A quarter of an hour later, Li Yao returned to the plain. Li Yao found that the atmosphere has lost its original peace, but has become very subtle, especially for the Legion of the two camps. Although they have not been mobilized, they have obviously changed. Tensed, as if he was going to fight at any time.

Even the players have discovered that something is wrong. Many players have quietly left and don’t want to participate, but more players are excited. The more chaotic the place, the more dangerous it is. There are plenty of opportunities.

Li Yao also wears a hood, this is the simplest equipment to hide the figure, and it is also the favorite of players, so it is not surprising that Li Yao simply enters the crowd and no one knows that there are too many people. People, after all, here fish and dragons mixed in together, except for their teammates who basically don’t know, and there are many alien players, it’s even more chaotic, and no one pays attention to how others are.

Li Yao casually looked at the city that was still blazing, muttering to himself: “It’s been half an hour, I should be back.”

Sure enough, Ghost Statue Appeared in Li Yao’s field of vision.

On a hill, the Ghost Statue landed, and the black-hearted lord coldly shouted: “A hundred of you went back, why are so few of you back? What is the situation?”

The rider looked at the Griffin Lord who was still drinking, and did not speak.

Lord Blackheart said loudly: “It’s okay, say it out loud, there is nothing in Blackheart Castle that cannot be known.”

Li Yao has been paying attention here, hearing this I thought in my heart that this black-hearted lord is really not simple. I just can’t hide this matter. Even if I don’t say it, others can know what happened.

But what he did was to win the sympathy of the Griffin King. It was a good card. After all, this event was organized by the Griffin King. At this time, the battle is not given to the Griffin King. face.

The leader is also very clever, knowing what he should say and what not to say, so he said loudly: “Blackheart Fort has been attacked, and now Blackheart Fort has fallen into the fire sea, most of which are in ruins, including Your Lord’s Mansion.”

The Blackheart Lord showed a grinning smile: “Well, then, isn’t it just a small city? Without it, we can rebuild, and talk about how much force we have suffered. , Let’s talk about the specific data and situation.”

“Yes, the enemy used explosives to blow up the lord’s mansion, and then I don’t know how to ambush various Legions in the city. Each Legion’s casualties are more than half, especially deaths. Knight Legion, death has reached more than 70%…”


The black-hearted lord with a smile, pretending not to care, and a calm face suddenly appeared. Standing up, the wine glass in his hand was directly crushed by him. His eyes were scarlet in an instant, and the chair he was sitting on also shattered. During sawdust fluttering, the black-hearted lord could no longer maintain his calm expression, and he pulled Staying in the collar of the general, shouted: “What did you say, say it again?”

“Sir Lord, our guard Legion lost more than half of the losses, and the death Knight Legion suffered more than 70% casualties,…”

“This impossible, how could there be such a huge casualty? How many troops did the opponent dispatch in this short period of time?” Lord Blackheart was really unbelievable this time.

In his opinion, the army he left behind can deal with any enemy, and with the trump card of Underground World, even if it is destroyed, it will destroy the invading Legion.

However, the reality is indeed the opposite, and he also heard it. The other party knew his city well, and at first he blew up the passage to Underground World. This Cut off the backup of Blackheart Castle.

“I don’t know, I saw Legion, a low-level machine about hundreds thousand on the ground, and a lot of war machines.”


Black Heart The lord almost vomited blood: “Are you cracking a joke? My elite Legion was actually defeated by the low-level Iron Army. You can talk nonsense that I killed you.”

I heard this Griffin Lord also I couldn’t calm down anymore, my face was sweating.

“My lord, the opponent dispatched more than hundreds of fighter jets and kept throwing high explosives at high altitudes. To prevent us from attacking the aircraft, they have been out of our sight. Today is too dark and visibility It’s too low. But to blow up the entire city and cause several Legions to suffer such heavy casualties, it must have surpassed the hundred thousand fighter clusters. This is a judgment made by other generals together.”

He directly gave a copy of the sheepskin scroll, and the new lord Hei looked at the sheepskin scroll and asked: “Then your scout, you lost more than half, did you see their fighters?”

“We went there At that time, they had retreated, and they were intercepted by a fighter…”

He didn’t finish talking about the Lord Blackheart and finally couldn’t help kicking him: “Fuck, I’ll support you This bunch of rubbish, 100 people to one, actually more than half of the casualties?”

“Sir Lord, you’ll know after seeing this final image.” The scout general simply couldn’t argue.

And the players also stopped fighting, the Blackheart Lord hesitated this time, but still released the image in front of all the players.

This is when Li Yao retreated to the sky above the city. They only remembered the Philosopher’s Stone. Everyone saw a wonderful performance of a helicopter turning dozens of Ghost Statues around, and even more so miserable below the city. Extreme battles and situations.

Especially the last part of the people roaring at Griffin Castle, the Griffin Lord was completely confused, and he did not consciously stand up. The players who watched it were very enjoyable. The battle was too epic. All the players who saw it were yearning, and many people posted this video to the forum.

“Legion, a low-level machine, you say, is it him? How do I think it is?” Mengke said while looking at the video.

“Such a terrifying person, can any player do it now, I don’t see it, and the voice is wrong.” Niu Shan Pao muttered.

Lan Yan only thought for a while and said: “If it is really him, then it is really against the sky.”

“Yes, if it is really him, then I am afraid this is the beginning. , Looking at the situation, I am afraid this matter will not be good.” Mengke looked towards the location of the two leaders.

The black-hearted lord sneered constantly: “Okay, that’s great, finally I’m going to tear my face and reveal your true face.”

Lord Griffin shouted: “I swear this It’s absolutely nothing to do with me and Griffin Castle, you better calm down.”

“Calm down, you let me calm down, then okay, I will turn your Griffin Castle into a piece of fire. Sea, slaughter your Legion, let you calm down for me too.” Lord Blackheart drew out the weapon directly and he was about to do it, and the men on both sides also grasped the weapon tightly.

The Griffin King suddenly stood in between the two and said: “It’s better to make it clear. I have never cared about your affairs, but today’s event was organized by me after all.”

“Gryphon King, it’s not that I don’t give you face. Think about it, if there are more than hundreds of fighters, if there is no supply of Griffin Castle, the planes of that city can fly over to complete the bombing and leave calmly. I Let me ask again, there is a lord who would sacrifice such an excellent pilot in order to frame Griffin Castle. Don’t tell me that everyone can’t see it. If you train a little, you will be a General who is stronger than us in the future. Such people sacrifice for the purpose of framing. He, is he worthy…”

The Blackheart Lord looked towards the Griffin Lord…

ps: Continue the code, there is an update today

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