t that you could retreat if you wanted to. The black-hearted Legion bitten the Griffin Castle firmly.

The sky-shaking fight resounded across the four fields.

“Lord, mobilize reinforcements, otherwise we will lose.” A dwarf hero said.

The Griffin Lord smiled bitterly: “What kind of army can be mobilized to defeat the air force, you tell me.”

“Sir Lord, you are confused, you forget that our warehouse has a batch of Alliance standard rockets What about bombs? You can mobilize 20,000 mechanics and quickly transport them in tanks. With rockets, mechanics can wipe out these heavy Ghost Statues and their riders.” The hero shouted.

The Griffin Lord smiled bitterly: “This warehouse has always been in charge of a supervisor, and this is an alliance material, I have no right to use it.”

“Sir Lord, when is this? . As long as you give me authorization, I will go back immediately. If that damn bastard stops me, I will kill him. As long as this crisis is resolved, all sins will be memorized, otherwise we will be all over.” This hero clenching one’s teeth said.

“Okay, this is my token. I am the lord. It is not your turn to be convicted. The damn black heart. I have been plotted against myself. I want to maimed my army. Go crazy and kill you in one fell swoop.” A trace of madness flashed in the eyes of the Griffin Lord, and he gave the token to the hero: “Just do what you said, go quickly, go back quickly.”

“Sir Lord, don’t forget that my Battle Puppet is weaker in battle strength, but it travels faster than fighters.”

The hero grabbed the token, and then the back of the battle spurted out. With two fire lights, Battle Puppet soared into the sky and flew quickly to Griffin Castle.

“To rectify the front, I have sent people back to mobilize the army, and today I destroyed the Blackheart Castle.” Lord Griffin shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the Griffin Army’s front was finally stabilized, and it was heard that there would be reinforcements soon, which immediately boosted morale.

“Damn lunatic, is it to mobilize the air force.” The black-hearted lord roared wildly: “Increase the offensive and strive for greater results before they can support.”

Li Yao, who had been watching for a long time, was impatient and was about to give orders. This time he finally saw someone flying into the city like lightning. An Nai’s thoughts were immediately lost and he continued to watch the changes.

In the courtyard, headed by Li Yao, the Black Dragon queen stands behind him, two generals and their respective elite men, the four chiefs of knight-errant are also on standby in the living room, waiting for Li Yao ordered.

With the record of destroying a powerful city not long ago, Li Yao and his subordinates are full of confidence in Li Yao, and they began to unconsciously exude confidence.

After a while, a dark knight-errant appeared from the shadows and bowed and said: “The lord, it has been proven that the tank positions in the city have mobilized five hundred tanks and reloaded the tanks. All the decks are dismantled.”

Another quarter of an hour later, another knight-errant came back: “My lord, there has just been a riot in the Overseer’s camp in the south of the city. The battle Puppet man who returned to the city half an hour ago With three thousand puppet Breathing Supervisor Camp, the Supervisor Camp was destroyed, all 10,000 people were caught off guard, and the mechanical beasts did not have time to mobilize. Now they are carrying a large number of boxes and putting them in the tank. It has been proved that the boxes are inside. All are rocket bombs.”

ps: I recommend the book of my third grandson, Tie Niu Xian. I am a family of martial arts in online games. Although Mavericks are more insulting and insulting to my family, they are still at home. Ass, friends who like online games, take a look…

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