Li Yao thought for a while and said, “Looking at the map, after the fusion, the other side should be Blackrock Heights. Between the Blackrock Heights and Blackstone Mountain is the territory of the Blackrock Dwarves, but with the decline of the Blackrock Dwarves, it is now one Occupied by the orc tribe, I heard that your son has also established a base over there. You must know that here is the passage to the fire source. It seems that your son and the Lord Fire Element have colluded with each other.”

Black Dragon Queen’s expression is indifferent: “The Black Dragon King is gone, he naturally wants to become the Black Dragon King, but unfortunately, without Power of Earth, he can’t become the Black Dragon King after all, so he indulges in alchemy and struggles. A group of people are studying the so-called new power. In fact, he doesn’t know. His every move can’t escape the eyes of his bastard father. Nesario is already crazy, and he probably doesn’t care about the relationship between father and son, and he never listens to me. However, I have limited influence on him.”

Black Dragon Queen briefly explained. In fact, Li Yao knew well that as Deathwing went crazy, it was not only Black Dragon Prince who wanted to become the Black Dragon King. Farian, Black Dragon Queen, Black Dragon Princess, it is estimated that they all want to become the next generation of Earth Protectors to achieve the position of Demi-God.

In addition, the Queen of Black Dragon has been burned by the Deathwing fire for thousands of years, so she has no time to take care of herself. Naturally, she has no way to discipline her children. After ten thousand years, the two siblings depend on each other for life, and the relationship is naturally good. , But the relationship with your parents is naturally not much better.

Let’s just talk about the Blackstone Plateau, the terrain is very high, the elemental monsters are densely packed, there are some plateau demonic beasts and a huge amount of food Human Demon. In previous life, there are not many players here to upgrade. It’s so dangerous, the mountains are high and the roads are long, and it’s very dangerous.

“I just said casually, the edge of the Black Rock Plateau itself is a continuous mountain range, Liao is uninhabited, and now the edge of the Griffin Plateau in the Dead Light Domain is added to the mountain range, which is more than a map wide, flying It is estimated that it will be difficult for a mount to cross this mountain range. There is only one rift valley connected to each other when looking at the map. The Devil’s Heart Fortress and the Griffin Fortress, which are separated by the canyon and the canyon plain, are a good place.”

The more Li Yao looks at the place, the more satisfied he feels. Even if there is no mechanical core (Titan Heart), he also decided to complete the leader task given by the queen here. It is most suitable for the queen to establish a stronghold here as a laboratory.

Nicholas thought for a while and said: “There is one thing that the lord needs to pay attention to. The mountain range behind the Blackheart Fortress has a passage to the Underground World.”

“You are worried about the Underground World. Dark Council will launch coalition forces?” Li Yao frowned. This is a problem. The main reason he chooses here is that it is not easy for the other party to send troops. If there is a direct passage, then the position will be half waste.

Nicholas shook his head: “No, the Underground World that this channel actually links to is the site of the fallen elves.”

Li Yao frowned: “Falled elves?”

Nicholas nodded said: “Yes, it is the fallen elves. Although they are also dark creatures, they are not members of the Dark Council. It is said that Ancient Era, when the plane was sealed, our Blood Race and the fallen elves were the same The ancient elves branched, but the plane was sealed. In order to survive, some people believed in the blood god under the leadership of the ancestor, and eventually the ancestor became a god. However, the ancestor was severely injured and I don’t know where to be exiled. The other part believed in The Rose Queen, and it is precisely because of the Rose Queen, she is still alive despite being seriously injured. The fallen elves dominate the party. The Dark Council has always been with them everyone minds their own business. This fortress is said to be against the steel camp, but it is actually a defense Fallen spirit.”

“If so, then it’s easy to handle, just here.” Li Yao suddenly decided: “You also know that if I develop machinery, I need massive amounts of minerals, such a broad mountain range. , There must be mineral veins, and my insect race also needs a concealed site. In addition, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If I take this place, I have the confidence to hold it.”

The three discussed some details. , Li Yao has completely finalized this place.

Then set off. According to Nicholas, it takes three days to ride a fast mount on the fastest path to that place. In addition, the planes are now integrated, and each city fortress is fully guarded. It takes at least seven days to get around dangerous places.

Li Yao also knows that this is a last resort. Otherwise, with his strength, if Nicholas doesn’t lead the way, I’m afraid he will hit the iron plate sooner or later.

Fortunately, there is also Nicholas’s car in the castle, which is actually a floating carriage pulled by two beasts, and a little space folding technology is used inside, which is very spacious.

In order to be truly unimpeded, Li Yao also released Camelot from the architectural space.

As a result, Nicholas and Camelot almost got into a fight. One called each other a dwarf melon, and the other called the other a vampire girl. If it weren’t for Li Yao’s forcible order, it might be really fighting. After all, the two races The hatred has almost penetrated into the bloodline.

Although they both accepted the fact that they were following Li Yao, they still looked at each other uncomfortably. Li Yao couldn’t reconcile, but it was not necessary. As long as they didn’t tear each other down, it didn’t matter.

Li Yao directly opened the portal of the framework space in the carriage, and went to the framework space to continue to prepare for the framework machinery Legion, by the way, improve her engineering proficiency. When you are tired, go to the carriage’s small bedroom to sleep, or write to other people in the guild.

Or watch other people’s live broadcasts. Within a few days, Li Yao really saw that there were many great players in the live broadcasts, all of whom had their own opportunities and obtained different Legions.

Even a lot of Li Yao are greedy. Unfortunately, people’s energy is always limited. Li Yao impossible truly has everything. He can only seize the time to make himself stronger, so as not to be surpassed.

Moreover, the war mode has nothing to do with competitive games. Those who hide themselves and alien players have already exerted their power. It can be described as powerhouse as clouds. The stars are shining, always reminding Li Yao not to stop.

As for Hitomi in the guild, they also have their own way to get the army, and the starting conditions for Spark are better than that of a large number of guilds, let alone ordinary players, so they are basically plentiful harvest.

There are three things that are worth mentioning. One is that Qin Fengyi has subdued a Lich as her sub-hero. With the co-hero, the undead Legion can play an extraordinary battle strength in her hands. .

Then 72 Changes also subdued a badly wounded druid as a co-hero. She was only kind at first, but when the wound healed, they knew that this unimposing in appearance druid was actually a senior racial leader. , And it was Tier 6, this guy directly helped her complete the boss task, and became a legitimate boss faster than Li Yao.

The third thing is also related to the sub-hero who won 72 Changes, that is, when the co-hero came to the main residence of Spark, he immediately discovered the seedling of World Tree.

Of course, it is a seedling for World Tree, but it is actually much thicker than a century-old tree. The green shade completely covers the Lord’s Mansion.

This can make the druid extremely happy, and found that the dragon egg that has not hatched is staying there day by day, and no one is willing to leave a step…

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