The line was fixed, the two sides entered a stalemate, and then Mou Shan finally dispatched to hate Legion.

The goal of loathing Legion is very clear. It is to go around the back and eliminate a thousand people in one fell swoop. As long as there is no treatment, the ancient tree will be easier to deal with, at least not so fast.

After all, the undead is actually similar to the steel Legion. Only high-level elites have truly powerful battle strength, not the basic equivalent to cannon fodder like low-level Legion.

The tactics of the undead have always been this way. Whether it is the Undead Scourge or the Dark Council, the tactics are often consumed with cannon fodder, and the consumption of the enemy is almost the same, and then the superior force is deployed to defeat the enemy Legion in one fell swoop.

Obviously, Mou Shan had the same plan, using his weaker regiment to contain all Mengke’s forces, and then looking for a weak spot to launch the hatred Legion directly attacking the key point.

“If there is no means to reserve, Mengke Aunt Liang will lose this time.” Niu Shanpao sighed.

Lan Yan also said: “Mengke has a strong army, but the number is too small.”

Li Yao shook his head: “Look at her remaining unmoved, there must be something hidden. Means, the outcome will be announced at the next moment.”

Legion hate Legion quickly bypassed the main battle line under the leadership of a huge hatred, trying to enter from the rear and destroy a thousand trees. Thereby forming an encirclement of ancient trees.

Just when you hate that Legion is about to approach the Treant, it’s when the players think the victory or defeat is set.

Everyone saw more than a dozen druids appearing behind Mengke. These druids appeared on one-knee kneels with Mengke.

Everyone saw the wild growth of the vegetation on the ground. Numerous green light spots flickered out of the vegetation and merged into the ancient trees and vegetation spirits to form a set of rune armor, and with the green rays of With the flash of light, their injuries and blood volume quickly recovered.

At the same time, the undead covered in green light seemed to be burned, and bursts of white smoke appeared on their bodies.

“She also has a hero.” I don’t know who shouted.

Everyone saw one of the druids suddenly transformed into a huge storm crow with its wings spread out at least seven or eight yards.

As he transforms, the sky behind him keeps popping out a storm crow with at least four or five yards spreading wings surrounded by arcs. The number of storm crows soon reached five thousand before it stopped. appear.

“My God, most of them are storm crows of demonic beasts, there are still so many, although the elite storm crows battle strength is weaker than the boss, but not weaker than the elite Legion of the two cities Now, and it’s the air force, it’s even better. Aunt Mengke’s hiding is too deep, and the co-hero seems to be a Tier 6 full-level racial leader.” Niu Shan’s gun eyes almost stared out.

“Ai, really hidden dragons and crouching tigers.” Lan Yan’s eyes are bright light glittering.

Li Yao was also very surprised, didn’t expect this narcissistic sister-in-law Liang to have such an elite army. Storm Crow is not so easy to recruit, and I don’t know what mission she did, and also came to East Continent.

The storm crow appeared in the sky and formed an awl formation.

“inescapable net!”

The appearance of the air troop made Mou Shan not at all panicked. The deputy hero roar sounded and activated the Legion skill.


Thousands of hatreds were thrown out of the hooks in the hands, and the chains rushed into the sky like a forest of guns. The scene was very spectacular. This skill is simply a Legion skill that specifically restrains the Air Force.

“The wind and thunder!”

The hero who turned into the storm crow in the sky did not panic. A group of golden light suddenly lit up on his body, and then the golden light turned all the As the storm crows enveloped them, the speed of the storm crows suddenly doubled, and the agility of all the storm crows more than doubled.

In the exclaim of everyone, this inescapable net did not encounter a crow.

Then it was like countless lightnings pouring down, illuminating the entire space, countless electric arcs will be madly transmitted to Abomination along with the chains, and the black smoke will be filled for a while, and the smell of burnt will spread throughout the fields. The hatred was originally a piece of corpses, and the smell of being burned by lightning was naturally not so wonderful.

However, this is not the end. With the shining electric light, the storm crow suddenly disappeared in the lightning, and then suddenly appeared on the head of the abomination Legion, with the lightning fangs and sharp claws. The hatred was torn into pieces.

Especially which hate hero was brought directly to the sky by Mengke’s hero.

Mu Shan finally recovered from the shock, and hurriedly shouted: “I surrender, I surrender.”

The referee league stopped the battle, however, the hatred hero returned When he reached the ground, he smashed the ground into a big hole. The body had split into several fragments, and there was still an electric arc on the fragments. Obviously, he couldn’t die anymore.

In one round of confrontation, the deaths and injuries of hatred of Legion have exceeded four thousand, a small part of hatred of Legion has been destroyed, and the storm crow has only paid less than ten.

“You, you, good, Mengke, right? I remember you.” Mou Shan said with a gloomy expression.

Mengke is a lightly saying: “It’s you who shouted late. Blame me.”

After speaking, she turned her head and didn’t even look at Mou Shan’s ugly face.

This time there were more than 500 Griffin dropping from the sky, and all of them were at the Silver British level. The battle strength was almost equivalent to the ordinary leader level.

“Congratulations, congratulations, with the five-hundred Griffon Legion, younger sister you are really invincible.” Lan Yan said sincerely when she saw her return.

Mengke shook her head slightly: “The elder sister is polite, this time it is not in vain, but invincible, it is impossible, no matter how powerful Legion is not invincible, there is always a restrained Legion.”

“Brother, what do you want? If you don’t sign up again, there will be no chance today.” Niu Shanpao said.

Li Yao regained his senses and said, “I won’t be embarrassed, my undead Legion is much worse than Mou Shan.”

“It depends on luck, Mou Shan It’s strong enough, but when you encounter Mengke’s so good girl, the key is to look at the matching opponent…”

Li Yao just shook his head and said that he was not interested. He is not happy now, mother bug Finally, the evolution was completed, and more importantly, Li Yao discovered that the corpses of the corps who died in battle were basically cleared by the two cities to a small canyon in the distance. It was a canyon rather than a seam.

It may be a seam formed by plane fusion, which was used as a corpse processing plant. Even the Dark Council would not be interested in these broken corpses, but for Li Yao, they are a very huge one. Pen wealth.

Li Yao quietly took a look at the crack while Niu Shan Pao and his wife were fighting, opening the door to the structured space. At this moment, the corps in the framework space is helping Li Yao to quickly move the corpse to the transformation pool. This is the massive amount of energy that can be obtained without fighting, and Li Yao is naturally not polite.

At the same time, give orders to the nest again to further expand the insect swarm Legion…

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