“No, you clean up the remaining battlefield, reorganize them, and count the damage.” Li Yao took out the Thousand Chance Bow as he spoke, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly released his fingers.

No distance arrows!

Along with a stream of light, the charm of sentient beings was directly pierced through the throat from the back, and her body rolled directly down the giant rhinoceros and was stepped into meat sauce.

“Fuck your grandma, this is damn okay.” Ten thousand people were afraid that he would also hit an arrow and jumped from the back of the rhinoceros to the back of a big tree. .

The giant rhinos gradually stopped the momentum of the impact and began to return to Li Yao’s side.

“Interesting.” Li Yao took the second arrow slowly, but saw a group of people rushing over before shooting it out.

One of the thieves suddenly used the shadow to walk behind Wanfang and directly started a sneak attack. A set of skills, Wanfang’s blood volume is already less than one third.

Thousands of people suddenly activated the shield wall, stunned the thief with a shock wave, and poured a sip of healing potion while hiding from the ground.

But his complexion changed immediately, because he saw a team of players directly blocking his way.

With a wave of attacks, the 10,000 people will have a little blood left. This is still the case of launching the shield wall, otherwise he will be dropped by the attack just now.

“Thousands of people go, and you have today.”

“Yes, aren’t you very arrogant, continue to be arrogant.”

“Paralled, The murdered Lao Tzu was annihilated, and it’s your grandma.”

Thousands of people glanced at the surrounding players and laughed wildly: “Who am I? It turns out that it’s you five scumbags. You even dared to unite and hunt me down. You should have trampled you when you destroyed your Legion. The dog-like wagging tails let me let you go. Now you are arrogant.”

“You are arrogant, and your arrogance is not so miserable for people to destroy.” A player sneered.

A female mage even gritted her teeth and said: “How cute my Dryad Legion is, it’s your sneak attack that wiped out my army. You have to pay for my loss.”

“That is, this product has robbed a lot of players. There must be Legion in the war space. We will let you go if we call it out.” The crowd shouted.

“I am not afraid to tell you that there is indeed an army in the war space of the Lord, but it is not for you, idiot.” Ten thousand people sneered when they saw the crowd gathered from other directions: “You are not worthy to kill Lao Tzu.”

As he said that he wiped his neck with a sword, everyone was immediately confused. This fuck was too decisive, and he committed suicide if he said suicide.

Li Yao shook his head slightly and put away the Thousand Chance Bow: “I thought his army was obtained in exchange for military merit. It turned out to be a robbery, but it was cheaper for me. I knew it would slow Nicholas. Play with him slowly so that he can spit out some more troops.”

Li Yao shook his head randomly and began to see the gains and losses this time.

The entire battlefield is in a mess. The giant rhinoceros Legion is indeed powerful, and 30,000 blood servants have lost more than half after two attacks. The elite ghouls are intact.

Li Yao took a look, the mother worms are still evolving, even the insect races are in a deep sleep state, but Li Yao orders the blood servants and the low-level undead to clean the battlefield. It can be said to be scraping the ground. After all, these corpses Throwing into the transformation pool is all energy.

Yesterday’s battle, plus today’s battle, Li Yao estimated that another 10,000 energy units were accounted for, which was a surprise.

Today’s vampire’s battle was also brilliant. Although nearly 20,000 blood servants were lost, about 1,000 blood servants were gained. Although there is no hero aura blessing, it is slightly weaker than when the hunter was present. One point, but becoming a blood servant, coupled with Nicholas’ aura, also has more blood-sucking and recovery characteristics, which can be regarded as different.

Scorching vultures, most elites, a small amount of silver eagles, and some ordinary vultures. Although the battle strength is average, they are also air forces. After all, vampires are not good at direct and frontal hard-shaking operations, but there are more The aerial cannon fodder greatly increases the survivability of the vampire Legion.

In addition to other low-level undead Legion, such as ghouls and skeleton warriors, the total number is about 25,000. Although the strength levels are not uniform, they are generally good cannon fodder.

Vampires dominate them without any obstacles. Although they can’t play the sonic array, the people who are confused by enjoying the blood mist have also been greatly enhanced, and Li Yao’s combatable soldiers have also increased a lot.

Moreover, after today’s battle, Li Yao discovered that some players already have such a large number of troops, and his own insect race number is no longer dominant, so Li Yao decided to expand the insect race Legion again. Of course, this must Wait for the mother worm to absorb the divine blood in these two days and complete the transformation.

While Li Yao was secretly calculating, the group of players who had gathered about two to three hundred did not leave, but ran to Li Yao’s army together.

“The incoming people stopped.” Nicholas shouted with a cold face.

A player led by lightly coughed said: “Don’t get me wrong, we have something to discuss with your lord.”

Nicholas was impatient when he saw Li Yao bow his head and didn’t know what he was doing. He said: “The lord has no time to see you, go away.”

“Hey, buddy, here, here, everyone is a player, please reply.” The crowd suddenly seemed to face Li Yao call out.

Li Yao’s thoughts were interrupted, he frowned, looked at these players, indifferently asked: “You guys have revenge, what else is there?”

The player headed by Seriously said: “We are here to thank my buddy for helping us defeat thousands of people. This guy relied on his giant rhinoceros Legion to rob us…”

Li Yao waved his hand: “I have dealt with you. I’m not interested, and I don’t need to thank you. If you have nothing else, please please.”

How can Li Yao care about them? How can he complete the task of becoming a leader? According to the guild The people here said that there are players who are also doing the leader task. Obviously, they are not idle during this period of time. Someone actually hit the leader level. He naturally can’t fall behind, after all, he has always been ahead.

“cough cough cough, and that is, do you see if you can return our army to us after defeating ten thousand people,” the leading player said.

Li Yao stunned and frowned: “Your army?”

“Yes, these undead Legion are all ten thousand people going to snatch our army, since ten thousand people are going to die , Then these troops should be returned to their original owners. Isn’t this the reason?”

Everyone agreed. It was obvious that they wanted these Legions. Some players even looked towards the giant rhino Legion. .

“no, no, no, you guys made a mistake, now this is my army, you guys are so funny, well, I am in the mood to play cracking a joke with you, hurry up and do it Why go?” Li Yao waved his hand impatiently.

“That said, buddies don’t give us face. At any rate, we are hundreds of people from different guilds. Brother should think about it.” The leading player looked gloomy.

Li Yao’s face is also not good looking: “If I don’t give it, you can do anything to me. A bunch of idiots, while I’m in a good mood, let me go.”…

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